Darby – Deep red skin, deep orange flesh, vigorous vines. Instead, you'll find plenty of sweet potato varieties mislabeled as yams. But while most Americans are comfortable with the two or three shades of sweet potato they’re familiar with, they might avoid some of the tastiest varieties for lack of familiarity. ).The most common varieties in the U.S. are the Beauregard (the most widely grown cultivar), the jewel, and the garnet (also sometimes known as red yams). Though I think of these as very sweet, their flavor is actually more subdued and subtle than other breeds. Virus-Indexed Virus-Indexed Elite An old-fashioned sweet potato that is perhaps the sweetest of all varieties. A guide to common supermarket sweet potato varieties to know and love. To expand our potato knowledge even further, we spoke to Chris Romano, associate global produce coordinator at Whole Foods Market.Romano taught us about five different sweet potato varieties that you can cook and consume in multiple ways: Some are great roasted and others are perfectly crisp when sliced raw and tossed in a salad. Sweet Potato Varieties There are two basic types of sweet potatoes: moist- and dry-fleshed. Though they can get watery, jewels and Beauregards are both excellent all-purpose sweet potatoes. In the mid-20th century, sweet potato growers in the Southern United States began marketing orange-fleshed sweet potatoes as "yams", in an attempt to differentiate them from pale-fleshed sweet potatoes. Flesh Color: orange flesh with an intensity similar to Beauregard. LSU AgCenter, All, All. 2 slips per a variety. Learn more on our Terms of Use page. Sweet potato requires soils with a ph of 5.6- 6.6. For starters, a sweet potato isn't a potato at all, meaning it's not a member of the Solanum tuberosum potato family from which French fries, mashed potatoes, and latkes are made; their composition of simple sugars and complex starches are quite different. [1] As of 2013, there are approximately 7,000 sweet potato cultivars. Similar to Porto Rico. Red skin with orange flesh. The confusion comes from an unfortunate attempt to distinguish between varieties of these root veggies hundreds of years ago. Varieties of Old Fashioned Sweet Potatoes. The skin of a sweet potato root is a different color than the flesh. NC05-198 is useful in soil conditions where Covington tends to become bally. However, sweet potato is not widely cultivated in Europe.[2]. Sweet Potato Mix, 3 Varieties, 6 Slips. It is also not tolerant to water logging which can cause tuber rot. People breed sweet potatoes mainly either for food (their nutritious storage roots) or for their attractive flowering vines. This is identified by its elongated shape, deep purple skin, and soft white flesh. (The variety 'Vardaman' is grown for both.) He's a contributor to the Washington Post, New York Magazine, Vice, and this excellent website. Okla. 29 × Orlis [Okla. 29-Parent 10 (see Allgold) × L37 (see Red Gold)], Roots and vines are like yellow Jersey or Orlis; shouldered leaves, USDA ARS; Tropical Agricultural Research Station, International Institute of Tropical Agr. Purple – Also known as the Stokes Purple Sweet Potato. Sweet Potato Varieties New sweet potato variety on the way for Louisiana growers (08/22/18) A sweet potato line with excellent eye appeal and good disease resistance is … Their firmness and dense texture makes Hannah sweet potatoes ideal for roasting in chunks, turning into fries, or mashing as a side dish. This list of sweet potato cultivars provides some information about varieties and cultivars of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas). The crop is sensitive to drought at tuber initiation stage (5060 days after - planting). So to get a little more clarity about the differences between some of the most common orange tubers, I checked in with Keia Mastrianni, a North Carolina–based writer and oral historian. Varieties of Sweet Potatoes. "Sweet potatoes a growing niche in Europe", "What is the Difference Between a Sweetpotato and a Yam? While swapping these into recipes that call for orange sweet potatoes is a fun way to add a burst of color, their mild flavor and dense texture makes a one-for-one substitution tricky. The part we eat is the tuberous root of a vining plant that is closely related to morning glories (Ipomoea tricolor) and youll easily see the similarity in leaves to the sweet potato vines we now grow as ornamentals. We've roasted it, we've "loaded" it, we've turned it into "hummus" (twice! Skin Color: light rose skin indistinguishable from Beauregard. The O’Henry Sweetpotato has a pale copper skin, almost like a potato, but don’t be fooled. The plant is tolerant to soil pox and out-yields all other sweet potatoes. When you require amazing ideas for this recipes, look no better than this list of 20 finest recipes to feed a group. Ships late spring. They're even more moist than jewels or Beauregards, which makes them great for baking projects; they're our ideal sweet potato for pie, mashed sweet potato casserole, and nice and simple mashed sweet potatoes. 20 Ideas for Sweet Potato Varieties. Sweet Potato Varieties. The sweet potato or sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas) is a dicotyledonous plant that belongs to the bindweed or morning glory family, Convolvulaceae. Keep in mind that because these sweet potatoes are quite dense, they shouldn't be substituted in recipes that call for orange sweet potatoes, as the baking times and moisture levels won't line up. Adaptation Sweet potatoes are adaptable to different agro ecological zones ranging from 0-2100m above sea level and occasionally are found in altitudes of about 2400m. White-fleshed sweet potatoes like the Hannah were some of the first to be farmed and eaten in America. In addition to being sweet and flavorful, they retain their lovely orange hue even after baking. Orleans. [Photograph: Shutterstock] Even once baked, the Okinawa sweet potato retains its stunning purple color. Unlike most other sweet potatoes, this Japanese variety has drier flesh. The sweet potato geeks of the world may be fascinated to know that the International Potato Center in Peru maintains a gene bank consisting of over 6,500 varieties of sweet potato. Whether its orange or white flesh, red or white skin, or even Japanese, you can order anything you need from Scott Farms. Sweet potatoes actually belong to the morning glory family, Convolvulaceae (that means lots of pretty flowers! Japanese Sweetpotato Japanese sweetpotatoes have red skin and dry, white flesh. Does not crack. All products linked here have been independently selected by our editors. The orange-fleshed types, typically have a higher sugar and vitamin A and lower dry matter content. You can recognize a garnet sweet potato thanks to its dark orange-red skin, which conceals bright orange flesh. These sweet potatoes don't boast the most complex flavor, but they make up for it with plenty of sweetness. That's thanks to early 20th-century Southern farmers, who began using "yam" to refer to the newer, orange-fleshed varieties of sweet potatoes they were cultivating, as a way to differentiate their product from the white-fleshed sweet potatoes Americans were already familiar with. I grew up with vegetarian parents, so I can comfortably go decent stretches of time without meat. AVERRE (NC05-198) produces orange fleshed storage roots that are generally oblong to elliptic. [Photograph: Shutterstock] We love satsuma sweet potatoes for their creamy, starchy texture and nuanced nutty-sweet flavor. Sweet potato varieties range in color from dark red to brown to purple to orange-yellow to white. I love to simply roast then mash these sweet potatoes with butter, but they can also be used to add some heartiness to winter stews and braises. 3 varieties of sweet potatoes of our choosing from our listed and unlisted collections. Similar to Nemagold, USDA ARS; South Carolina AES (Clemson University); Texas Agricultural Station (, seedling of W-99 polycrossed with 29 other parental selections, US Vegetable Laboratory (USDA ARS); South Carolina AES, selected from meristem-tip culture derived clones of Jewel, open pollinated seedling of L7-177 from the Louisiana breeding program, USDA ARS; United States Vegetable Laboratory; South Carolina AES (, (Yellow Yam × Nancy Hall) × (Pelican Processor × Triumph), Puerto Rico AES (Río Piedras, Puerto Rico), Craig Yencho; Ken Pecota; Cindy Pierce (2002), This page was last edited on 24 November 2020, at 08:14. Comments can take a minute to appear—please be patient! Some cream-colored or white-flesh sweet potato varieties include: Star Leaf (known generically as Boniato), White Delight, Nancy Hall, Sumor, Picadita, Campeon. The Japanese satsuma-imo is my absolute favorite sweet potato. Yams are any of various tropical species of the genus Dioscorea. Purple skin with purple flesh. Yields 400-500 bushels per acre. Sweet potatoes actually belong to the morning glory family, Convolvulaceae (that means lots of pretty flowers! They have a slight nuttiness, and take well to steaming or roasting in cubes alongside other root vegetables. If you see something not so nice, please, report an inappropriate comment. The first table below has a general description of the color of the root's flesh and skin. In the first table, the Parentage column briefly explains how the sweet potato cultivar was bred. Sweet potatoes are in the plant family Convolvulaceae (morning glory) Ipomoea batatas potato, Solanaceae (nightshade) S. tuberosum. Similar to Redmar, but different skin color. A yam tuber is starchier, dryer, and often larger than the storage root of a sweet potato, and the skin is more coarse. Standard hybrid sweet potatoes sold in supermarkets and grown on an industrial scale aren't the only options for … Try using this variety in our recipes for candied yams (or, more accurately, candied sweet potatoes), miso-scallion roasted sweet potatoes, and sweet potato biscuits. ", "Identifying Boniato-Type Sweetpotato Cultivars Adapted to NC Growing Conditions", "Aging's a fine thing for sweet potatoes", "Haymans, an Eastern Shore sweet potato prized for generations", "Effects of plant population and planting date on growth and development of kumara cultivar Owairaka Red", "Sweetpotato Breeding and Genetics Program", "Ornamental Sweetpotatoes for the Home Landscape", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_sweet_potato_cultivars&oldid=990402179, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, (Yellow Yam 149 × Nancy Hall 42-1) × (Pelican Processor Triumph), North Carolina Agricultural Research Service (NCARS), University of Georgia Coastal Plain Experiment Station (Tifton, Georgia), (Mameyita × seedling L-4-6) × (seedling L-5 × Triumph), open-pollinated seedling of Regal polycrossed in 1981 to 29 other parental selections, Skin color is slightly lighter than that of Jewel, Georgia AES; US Vegetable Laboratory (USDA ARS), Commonly called "yams" in the United States to distinguish them from O'Henry sweet potatoes, (Mameyita × Seedling L4-6) × (Seedling L-5 × Triumph). The magazine's most recent issue was exclusively dedicated to sweet potatoes. Start low and slow in the oven and finish at 500°F for the juiciest, most flavorful, evenly cooked prime rib roast. These orange-fleshed sweet potatoes pack a lot of moisture, and take well to boiling, baking, and making into casseroles. Many of the sweet potato cultivars below were bred at agricultural experiment stations. A vine-type variety, it is known for its great taste, making it an excellent baking and cooking potato. Theresa Arnold. seedling, University of Georgia AES; California AES, Okla. 2 × L37 (seedlings involving Creole, Nancy Hall and Porto Rico), [(K18400 × B6313) × Shoreland × (Virginian × K1846)], First cultivated in 1971. Processor) × (Mameyita × L-4-6). “Flavor was not the primary goal for the production of these varieties.” That doesn’t mean that Beauregard, jewel, and garnet sweet potatoes don’t serve their purpose in all sorts of recipes, but compared to some other varieties, their flavors and textures are mild. Elazar Sontag is a writer from Oakland, California, living in Brooklyn. Good cash crop. Unlike orange sweet potatoes, you don't have to worry about satsuma-imo getting soggy or waterlogged as they cook. ).The most common varieties in the U.S. are the Beauregard (the most widely grown cultivar), the jewel, and the garnet (also sometimes known as red yams). Other well-accepted varieties dominate in the heart of Alabama’s sweet potato production region: Baldwin and Cullman counties. This tater’s white flesh is sweet, creamy and ideal for soups and stews. I don’t know about you, but personally, I wish I could try them all! Developed by Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station, this copper skinned potato has a moderately orange flesh, and is consistent in shape. Sweet Potato Varieties. While some sweet potatoes are dense, starchy, and creamy, others are more watery when cooked, with a stringier texture. Cultivated in 1973. Beauregards will break down slightly when cooked, and when roasted, while they'll still hold their shape, they don't maintain the same chewy bite that other varieties do. I roast them in a scorching-hot oven—though science (and our culinary team) advises against this—until the skin turns to a crinkly leather and the interior is a gooey, steaming mess of bubbling sugars and chewy flesh. This chart provides skin colors and flesh colors for over 100 sweet potato varieties. Though many grocers use the terms "yam" and "sweet potato" interchangeably, the two are far from the same. One way people compare them is by the size, shape, and color of the roots. Each … Sweet Potato, Another American The sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) is another of the native American plants found by Columbus and his shipmates.Although it was probably found on various islands of the West Indies on some of the earlier voyages, it is not definitely … We reserve the right to delete off-topic or inflammatory comments. Over the course of my years of near-religious sweet potato consumption, I've bought pretty much every shape and shade of sweet potato on grocery store shelves. Most sweet potatoes are grown for food, with varieties such as Japanese, Garnet, Jewel Beauregard, and Covington all grown to suit different growing areas, light and temperature requirements, and of course, taste! Some HTML is OK:
em. Keia explained that all three of the popular orange varieties I'd decided to include in this guide were designed first and foremost with production in mind. Like the Hannah, Okinawa sweet potatoes are denser than orange varieties. Most of the sweet potatoes produced in the U.S. are either Beauregard or Jewell (see descriptions of these and some other popular sweetpotato varieties in chart below). [3] This list does not include yams. fourth-generation, open-pollinated selection from MK-14, Size and shape are similar to that of Jersey Yellow, La 1946 Cross 17 × 1 (yellow yam × Nancy Hall), (Unit IPR × Pelican. These sweet potatoes are much denser than most of the orange varieties, and starchier, too. The more orange the flesh of a sweet potato root is, the more nutritious carotene it has. Crops grown in heavy clay loams produce irregular shaped tubers. At first glance, the exterior of the sweet potato seems to be the same as a normal potato; on closer inspection however, the skin colour and the shape are very different. Sweet Potato Plant Slips. While most sweet potato packer/shippers offer one or two varieties to their commercial customers, Scott Farms offers six varieties, each with its own unique appearance and taste. Some comments may be held for manual review. The biological word for the outer skin is epidermis; the flesh is called the pith or medulla. Beauregards have purplish-red skin and a deep orange interior. Yams are tubers from from the Dioscoreaceae family, and are related to lilies and grasses. Find him on Instagram: e_zar. The dry-fleshed types have a … We may earn a commission on purchases, as described in our affiliate policy. Sweet Potato Varieties; Sweet Potato Variety Descriptions; Sweet Potato Variety Descriptions. It is, after all, my favorite fall vegetable. Roast these up with a few of your favorite root veggies for a colorful side dish. Growing sweet potatoes can require a lot of space however, with the use of containers and compact varieties any gardener is able to grow their own. When it comes to making a homemade 20 Ideas for Sweet Potato Varieties, this recipes is always a favorite Though our site boasts some truly excellent sweet potato recipes, I’ve always preferred them completely plain. Sweet potatoes are becoming a research focus in recent years due to their unique nutritional and functional properties. The orange sweet potato has had its time in the sun. Some you’ll want to mash with butter and herbs, while others are better left in chunks, roasted with hearty root vegetables. A 2012 study published in The Open Nutrition Journal, titled “ Glycemic index of sweet potato as affected by cooking methods ,” worked with the popular Beauregard variety, which has a … When cooked, these sweet potatoes have a slight flakiness akin to a regular potato. Sweet potatoes may be associated with the southern U.S., but they will grow in just about any garden. They remain firm when boiled or fried and have a mild, nutty flavor. I quickly learned that there isn’t a universal cooking method that suits all varieties—there are thousands of sweet potato varietals out there, and knowing what you’re in for in terms of taste and texture for a few of the most common varieties will help set you on the path to sweet, sweet nirvana. This list of sweet potato cultivars provides some information about varieties and cultivars of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas).Sweet potato was first domesticated in the Americas more than 5,000 years ago. One of the most interesting varieties of sweet potatoes from Asia is the Murasaki sweet potato from Japan. All the varieties described below are technically sweet potatoes, though they’re often called yams. Jewels have light orange skin, and are less intensely sweet than Beauregards, but can be used in many of the same recipes. Most of the popular varieties are the moist-fleshed types; these types convert more starch to sugar during cooking, making them sweeter to eat. Resistant to white grubs and soil rot. But if you told me right now that I could never eat another sweet potato, I don’t know how I’d go on living. Hannahs are dense, firm, and creamy, and much less prone to becoming waterlogged than orange sweet potatoes. (Humans metabolize carotene into vitamin A.) All the benefits of sous vide cooking, paired with deep, roasty flavors and extra-crispy skin to satisfy a crowd. It features beautiful dark-purple skin and pale yellow flesh than darkens as it cooks. Garnet – Deep Red to purple skin with bright orange flesh. They’re not nearly as sweet as sweet potatoes and take best to boiling and slow braising. Unless you live in a tropical climate, or are cooking dishes that specifically call for them, you probably aren't encountering yams at all. There are also sweet potatoes that are grown for their gorgeous vines. All sweet potatoes are variations of one species: I. batatas. However, it still has a sweet nutty taste that is common to all types of sweet potato. [Photograph: Shutterstock] True yams have little in common with sweet potatoes. First cultivated in 1949. Yellow skin with white flesh. Nutritionists in East Africa are promoting the use of yellow fleshed sweet potato varieties to combat wide spread vitamin A deficiency which decreases children's resistance to … Speckled purple sweet potatoes are named for their flecked magenta flesh. I eat them cold for breakfast the next morning, by which time they've developed a wonderful custard-like texture. I’ve shed sugar from my diet for months, and taken long (okay, long-ish) breaks from drinking. Agricultural experiment stations are usually operated by a government agency and/or a university. These varieties have been developed through collaborative resea rch breeding between KARI and International Potato Center (CIP) under the national performance trials. Its large, starchy, sweet-tasting, tuberous roots are a root vegetable. Keia is the Deputy Editor of Crop Stories, a food magazine telling the stories of farming in the agricultural South. Varieties of Sweet Potato Here are some common sweet potato types: Covington – Rosy skin with deep orange flesh. There are very few foods I can’t live without. When finished, they'll be creamy, smooth, and rich. However, world-wide there are about 6,500 varieties of sweet potatoes including wild accessions and farmer varieties. Let this not-at-all-exhaustive guide act as a doorway into the vast and incredible world of Ipomoea batatas (that's science for "sweet potatoes"). An agricultural experiment station (AES) is a research center where scientists work to increase the quality and quantity of food production. So in case you've ever been tempted, take care not to substitute a sweet potato for an Idaho willy nilly; in some cases it may work (you can mash cooked sweet potatoes easily), in others it won't (good luck frying them to the same crispy crunch). I've long believed that the sweet potato is a perfect food—it's filling, flavorful, easy to make, and, according to the internet, relatively nutritious. Sweet potato plants with desirable traits are selectively bred to produce new cultivars. People grow sweet potato in many parts of the world, including New Zealand, Australia, the Philippines, Japan, Hawaii, China, and North America. Post whatever you want, just keep it seriously about eats, seriously. Flavors of Oakland: A Cookbook in 20 Stories, A Guide to Clam Types and What to Do With Them, The Truth About Mustard Oil: Behind the "For External Use Only" Label. High quality tubers are best produced on fertile, well drained, sandy loams. There have been entire years during which I've religiously baked two sweet potatoes every night, eating one piping-hot from the oven, and putting the other in the fridge overnight. Bioactive carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, carotenoids, anthocyanins, conjugated phenolic acids, and minerals represent versatile nutrients in different parts (tubers, leaves, stems, and stalks) of sweet potato. Okinawa sweet potatoes, also known by their Japanese name, beni-imo, have unremarkable off-white or dusty purple skins, but once you slice into them, you're greeted by a rich and vibrant purple flesh rarely seen in nature. Just below the chart you will find an invitation to submit any information you know about other popular varieties of sweet potatoes. Purple skin with white flesh. On the bright side, this means you're highly unlikely to accidentally purchase a yam at your local supermarket. This is the most common sweet potato variety in American grocery stores, and the one you'll find at pretty much every market. Subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest recipes and tips! Roots are a light copper color with moist, reddish-orange flesh. There are hundreds of sweet potato varieties that can be divided into five (5) basic types: Orange skin with orange flesh. “They are your grocery store potatoes,” she says. Sweet potato has remarkable ability to convert solar and soil energies into carbohydrates giving impressive yields under marginal and stress situations having low input requirements and little attention, wide adaptability, flexibility in crop management and non-seasonality make sweet potato a viable crop in all agro ecological zones excluding high elevations. [3] Even though these growers called their products yams, true yams are significantly different. Sweet potato cultivars differ in many ways. Can you tell your jewels from your garnets? We tried three traditional varieties (traditional at least to those of us raised in the United States and Europe)-Beauregard, Jewel, and Red Garnet-and four non-traditional-Japanese White, White Sweet, Batata, and Okinawa. These are the crispiest, most flavorful roast potatoes you'll ever make. Sweet potato was first domesticated in the Americas more than 5,000 years ago. As of 2013, there are approximately 7,000 sweet potato cultivars. Because of their denseness, these sweet potatoes take longer than some other varieties to cook, but the wait is well worth it. Their flesh is slightly stringier and more juicy than some other varieties when cooked, so they're good for mashing and incorporating into baked goods and desserts. Being high in moisture these sweet potatoes are great for mashed dishes as well as being used in cakes, pies and breads. Real yams are native to Asia and Africa, and have scaly brown skin surrounding very starchy white flesh. The young leaves and shoots are sometimes eaten as greens. It's not always easy to tell varieties of orange sweet potatoes apart. If you see a bin simply labeled "sweet potatoes" it's likely you're either buying Beauregards or jewels (we'll get to those in a moment). Ships in late spring: May through June, to southern-most areas first. He’s the author of Flavors of Oakland: A Cookbook in 20 Stories, a book about home cooks and their food cultures. If you spend any time in Hawai'i, you'll find these sweet potatoes incorporated into some of the most delicious potato salads around, dressed generously with my favorite condiment: mayonnaise. The first table below lists sweet potato cultivars grown for their edible roots; the second table lists cultivars bred as ornamental vines. Storage roots are longer than Covington but straighter than Beauregard. There, cultivars like Beauregard, … No matter how you cook a sweet potato, it’s important to note that there are numerous varieties with different GIs.
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