Warning lights on the dashboard are always a cause for concern, but sometimes they are as simple as waiting a few moments and taking a deep breath. SMART Warning lights are categorised into colours to distinguish the name oi the problem. With only a few miles left in the tank, you should look to find your nearest petrol station and refill with the relevant fuel. The number of warning lights on your car’s dials and dashboard can be confusing, so we explain what they mean and whether you have to worry If it illuminates during a journey, stop the car, turn the engine off and on again 10 seconds later. Do not top up the brake fluid, as this will not resolve the fault. Welcome to Jardine Motors Group. The most serious lights are red, and they typically indicate a major issue or component failure. You should be more cautious and adapt your driving for the road conditions, whilst the system malfunction exists.​, A common warning, this light will become visible when you have little petrol left in the tank. Dashboard engine simble stays on all the time loss of power will not go over 50 miles per hour. What it means: Your car's battery juice is running low. The lights came on initially, but then went out as they usually do. If the anti-lock braking system (ABS) warning light appears on your dashboard during driving and does not go away, it would indicate a fault with the ABS system. Smart Car warning lights, car warning symbols such as engine management light, ABS light, airbag light this guide will help you. Continuing to drive with this light on could cause damage to your vehicle or an accident, stop safely and contact your Smart Dealership.​, This will light up as soon as the ignition is on, but it will shortly disappear. It is on left side of speedo at bottom below the 0 km/hr mark. Lancaster Motor Company Limited, Lancaster Cars Limited, Lancaster Luxury Vehicles Limited, Lancaster Sports Cars Limited and Lancaster Specialist Cars Limited are all authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for credit-related regulated activities and insurance distribution activities, see. As a rule of thumb: Red warning lights need immediate action. If it stays illuminated contact your local smart centre or 3rd party smart specialist. My wife's Smart Car recently started displaying two warning lights together - the ABS and ESP ones. local smart dealership. Company Information, Terms of Business & Forms, Your settings will take affect when you refresh the page or move to a new page. It’s normal to see some of these lights … When I left, all 3 lights on the dash were still on. Evilution, the smart car encyclopaedia, full of information for fixing and modifying your smart car. The following guide will help you understand which car warning light symbols and indicators can be found on your dashboard for most makes and models of cars, trucks, buses and motorbikes.. You’ll learn whether it is a critical warning … Some warning lights … As you switch the ignition on, this light will illuminate but should disappear after around 10 seconds. You’ll no doubt have noticed every time your start your car, or indeed a rental car that all of the lights on the dash illuminate and then quickly go out, this is all part of the start-up procedure and standard electrical and systems checks the car … Not all warning lights are universal, some have different meanings. Key fob battery did seem to be getting a bit slow. Here is what the different colors mean. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. What follows is easily the most complete list available of symbols and warnings that may appear in and on your car’s dashboard or instrument cluster. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. This light may appear due to the following: Once the above is resolved, the light should disappear. *Refer to owner’s manual or seek professional assistance. ​. It may be down to a minor electrical issue. It is alerting you that a minor service or full service is imminent or the date has already passed. Smart & Connected Life Connected Car Tech 1,036. Don’t panic! 1. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. I have notice a yellow warning light in the shape of a "wrench" on the left side of my dashboard after stopping the car. Wait for it to cool down, assess the situation and contact a specialist or local smart dealership. Stop your vehicle in a safe place and attempt to find the issue. If your car’s engine warning light … This also deactivates the automatic stop/start system and cruise control functions. ​, Your brake lamps are not working, check your bulbs or LEDs they most likely need replacing. Follow our handy guide on SMART warning lights to quickly identify what each light represents on your SMART dashboard. Functionality cookies are used to remember the choices you make, e.g. This will result in a warning light appearing on your vehicle's dashboard. Which Warning Lights Are Active On Your Dashboard? Once safe to do so, you should stop your vehicle. accident. The brake warning light is not one of those lights you should cover up for the “out of sight, out of mind” approach many take when dealing with illuminated dashboard warning lights. After the repair is complete, however, it may still be necessary to reset your the computer in order for the warning light or lights to … Lights up when ignition is switched on and goes out when engine is started or no more than 10 seconds. The lights on your car's dashboard light up when something's wrong. A yellow triangle with an exclamation mark!Looked it up and manual says it is ESP light. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Red indicates a potentially serious problem or safety issue. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Consult your local specialist or visit a smart dealership for diagnosis.​, This flashing lights means your vehicle is exceeding the set speed limit. If required, you should contact roadside assistance or your SMART dealership. Not all warning lights are universal, some have different meanings. Which Warning Lights Are Active On Your Dashboard? TPMS (Tyre Pressure Monitoring Systems) have become a mandatory feature for cars in recent years. Dashboard warning lights come in a variety of colors. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Yellow or amber lights often indicate a lower-grade hazard or warning, such as the activation of the traction control system when … ​, Green light indicators will become visible when signalling left or right. If not take it to dealer! I’m stuck! For more detail, you may need to consult your car’s handbook. ... Smart motorways to beam information directly to a cars dashboard …
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