Skip navigation Sign in. Most of the people in the state nearly live on fish, rice and vegetables. The main features of festivals in Tripura is that, whether a festival is basically tribal or not, all people - tribal and non-tribal will join it in a joyous mood and be part and parcel of it. Mui Borok is the traditional food of Tripura. There are sixteen main tribes in Nagaland, each with similar yet unique traditions and practices. The traditional cuisine of the people of Tripura is known as Mui Borok and is very much healthy for most of the preparations do not use oil. The state is majorly populated with the non-tribal Bengalis of north-east India. Here is a list of 8 top foods to try when in … Beans Indian Food Recipes Dishes Favorite Recipes Recipes Vegan Food Vegetables Green Beans Vegan Kosoi (Beans) Bwtwi - Tripura After a traditional festival dish from Tamil Nadu , we are stepping into a very physically isolated state, Tripura. You will always find one ingredient in the traditional food plate of Tripurian people, Berma. Cooking procedure: Wash sticky rice thoroughly and dry them in sun. Ethnolo gical surve y was undertak en in West, South, Gomati, North and Dhalai dist ricts of Tripur a. Search. Tripura Costumes for Men: Traditional costume for men in Tripura is a towel, which is known as Rikutu Gamcha. The traditional cuisine of the state of Tripura is Mui Borok as it is affectionately called by its people. Food habit articulates the local culture of a region. Tripura is the most popular place in India for Cane and Bamboo crafts, because of their beauty and attractive designs. It is made by fermenting rice in water. But it is also a comfort food that is very easy to digest. Berma is dried and fermented fish which is surely a Tripura’s favourite. Indian Recipe: Index Tripura. 441. The food here is delicious with mouth watery flavors and on top of that, it’s healthy because the use of oil and spices are nullified while the making of there delightful dishes. The people of Tripura are mostly tribal. The Tripuris live in elevated houses made of bamboo called 'Tong’ to keep away wild animals. Tripuri cuisine is the type of food served in Tripura (situated in northeast India). What makes Mizoram's food special is its traditional style of serving on the banana leaves, which makes the flavour and fragrance of the dish enticingly irresistible. Folk Dances of Tripura are presented in the events like weddings, religious occasions and other festivals. Veg Pongal is a rice lentil dish that is often prepared in south Indian homes as an offering to the goddess. TRADITIONAL CURED FOOD PRODUCTS OF TRIPURA . Chikhvi <
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