If you’d like to join in, please sign in or register. Considering a double oven range with hood now, or another thought that I am playing with is a 6 burner cooktop, with TWO ovens below side by side. While self-cleaning ovens seem like the ideal product for many cooks, they are not without their problems. The best Roaster Oven should have automatic or manual thermal controllers. For their wood cabinets, they are tested to withstand 120 degrees. In most cases, the regulator ranges from 150-450 degrees F. The timer and led indicators setting should be there if the system is automatic. Hoover Service operations are continuing to operate, but we are trying to strike a balance between following the Government’s advice to reduce the risk and spread of Coronavirus and remaining operational. - Answered by a verified Appliance Technician. Here's how I think of it: as a mom I'm ok with my kids having a healthy fear of dangerous situations. If your oven is overheating on the outside and burning food, the most probable explanation is a faulty thermostat. Self cleaning ovens are better insulated and would therefore not expost the surrounding cabinetry to excess heat. Selling our place now would mean that we would be able to pay down the mortgage or break term and pay it all back. Dawn. Gas upright oven, do they get hot on outside. Customer: While a leaking gasket could cause the knobs and front of the oven to get hot, any idea as to the clicking I heard , which dissappeared when It began to cool ( oven was off when I herd the clicking (like an igniter)) Ask Your Own Appliance Question. Sorry, I do not, but from all I have read (a lot), LOL. 3 Answers. My range seems to get very hot while cooking, how hot should it be? Q: The oven in my new house has a self-clean feature, but I’ve heard there are pros and cons to using it. thanks again for all the help. I have bumped them a few times during cooking…yep, fellow kitchen klutz here and it didn’t feel great – like touching a hot kettle. If it still get's hot on top , too hot to touch , there could be a problem with the oven, if you are heating a large item for a long period of time, the heat from that will make the top quite warm. We have put in new floors as well as a brand new kitchen. ), It depends on the surface but here is some information I got regarding several years ago for UL allowed temperatures based on code ANSI/UL 858 and ANSI Z21.1 which all manufactures have to abide by. The electric pizza oven makes restaurant-quality pizza in the comfort and convenience of your own home. So therefore there are less things to fix. However the handle does not heat up. I see you've basically posted the same question twice and this is also the recommendation of some other posters.Calling for service is the only way you are going to know if the temps are normal or not. Learn more. $128.99 $179.99. Answer Save. Hi spur. So I guess it's a question of lifestyle and which features will be most useful to you. The heating segments should be printed clearly on the panel if the system is manual. If yours is higher than that you have every right to expect Blue Star to do something about it and I would think they would want to address it . My aunt mentioned that her first house cost her 26k she used to live up here... now the prices for semis are starting at about 600k and up. When we did the initial oven burn in running the oven at 400 degrees for 1 hour the very top of the oven door (behind the handle) and the front lip of the cooktop got so hot that you can't even touch it (everywhere else stays quite cool). In the case of the oven’s glass panel, the temperature can be up to 65 °C higher than the room temperature. You are "baking" the moisture out of the oven and it is has to go somewhere -- which explains why the outside of your enclosure is getting hot. It shouldn't do. Is this a new range?Call the manufacturer and ask exactly how hot it should be getting. Bluestar owners - Which backguard for the Platinum range? Our furnace, roof and hot water heater have been replaced. They would know wouldn't they? Actually not a good idea as your oven will need a free flow of air for cooling reasons (it will be shown in the manufacturers handbook). Due to his genetic condition we will not be having kids. I suspects a self cleaning oven , on a range, would be much the same (as far as "Keeping Its Kewl! I think the first answerer must be remembering the toaster oven. However moving away from the hustle and bustle is better for the soul I think. I don't know about what the future will provide. Listings in my area are not feasible. by Euro Cuisine. The oven is 4 years old. Not in my opinion, this is dangerously hot. You’ll only get warm bread if you will not follow the rage. Are ovens supposed to get that hot? I guess we’ve gotten used to it over the years. I think it must be nature of the beast. I Have never owned a toaster oven before. i can not imagine that being good for the custom painted cabinetry installed beside the range- the temperature on the outside of the wood cabinetry was extremely hot also- the inside of the cabinet was ok, however towards the exterior of the front side of the range was the highest heat and that's where the custom drawer-fronts are. My 9 month old niece just got 2nd degree burn on her hand and might have nerve damage for life.
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