In npm 3.4.1, the default behavior changed: instead of the star range, npm now uses the “latest” tag, which is equivalent to: An npm distribution tag is conceptually similar to a git tag: it’s a name that points to an exact version. The purpose for this behavior is twofold. The calculator should handle the star range correctly and support tags (at the very least, the latest tag). GitHub is home to over 50 million developers working together to host and review code, manage projects, and build software together. A big thanks to Aria Stewart for kindly explaining npm’s behavior and teaching me how to use distribution tags. they're used to log you in. Today, we are excited to announce the release of npm v7.0.0, which will be shipping with Node.js 15.0.0 next week. This way, npmcould determine whether a version string represents a prerelease versus a GA release. Learn the basics. prerelease(v): Returns an array of prerelease components, or null if none However this feature is not supporter by npm version bumping. This is because prerelease versions are meant to be unstable and are expected to have breaking changes. If called from a non-prerelease version, the prerelease will work the same as prepatch. In the second case, the existing version will be incremented by 1 in the specified field. At npm, Inc., we're proud to dedicate teams of full-time employees to operating the npm Registry, enhancing the CLI, improving JavaScript security, and other projects that support and nurture a vibrant open source community. But sometimes you want to include them anyway. If you would like to try it out now, you can install today by running npm i -g npm@7 in your terminal. semver.satisfies("4.0.0-alpha.1", "*"); // false, How to automate versioning and publication of an npm package, How I Built a Basic 3D Graphics Engine From Scratch, How To Automatically Bump NPM Package Version, Publishing private npm packages using GitHub Packages, Fine-tune Dependency Versions in Your JavaScript Monorepo, Beginner’s Guide to Write and Publish React NPM Package, Creating, Testing and Building a Monorepo With Lerna and Yarn. Suggestions cannot be applied while viewing a subset of changes. The npm package @lerna/prerelease-id-from-version receives a total of 811,822 downloads a week. Dice en los documentos que los comandos funcionan de acuerdo con el función.. Estas pre comandos sobre los que tengo una pregunta.. Digamos que actualmente estoy en la versión v1.0.0. npm version prerelease package.json 中的版本号1.0.0变为 1.0.1-0; 再次执行 npm version prerelease package.json 中的版本号1.0.1-0变为 1.0.1-1; 5,6操作说明 当执行npm version prerelease时,如果没有预发布号,则增加minor,同时prerelease 设为0; npm version support prerelease identification. This command only runs if prerelease is specified as its a "prerelease" identifier. If it proves problematic for people we will consider reverting it (preferrably before this becomes npm@latest). For example, to set the “next” tag: Conveniently, this also allows the latest prerelease to be installed with the tag name instead of specifying an exact version: Though, beware of breaking changes between alpha releases! We use essential cookies to perform essential website functions, e.g. Great, right? We just published a prerelease version of the TX Text Control DocumentViewer for React on npm. npm version 常用命令 prerelease. Based on project statistics from the GitHub repository for the npm package @lerna/prerelease-id-from-version… lerna version --conventional-commits --conventional-prerelease=package-2,package-4 # force all changed packages to be prereleased lerna version --conventional-commits --conventional-prerelease When run with this flag, lerna version will release with prerelease versions the specified packages (comma-separated) or all packages using * . The newversion argument should be a valid semver string, a valid second argument to (one of patch, minor, major, prepatch, preminor, premajor, prerelease), or from-git. Usage npm version [ | major | minor | patch | premajor | preminor | prepatch | prerelease [preid] | from-git] command: npm version prerelease beta should … But sometimes you want to include them anyway. Thus by default npm 3.3.12 installs the latest non-pre-release. New to semantic versioning? Exciting new features. Using npx. (It is perhaps ironic that this change to semantic versioning was made in a patch release…) The release notes include an invitation for feedback, so I hope the npm team is reading: We think this is what everyone wants, but if this causes problems for you, we want to know!
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