We are happy to pass our savings along to you. Sable antelope scientific name: Hippotragus niger. The Sable is one of Africa's most iconic species. Enjoy your hunt. Our discounted sable hunting prices 2019 and 2020 have been reduced to $ 4 500. A broadside shot on sable antelope: the shot should be placed on the shoulder in line with the front leg and one third of the way up from the bottom of the brisket to the top of the hump on the back. The hunting concession is about two hours from Johannesburg and is located near the town of Rustenburg. The average expected shooting distance when hunting sable in Africa is 100 to 180 yards depending on the terrain you are hunting in. And a further discounted price for 2021! 300 WSM and 300 WM or any other comparable calibers for hunting sable. Only use premium grade ammunition with a minimum of 150 gr bullets for sable antelope. The plains game category includes sable, giraffe, eland, zebra, impala and a host of other wildlife. Have a look at using the following ammunition: Follow this link for a comprehensive list of caliber recommendations. The horns curve back in a long sweeping arch with secondary growth indicated by the smooth last few inches of the horn tips. A hard-bossed buffalo with 37"-39" and a sable … ... During this tailormade made hunt you can hunt plains game species of your choice from the price list. Browse a selection of sable hunting trips in Zimbabwe. From June to August the bush starts to recede rather quickly. USA Office +1 (830) 367-7611. My … * Pre and post safari nights – If your flight arrives after 4pm or if you need to spend a night after safari before departing home. 7 Day Sable Hunting Package in South Africa. The best caliber to for hunting sable in Africa is the one you know best. High velocity calibers many times have a deflection from small branches, whereas slower calibers with heavier bullets tend to chug along and still hit the intended target. Best time of year for hunting sable in Africa, South African plains game hunting packages, Best caliber for hunting big game in Africa, Bow hunting African dangerous game packages, List of animals you can bow hunt in South Africa. Wooded savanna type habitat with sufficient vegetation for concealment is preferred. Ready to take your hunt to the next level? This is something you really want to have when hunting a superb trophy sable. 2. Federal 150 gr Nosler Partition ammunition at a muzzle velocity of 2 840 feet per second (fps), Remington 165 gr AccuTip Boat Tail ammunition at a muzzle velocity of 2 700 fps, Norma 180 gr Nosler Partition at a muzzle velocity of 2 612 fps. The options are all listed on the various hunt destinations we offer. All Rights Reserved. The Sable that we offer to hunt from our herd on Squaw Mountain Ranch have horns that range from 32-41 inches. Remember when planning your trophy room, sable antelope horns almost always touch the wall behind. A MATURE SABLE BULL HAS AN AVERAGE: SHOULDER HEIGHT: OF 54 INCHES WEIGHS: 550 POUNDS HORN LENGTH: 38 INCHES SCI MINIMUM SCORE OF 100 (length of both horns and circumference of bases). This is hunting the most gracious plains game animal, with the world’s best caliber using the world’s best ammunition. The proudest of all antelope species on the African continent. Sable Hunting Areas in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. The MAJESTIC SABLE ANTELOPE is arguably one of the most beautiful animals in Africa and we are proud to offer these quality sable hunts to our bowhunters on 40 000 acres! The cost of hunting sable in Africa for 2016, 2017 and the 2018 sable hunting season was $ 6 500. At this point the mature herd bull will defend his role as the Alpha male by forcefully evicting any potential competitors for breeding rights. Travel cost to South Africa of between $1500 – $2500. We recommend a quartering away shot only if you are using a 45-70, 375 or any of the larger calibers. Daily fees: 2 Hunters/ 1 PH - $295 per hunter per day, Bow Hunter/ 1 PH - $345 per hunter per day, 1st Class Accommodations on our South African Concession, Guided and Licensed Professional Hunter for your Hunt, Services of Trackers, Drivers and Skinners, Care of your trophies to include Capping and transportation to Taxidermist for Export, Transportation to/from the Johannesburg (TAMBO) International Airport, Additional Hunting for other Game Animals, Extra Nights at the Hunt Lodge with Family and Guests, Trips to Pilanesburg, Marakele & Kruger National Parks. 1. Regular Zim pricing roughly $700 a day (on a Sable and pg combo) add trophy fee of $4000 min 7 days. The ears are rusty brown on the back parts. Both sable bulls and cows have horns and the one should not be mistaken for the other. They may also be your best friend. All sables have a very erect mane on the back of the neck and have white facial markings. Do not take the shot if you are unsure about taking the shot. Two of the most striking big game trophies available in Africa. Valley Bushveld Safaris concession areas consist of 19 privately owned game farms, allowing us to operate within a 300 km radius from our home base, which is close to Addo in the Eastern Cape in search of the best plains game trophy animals such as Sable. THE SABLE AND ROAN SAFARI AREA. Stay in a … Hunting sable in Africa is hunting for one of the most beautiful antelope species in Africa. And they did not become mature by being stupid. A good 2 – 12 X 50 gun scope is sufficient for hunting sable in Africa. The cost of hunting sable in Africa for 2016, 2017 and the 2018 sable hunting season was $ 6 500. Poodles can be trained for many purposes: competing in conformation, hunting, service and therapy, agility, rally obedience, and even herding. We can argue calibers from now till chickens grow teeth and still disagree. The hunting location for this sable and roan hunt will take place in South Africa's Northwest Province. The Sable antelope is a spectacular trophy animal and the focus of your five-day hunt in South Africa's bushveld region. Whenever you see a sable antelope walking, it seems like he does not only own the piece of real estate you are on, but like he owns your truck also.
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