The related surnames Legh and Leigh are usually from the Middle English form of the word, ‘legh’-though they do occasionally derive from the older source. It also originates from the Old English Lēah, which predates the Norman Conquest of England in 1066. People having the name Lea are in general originating from Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Iceland, Israel, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States of America. Lea is a feminine given name. Within the top 1000 baby names then, there were 3 Lea- names. The most Lea families were found in the UK in 1891. Lancashire had the highest population of Lea families in 1891. In 1891 there were 1,558 Lea families living in Lancashire. The name Lea means Weary and is of Hebrew origin. (2000 U.S. The Hebrew meaning is “weary” (from “laʾah”) and “cow” (from “le’ah”). There are several meanings of the name Lea. The Lea family name was found in the USA, the UK, Canada, and Scotland between 1840 and 1920. In French the name Léa is the biblical name Leah. While traditionally pronounced as a homonym for Lee, Glee actress Lea Michele pronounces her name like Leah. In Spanish the same name is Lía, and in Italian Lia. This famous name recorded as Lee, Lees, Lea, Leas, Lease and Leese is of Olde English origin. Meaning of Lea. This is a place name coming from the Old English word ‘leah’, which means ‘wood, glade, clearing, field or pasture’. It is usually locational and derives from any of the places named with the pre 7th Century element "leah". Name: Lea Gender: Female Usage: Lea, of hebrew origin, is a very popular first name. Find out more about the name Lea at Lea is a very prominent first name for women (#665 out of 4276, Top 16%) and also a very prominent surname for both adults and children (#3414 out of 150436, Top 2%). DEMOGRAPHICS) Lea reached its top rank of #456 in the U.S. during the years 1970-1979, and is currently at #708. Their usage peaked in 2010 with 0.381% of baby girls being given Lea- names. Lea as a girl's name (also used as boy's name Lea), is a variant of Leah (Hebrew) and Lee (Old English), and the meaning of Lea is "delicate; weary; meadow or pasture". The name Lea is a girl's name of English origin meaning "weary or meadow".. More attractive than Lee, less meaningful than Leah. This was about 26% of all the recorded Lea's in the UK. Origin of Lea. Meanings English Baby Names Meaning: In English Baby Names the meaning of the name Lea is: Meadow. Lea is a name that's been used primarily by parents who are considering baby names for girls. Notable people with the given name Lea include: People Lea. Lea- names are somewhat popular as baby girl names. Besides, Lea means “lioness” (according to the name Leo). In 2018, their total usage was 0.310% with 3 Lea- names listed among the top 1000. It is more often used as a girl (female) name. Lea is a biblical name of Hebrew origin (the first wife of Jacob). The surname Lee is a variant of Lea. Greek Baby Names Meaning: In Greek Baby Names the meaning of the name Lea … Lea is a female name. The names' popularity has been growing since the 1940s. Lea is an English surname.The surname Lea has a superficially Italian appearance to it; however with 314 people in Italy bearing the surname, it may have an Italian origin.
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