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The transportation equipment manufacturing subsector consists of these industry groups: Motor Vehicle Manufacturing: NAICS 3361; Motor Vehicle Body and Trailer Manufacturing: NAICS 3362; Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturing: NAICS 3363; Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing: NAICS 3364; Railroad Rolling Stock Manufacturing: NAICS 3365; Ship and Boat Building: NAICS 3366; Other Transportation Equipment Manufacturing… Transportation Manufacturing The industry's challenge is to keep up with global economic trends and safety and environmental regulatory changes—while maintaining profitability—by incorporating … All Rights Reserved, Get ahead of Interbank Offered Rate (IBOR) benchmark reform, UK Network Rail Standards, Codes and Specifications, Engineering Workbench: Standards, Codes & Specs, Global Industry Forecasts & Growth Projections, Defense Market Analysis, Forecasts & Budgets, Advanced Country Analysis & Forecasting - Economic Forecasts & Country Risk Assessments, Market Insight, Forecasts & Company Analysis, US Economic Service - Short- and Long-Term Forecasts, Supply Management Solution Pricing and Purchasing, US Industry Service - Industry Sector Statistics, Forecasts & Benchmarks, US Regional Service - State, City, Metro & County Economic Forecasts and Analysis, Regional, state and metro-level economic forecasts, Country Risk Ratings, Analysis & Forecasts, Sovereign Risk Solutions – Ratings, Credit Risk, & Analysis, China Regional Service - National, Regional & City-level Economic Forecasts & Analysis, Executive Strategy Council - Economic Advisory Services, Global Economic Data - Economic Indicator Database, Military Specifications and Standards Collection, Global Consumer Markets Service - Spending Data, Trends & Forecasts, US Consumer Markets Service - Demand, Consumption & Spending Data, Trends & Forecasts, Consumer Markets & Retail Custom Solutions - Sales Forecasting Models & Market Sizing Services, US Economic Data and Press Releases - US Macroeconomic Indicator News, Macroeconomic Advisers® is now Macroeconomic Advisers®, American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE-SAFETY) Standards, US Business Employment & Output Forecasts, Canadian Economic Service - Economic Forecasts, Macroeconomic Trends & Analysis, Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB) Standards, Economic Analytics: Historical Economic and Financial Data, Economic Impact Analysis of Regulatory, Public Policy and Investment Changes, Engineering Journals & Vetted Technical Reference, Foresight Country Risk for Security Professionals - IHS Markit, Manufacturing Industry Economics and Country Risk Services, Advanced Analytics Solutions for Big Data Insights, Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology (IEST) Standards, IntraSource for Standards, Codes and Specs, Advisory Services for Predicting Business Dynamics, Patent Solutions for research and discovery, Ports and Harbors Magazine – The Latest in Port Design, Planning, Maintenance & Software, US Department of Transportation (DOT) Standards, US Department of the Navy (NAVY) Directives, US GDP Indicators, Outlooks & Long-Term Projections, World Economic Service - Global Economic Forecasts, Data & Analysis, Brazil Economic Forecasts and Risk Ratings, China Economic Forecasts and Risk Ratings, Copper Price Forecast and Market Predictions, Germany Economic Forecasts and Risk Ratings, Section 232 Implications on Steel and Aluminum, Trump Trade War Economic Consequences for the US & China, United States (US) Economic Forecasts and Risk Ratings, United States (US) Non-Farm Payrolls Forecast, California Do Not Sell My Personal Information. 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