The Architectural Heritage Society of Scotland (AHSS) is a registered charity: SC007554REG The Society is a registered Company Limited by Guarantee: SC356726. School records – Index to School Leaving Certificate Examination results The Family History Index is an index of over 2,500 separate files deposited by researchers with the Society over a period of almost 50 years. A protester is seen holding a sign outside the THL during an impromptu protest.Residents of Tullibody staged a protest against the decision by Clackmannanshire Council to shut the center, despite 13 months negotiations and … "Clackmannanshire, the smallest co. of Scotland, extending 10 miles N. and S. between the main body of Perthshire and the river Forth, and 11 miles E. and W. between the cos. of Stirling and Fife; area, 30,477 ac. How to get in touch. It dates back to 4,000 BC or earlier. In 2010 the population was estimated at 2,970. To aid you in interpreting and using the FreeCEN transcriptions for Clackmannanshire, we have provided a page of Clackmannanshire Notes on this site. Data Collections. The safety of our teams of volunteers is paramount as some are in the most vulnerable age group and have to avail themselves of public transport. November 1795 in Exmouth, Devonshire) war ein schottischer Jurist und Essayist.. Alexander Abercromby war der vierte und jüngste Sohn des schottischen Juristen George Abercrombie, aus Tullibody in Clackmannanshire, und seiner Frau Mary, Tochter von Ralph Dundas, Esq. Drymen and District Local History Society. info); Scottish Gaelic: Clach Mhanainn, perhaps meaning "Stone of Manau"), is a small town and civil parish set in the Central Lowlands of Scotland. A comprehensive bibliography of all sources of information relating to the County, including many references to articles in the Alloa Advertiser and other local newspapers. Stirling Local History Society. Central Scotland Family History Society Clackmannanshire Archives Clackmannanshire Ministers 1890-1910 Clackmannanshire Parish and Probate Records 29,600 records including baptisms/christenings, burials, marriages, tombstone inscriptions, obituaries, tax lists and wills. You can limit the list to relevant organisations by using the simple key word search facility or the advanced search facility. We have gathered them all together here, and will add to the file as more become available. Data Collections ; Sorted by Clackmannanshire Census & Electoral Rolls. Sort by Count. 9.9K likes. Our vision is to lead and transform information management, guarantee the survival of today's information for tomorrow and bring history to life for everyone. Stirling Local History Society: Clackmannanshire Archives and History website -ClackPast. Pre-1855 inscriptions for the parish are contained in the Scottish Genealogy Society's volume of "Monumental Inscriptions in Clackmannanshire" - and also now too from the Central Scotland Family History Society.. CFSS was founded in 1970 after attempting to revive the Alloa Society of Natural Science and Archaeology established in 1865. 28th Sep, 2018. Central Scotland Family History Society. [Over the years The Fife Family History Society Journal has reviewed many published Fife family histories. Available from £1 a name a year. Many of the family histories are hard to find, but some are still available on the antiquarian market. These include a map of the county, an explanation of the 1891 boundary changes, a look at the population numbers and a list of books you may find useful. Thomas „Tom“ Johnston (* 2.November 1881 in Kirkintilloch, East Dunbartonshire, Schottland; † 5. Dollar is on the A91 road, which runs from Stirling to St Andrews, around 3 miles east of Tillicoultry. ; pop. The Scottish Genealogy Society Library & Family History Centre is now closed in line with Governmental advice. Collections. The CENTRAL SCOTLAND FAMILY HISTORY SOCIETY (CSFHS) was formed in 1990 to serve the needs of those interested in family history who lived in what was then Central Region. Legion Scotland area. Website by Urwin Studio / … Forth and Clyde Canal Society. RAIL 1057 British Transport Historical Records (BTHR) include references to mines, mineral workings, statistics, mining accident reports and the provision of transport for mines. Situated within the Forth Valley, Clackmannan is 1.8 miles (2.9 km) south-east of Alloa and 3.2 miles (5.1 km) south of Tillicoultry. Tullibody is an ancient village in the smallest county of Scotland, Clackmannanshire. Each file contains research on a specific family or number of families and there may be a number of files for a given family. Clackmannanshire Council, Alloa. Tel: 07825 633 187. “Clackmannanshire: a Guide to Historical Sources” by William C Brown, 1980. Isabella ‘Ella’ Christie of Cowden (1861 –1949) was a formidable character whose achievements included being the first western lady to travel from Samarkand to Khiva and to meet the Dalai Lama. Opening Ceremony 2003 It is one of the Hillfoots Villages, nestling below the Ochil Hills to the north and the River Devon to the south. Until the late nineteenth century the county was comprised of only four parishes Clackmannan, Alloa, Dollar and Tillicoultry, the parishes of Alva and Muckhart only having been added since that time. WELCOME TO TULLIBODY HISTORY GROUP. Clackmannan, the old county town, is named after the ancient stone associated with the pre-Christian deity Manau or Mannan.The stone now rests on a larger stone beside the Tollbooth and Mercat Cross at the top of Main street, Clackmannan. Here you'll find record collections, history, and genealogy resources to help you trace your Clackmannanshire ancestors. History. Monitored during office hours only. The History Group was formed in 2001 and we opened our Heritage Centre in 2003. The files range in size from one page to substantial family histories running to tens or even hundreds of pages. The list can be re-sorted by Organisation or Location clicking on the table headings. Family History Federations (56) Family History Societies (242) Local History Federations (26) Local History Societies (531) Historical Association (45) Performing & Visual Arts (902) Reading & Literature (310) Science, Technology & Medicine (752) The Social Sciences (152) What, When & Where Listings (4) 25,680, or 539 persons to each sq. Lookup searches – Access records in Scottish archives for ancestors in this parish (e.g. Welcome to our Clackmannanshire family history research page. We will respond as quickly as possible. Clackmannanshire synonyms, Clackmannanshire pronunciation, Clackmannanshire translation, English dictionary definition of Clackmannanshire. Member organisations come from all parts of Scotland as well as overseas and include historical groups and societies, and heritage organisations such as libraries, archives and museums, including (but not limited to) those listed below. Search United Kingdom Scotland Clackmannanshire Clackmannanshire . aus Manor. History Our patron Trustees Team Unforgotten Forces Annual report Pages 01315501549 Log in; Basket: (0 items) Join us Find your branch or club Clackmannanshire and District branch. Clackmannanshire - The area between the Forth and Devon has provided the historic core of modern Clackmannanshire. More in-depth details will follow. Clackmannanshire Field Studies Society. A card index is available at The National Archives, giving references under the headings ‘Mines’ and ‘Minerals’ The Mines Department published lists of all quarries and mines in the United Kingdom, their owner ClacksPast contains basic details of all the archival collections held in Clackmannanshire Archives. m." from The New London Gazetteer 1826: Genuki - Clackmannanshire The Scottish Local History Forum is an umbrella group for a wide variety of organisations involved in local history in Scotland. Clackmannanshire Help. Alexander Abercromby, Lord Abercromby, (* 15.Oktober 1745 in Clackmannanshire; † 17. Find your local Family History Society-----UKBMD Free searching of original indexes-----FreeBMD Click here for free searches-----General Register Office Click to order Uses 1881 census to connect cousins. The society's aims are "to promote interest in the environment and heritage of the local area" and we have some 120 members. 28/9/2012 This is a searchable database, set to grow in the future. Kirk Session Records). Legend has it that Robert the Bruce mislaid his glove while in the area and, on asking where it was, was told "Look aboot ye". History. Between 1904–05 she travelled to India and then on to Kashmir, Tibet, Malaya, and Borneo. Poor Law appeals – Indexed Poor Law appeals with the option to order images of records.. Asylum records – Index to the General Register of Lunatics in Asylums. Tullibody, Clackmannanshire, UK. In winter, from September to April, there are fortnightly lectures dealing with varying topics and a member's night. The Society covers the old counties of Clackmannanshire, Stirlingshire and West Perthshire, including the parishes of Bo'ness and Carriden which were in West Lothian. Glasgow, Ayrshire, Dumfries and Galloway. Email: [email protected] Published: 30 th May, 2017. Library – Clackmannanshire Below are listed the publications which West Lothian Family History Society holds for the county of Clackmannanshire. England: Anglo-Scottish Family History Society. Updated: 11 th December, 2018. We will continue to attend to sales, membership and email enquiries. Outside Scotland: Canada: Scottish Interest Group, Ontario Genealogical Society . Please be patient. There are no … Tullibody History Group. Dollar is a town in Scotland's smallest county, Clackmannanshire. Clackmannanshire County`s Web site, and also the 1996-2000 Old Kirkyard Survey. N.B. Stirling City Heritage Trust. The official archive of the UK government.
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