Via: QPGAMES (YouTube) Inside the Demon Ruins, make your way to the Demon Ruins bonfire. Blue. Head past the bonfire to reach the Smouldering Lake. For killing it you’ll earn 5,000 Souls, an Undead Bone Shard and Miracle – Lightning Strike. Smouldering Lake / Demon Ruins. The first Shard is found in the lake area itself. Key Item: Undead Bone Shard (2X) Defeat Fire Demon guarding entrance to Smouldering Lake. Destroy the slime before grabbing the Undead Bone Shard in front of the demon’s remains. Grab three Large Titanite Shards around the center of the lake. Undead Bone Shard – increases how much health is gained from Estus healing. Undead Bone Shards are items that increase the potency of Estus Flasks and of Ashen Estus flasks. 5 Undead Bone Shard 6: Smouldering Lake. Carthus Catacombs. Getting this Bone Shard may be easy for some players, depending on their stats Bone Shard and Estus Locations List Purpose. Description "Undead bones that yet burn. That one usually gets people. #1. These white chunks of bone can be used at bonfires to raise the bonfire level, which makes your Estus flasks more effective. After you find a shard, ... Smouldering Lake. Killing him will cause the ball to smash into the barred door, and the Bone Shard will be on the ground. Location: Kill the Giant Carthus Electrical Worm in the main lake area to be rewarded with this Undead Bone Shard. Undead Bone Shards are special items in Dark Souls 3. INSANE. The Undead Bone Shard is a Consumables item found in Dark Souls 3. #5. Confront Horace in Smouldering Lake … There are multiple routes to go now - Up on the top floor to … ... Where to find: This shard is obtained by killing the giant worm in Smoldering Lake, just before the boss fight. When it does, it will drop the Undead Bone Shard. Once you’ve awoken him, run to the boss fog door. 7. Jun 18, 2018 @ 8:34am ... You sure you got both in Smouldering Lake? … The Smouldering Lake technically has two Undead Bone Shards in its surrounding area. Right after the stairs with the rolling-skeleton-ball, if you kill the skeleton with the hat, the ball will crash and drop an Undead Bone. Killing it will give you a Lightning Strike and an Undead Bone Shard… Either get the tower key or do the tree skip. Estus Shard #1. The shard is on one of … Defeat the big bug in front of the boss arena. Irithyll of the Boreal Valley. The bonfire's cinders are the bones of Undead, and a bone … Run into the nearby room filled with fireballs and cautiously make your way to the end of the room, killing all enemies as you go. Smouldering Lake. 6 Smouldering Lake 1. 05. Defeat the giant worm. On your left will be the next Bone Shard, but beware of the Fire Slime above the item. Up the stairs to the right is an obelisk surrounded by praying monks and between them lies the Estus Shard. Look towards where the ballista is shooting from. Irithyll in the Boreal Valley. Access Smouldering Lake. FireLink Shrine. Smouldering Lake. Missing an undead bone shard, been through every location ... You get the porcine shield out of trading a bone shard to pickle-pee. Demon Ruins At the end of the hallway with Fireball spamming demons. Dark Souls 3: Undead Bone Shard … Estus Shard – increases the uses of Estus healing. Travel to Church of Yorshka bonfire.
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