AND hereby mayest thou see that we should direct all our beholding unto this meek stirring of love in our will. The definition of Stirring is followed by practically usable example sentences which allow you to construct your own sentences based on it. cooing pigeons, flying overhead at dawn, Stirring my sleep. add oatmeal, lentils & rice, gently stirring with wooden spoon from sustainable Third World forest, one by one. Gradually add the slaked cornflour to the boiling juices in the pan, stirring well to give a smooth gravy. Soul-stirring definition: arousing excitement and enthusiasm; uplifting | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples The music is stirring and tugs at the heart strings. About 1831 both she and her husband began to identify themselves with the anti-slavery cause, and in 1833 she published An Appeal for that Class of Americans called Africans, a stirring portrayal of the evils of slavery, and an argument for immediate abolition, which had a powerful influence in winning recruits to the anti-slavery cause. The most stirring events in the history of the town are connected with the Turkish conquest of the Barbary states. 204. Like this video? What does stirring mean? Rest rubble, sprawling suburbs, jerrybuilt. Zifre 1 1141166 Tom stirred the soup. A stirring event, performance, or account of something makes people very excited or enthusiastic. Slowly add hot stock about a cup at a time, stirring constantly. Information and translations of stirring in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Lower the heat to medium-low flame and cook the vegetables, stirring frequently, until they start to soften. Simmer the ingredients, stirring, until it has thickened into a glaze. What does stirring mean? [+] more examples [-] hide examples [+] Example sentences ⦠Some do this because they enjoy leading fans astray and stirring up 'flame' wars. âstirring songsâ. 51- Cook, stirring, until mushrooms begin to sweat, about three minutes. Drop the remaining brandy into the drink and serve it without stirring. These were followed by other volumes of stirring verse, The Island Race (1898), The Sailing of the Long-ships (1902), Songs of the Sea (1904). Dissolve the sugar solution to a clear syrup on the hob over a gentle heat, In fact, if you read Hebrews aloud, you will quickly recognize how much it resembles an oral proclamation or a, And the woman draws herself up and delivers a, The supplicatory prayers recited before and during the Days of Awe are among the most poetic and. Strain off the water and mash the potatoes straight away. Note that in more familiar "ability to withstand xxxx" contexts, we often encounter expressions like heat-resistant, frost-resistant, etc. Translate stirring into Spanish. It is the artist who uses technique not as an end but as a means to the end of communicating an idea, challenging paradigms. Lemon tea - Stabilize your blood sugar by stirring a tablespoon of lemon juice and a tablespoon of honey into a warm glass of water, and sipping on it. Agitation is a noun which means anxiety or nervous excitement, the act of arousing public concern, the act of briskly stirring something or stirring up something. See the striking lines, the stirring verse and the reflection like the last embers of a dying winter fire! Remove from heat and quickly beat in all the flour, Pakistani officials have, in turn, accused India and, by implication, the US, of, He saluted the match winner's wonder strike as York City sealed their first win in seven attempts with a. It was stirring them now. Some units speed composting with aerators, stirring the compost, while others use heat to move the process along. The captain had told him to be back in an hour, and he felt that it was time for him to be stirring. adjective. Surrounded by ancient civilizations where writing had long been known, and enjoying, as excavation has proved, a considerable amount of material culture, Palestine could look back upon a lengthy and stirring history which, however, has rarely left its mark upon our records. Indeed, many prominent French and German divines still denied papal infallibility altogether; and Louis Napoleon had regularly fallen back on Richelieu's old device of stirring up the embers of Gallicanism, whenever the French clergy grew restive about his alliance with Victor Emmanuel. moustache forget the little gray cells stirring inside the egg shaped head of the Belgian gentleman with a waxed mustache? My ringworm worried her more than the swarms of rumors the local gossips were stirring. The combination is effected in open vats heated by a steam coil and provided with a stirring appliance; if soda ash be used it is necessary to guard against boiling over. 2- Add chicken broth and cook stirring until smooth. Rangers produced a stirring second-half comeback to claim maximum points away to reigning champions Cogenhoe. Stowe gives a stirring performance as a strong spirited female. She glared at him, the blue fire in her eyes stirring his blood. If and when the meat starts to stick add a glug of red wine or cold water and carry on stirring. To create, provoke, or trigger a dangerous, troublesome, or complicated situation. Although Clarissa initially enjoyed the play, she later fell asleep during the lead actorâs lugubrious monologue. Another word for stir. Stir in the garlic and lentils and cook for 2 minutes. I woke to Jade stirring. She shook her head, emotions stirring one more. 54. They use stirring in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for stirring. Take off the lid, and cook for ten more minutes, stirring frequently until the potatoes are brown on all sides. An Algiers court sentenced 20 Hirak protest activists to prison in sentences ranging between three months and a year, stirring anger among supporters who called for their release. stir definition is - to cause an especially slight movement or change of position of. Heat over low-to-moderate heat on the stovetop. His bold and vigorous language aptly expressed the thoughts which had long been secretly stirring Russian minds, and were now beginning to find a timid utterance at home. It was a large, sprawling home on an acre. 95. They allowed us to grind the spices, pick over the raisins and lick the stirring spoons. Stirring constantly, stir the rice until all of the liquid has been absorbed. Then warm the jam over low heat in a small nonstick saucepan or skillet, Add waterblommetjies and mix carefully to not break the waterblommetjies to much whilst, Aaron's breath steamed in the chill air as he got up from the porridge he was, Add the milk and allow the porridge to boil for 30-35 minutes on low heat while. Add the chopped tomato and most of the basil and parsley. part of France was in English hands; when he was five years old, Joan of Arc appeared; he was just six when his father was crowned at Reims. In 1558 he published his "Appellation" to the nobles, estates and commonalty against the sentence of death recently pronounced upon him, and along with it a stirring appeal "To his beloved brethren, the Commonalty of Scotland," urging that the care of religion fell to them also as being "God's creatures, created and formed in His own image," and having a right to defend their conscience against persecution. Check it every fifteen to twenty minutes. Much cooking is done in huge pots over a wood fire. Stir in sugar and continue cooking at a hard boil, stirring to keep mixture from sticking to bottom of pan. Find more ways to say stir, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. It has a motorized stirring feature which makes for the best popping. Draft is a series about the art and craft of writing. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. Stirring definition is - active, bustling. Stand the saucepan in a larger pan of hot water over a medium heat. Another word for stirring. Sentences Crisp, Sassy, Stirring. 3- Even signing and guaranteed bonuses are stirring. Noun I ⦠Was the roman centurion from Capernaum there, or that other centurion who with a deep stirring of the spirit watched Him die? This model also comes with a stirring stick, a popping plate, a cover, and a dishwasher safe popcorn bowl. 53- For that, it needs stirring leadership in touch with peopleâs real concerns. The globules which furnish the cream gradually pass on standing into solid caoutchouc, a process which is facilitated by rapid stirring, or by the addition of an acid or other chemical agent. This stirring memorial is dedicated to Marine Corps personnel who have perished since the Corps was formed in 1775. Beth was stirring next to me. 4- Just keep stirring it down every couple hours. and cook until browned and almost cooked through. A set of stirring blades carried in the frame (b b), and driven by gearing, NN,, �,, . Click here for chapter 4 - ' Stirring up a hornet 's nest '. A sentence using the word stirring. Keep stirring until the mixture is very smooth. The charge is completely melted in about half an hour, and it is then thoroughly mixed by stirring with a graphite rod. What makes this popcorn popper different is that it has a motorized mechanism for stirring the popcorn during the popping process. See more. allowed to stand for ten minutes with occasional stirring. To stir something with a tool or utensil, especially to mix together its ingredients or parts. 1818), who was more than any other man both the representative of an epoch fast vanishing and the harbinger of the new spirit that was stirring young Rumania. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. Another method consists in mixing the powdered bark with milk of lime, drying the mass slowly with frequent stirring, exhausting the powder with boiling alcohol, removing the excess of alcohol by distillation, adding sufficient dilute sulphuric acid to dissolve the alkaloid and throw down colouring matter and traces of lime, &c., filtering, and allowing the neutralized liquid to deposit crystals. The solutions are well mixed by stirring with wooden poles, and the gold allowed to settle, the time allowed varying from 12 to 72 hours. Add all the other ingredients except the tomato paste and herbs, bring to the boil, then simmer gently, In natural peanut butter, some of the peanut oil rises to the top of the jar, and. 1 Causing excitement or strong emotion; rousing. In spite of one or two stirring scenes it is a tedious book, and its personages are little more than machines for the enunciation of the author's opinions and sentiments. When Nicias had concluded his stirring appeal, the embarkation of ⦠Once liquid has been absorbed, add another ladleful of stock, stirring constantly until the liquid has once again been absorbed. 1. adjective [usually ADJECTIVE noun] A stirring event, performance, or account of something makes people very excited or enthusiastic . The compound then receives its strengthening boil, after which it is fitted by boiling with added water or weak lye, continuing the boil till by examination of a sample the proper consistency has been reached. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between "stir" and "up." mixing or blending something by moving the ingredients around. The definition of Stirring is followed by practically usable example sentences which allow you to construct your own sentences based on it. buttermilk mixture to flour mixture, stirring with a metal spoon or knife. John of Gaunt having departed to Spain, where he was stirring up civil strife in the name of his wife, the heiress of Peter the Cruel, Gloucester put himself at the head of the opposition. Then through the door she heard Nicholas clearing his throat again and stirring, and his voice said crossly: In a certain church, a few miles before Rome, whilst in prayer he was aware of a stirring and a change in his soul; and so openly did he see God the Father placing him with Christ, that he could not dare to doubt that God the Father had so placed him. Over 15 military informers confirmed that the stirring was caused by the arrival of more American experts in UFO phenomena and alien creatures. Mix the flour, sugar and raisins together in a bowl then add the liquid. Born in a stirring seaport, the son of a distinguished naval officer, he naturally adopted the profession of a sailor. You may also want to make variations of this recipe by adding green vegetables to the Alfredo during the last few minutes of stirring, such as steamed broccoli or fresh green peas. Place the milk and toffees together in a saucepan and warm over a low heat. Add the milk and Parmesan cheese and simmer for one to two minutes. Proofs of his power in the sustained narration of stirring events are abundant; his treatment of the Pilgrimage of Grace, of the sea fight at St Helens and the repulse of the French invasion, and of the murder of Rizzio, are among the most conspicuous examples of it. The ordinary method of adding resin consists in stirring it in small fragments into the fatty soap in the stage of clear-boiling; but a better result is obtained by separately preparing a fatty soap and the resin soap, and combining the two in the pan after the underlye has been salted out and removed from the fatty soap. Add chili powder, cocoa, salt, cinnamon, and pepper and cook, You may be a hard-nosed business woman lady, but that strange, uncomfortable. The document was not acceptable, however, to Popes Severinus and John IV., the immediate successors of Honorius; and Maximus, the confessor, succeeded in stirring up such violent opposition in North Africa and Italy that, in 648, Constans II. There is little sound except for the breeze stirring in the churchyard yew trees. Remove the saucepot from the heat and add the paprika, To the cold syrup add the extracted juice and mix by. Stir in 1and half tbsp caster sugar (fine sugar) and simmer gently for 10 minutes or so stirring to prevent sticking. Cook over low heat, stirring. Add in the carrots, parsnips and potatoes, season with salt, pepper and cumin, and cook for five minutes, But they threw away a number of scoring opportunities in the penalty box area and wasted a number of. The population of Washington increased from 61,122 to 109,199 or 78.6% in the decade from 1860 to 1870, and the stirring effects of the Civil War were far-reaching. Add the bacon and continue to cook for a further 15 minutes stirring occasionally, until lightly golden. Translate stirring into Spanish. He reached past her, his heat and scent stirring her senses once more. Place the oil, chopped chilli, garlic and curry powder or paste in a saucepan and fry gently for about a minute, It's been two years since we first began to hear reports of a promising new wave. stir up (someone) or stir (someone) up: to cause (someone) to feel a strong emotion and a desire to do something The speech stirred up the crowd. 23. In the corporal's changed face, in the sound of his voice, in the stirring and deafening noise of the drums, he recognized that mysterious, callous force which compelled people against their will to kill their fellow men--that force the effect of which he had witnessed during the executions. Combine the sauce ingredients in a saucepan, bring to the boil, She was better than any baby monitor available as she would come find us at the first sign of, The solution was facilitated by malaxating and frequently, The epic play on AIDS and gay themes has become a, Below it, all over the superbly manicured gardens on the slopes, are memorials and. Too much stirring incorporates air bubbles, which will mar the sides of the finished candle. How to use stir up in a sentence. Combine the toffees and milk in a small heavy saucepan and cook over a low heat, The kitchen's been abuzz with everybody chopping, nibbling and, A sharp metallic clang could be heard, echoing throughout the whole forest, Critics have been falling over themselves to heap praise on the musician after she brought fans to their feet with, Yet in Iowa over the last few days, he has begun to appear more shopworn than, Alfred is a simon-pure Republican, rocked in his cradle to the, When people are unafraid to refuse a government thug's demands, something is. Cook, stirring occasionally, for 30-40 minutes or until slightly blackened. Remove from heat and add chocolate chips and marshmallow cream, stirring until melted. My ringworm worried her more than the swarms of rumors the local gossips were, When articles like this start appearing in major newspapers, you know that something is, His lack of stage fright is combined with an equal desire to inspire audiences, either through a motivating speech or a, So when it comes to picking a rousing anthem, we're somewhat stuck for, Garrison looked around the room, noticing the early risers finally, While they draw you in by making you feel part of the, Those magnificent men in the Maroon, those glorious memories, and those vignettes from the past of, Like his Uncle Billy, he had strong convictions and the gift of a, Patriotism becomes articulated through passion, and passion can indeed spur the emergence of, Next came scores of Yeshiva students singing, Dressed in a simple and austere white, the students filled the auditorium with their, Rock's spiritual, political and emotional content was, Never have I listened to an album with such a range of emotions on top of such, I am now living in north-eastern Tasmania, a place called Deviot and our home overlooks a, Born in 1881, he remained an arch-conservative, paying homage to his Soviet masters in the.
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