Alternatively, please feel free to chuck a few pennies in the tip jar via Ko-fi: kofiwidget2.init('Support Me on Ko-fi', '#46b798', 'D1D0KHG8');kofiwidget2.draw(); Learn about where your money goes here. BTW, good article. Another plus for the Autocord is that all the Rollei, Yashica and quite a few other ‘Bayonet size 1’ accessories may be used. They’re also a much sturdier design (the stamped pot metal of the stock Autocord is quite fragile and are known to break), though not as smooth in operation as the Autocord for certain – each has their strengths. In raised areas the black enamel has been carefully machined away, leaving wonderful contrasting lines to frame the camera’s edges and nameplate. For those not familiar, the Autocord uses a somewhat novel lever bellow the lens to focus, rather than a dial on the side, which feels great to pull from left to right. To put it simply, medium format film is dimensionally larger than 35mm film (what digital users call full frame). Size of views : 5.6 x 5.6 cm. Then this article prompted me to consider the Autocord, and I eventually found one on ‘15-day approval’ at a UK dealer for around $100. And reflex means that the photographer looks through the lens to view the reflected image of an object or scene on the focusing screen. someoneagitaperas. Categories Uncategorized Tags 19-35/3.5-4.5 vivitar, d-76, foma 200, kodak trix, minolta autocord, portrait, Tel Aviv Leave a comment November 8, 2020 by Michael Ivnitsky Categories Uncategorized Tags 19-35/3.5-4.5 vivitar , d-76 , foma 200 , portrait , Tel Aviv Leave a comment Do you remember the name of the person or repair facility? I owned one (donated it to another photographer) and am sad that I did. I guess I need to think outside the rectangular box and into the square box. SUPERB B&W 2 1/4 x 2 1/4 negatives produced tack sharp images. The only Minolta I have now, I did not keep some Minolta lens for CLE (sometimes we can not be wise …), I have only kept the Minolta Hi-Matic 7Sii which has a wonderful lens and I love to use, the Minolta SLR like your interest me for lens as the Minolta MC Rokkor PG 58mm f/1.2(MC-X), and one Minolta attracts my interest the Minolta AutoCord. Right now it resides in a bank box along with a Minolta SR-1 and an Olympus Pen FT half frame jewel. However, I took a chance and bought it. It’s the same, meterless model as the one pictured here, although mine has a few scratches and the leatherette is peeling in places. Each photograph is a portrait taken within the North East of England, and I tried to capture my subjects amidst the greens and oranges of autumn. However here are the disappointing facts about this camera design since I bought mine;-. At this time, they introduce their first Twin Lens Reflex (TLR) camera, the MinoltaFlex, based on the German Rolleiflex cameras. It focuses by sliding a bar under the lens instead of a dial to focus on other TLR cameras. And yes, the poses in the manual are charming. The shutter varies from model to model, with some using Citizen-MVL and Optiper shutters. For a long time, a Japanese camera is what a photographer bought if he couldn’t afford a German machine. The previous owner didn’t know if it was working, even after giving them some tips to check. Looking down at the meter, it gives you a number. Many things. Line two: I doubt that the prior owner would be offended by “him” or “her;” “them” is now common, but cringe-worthy. A perfect combination of old-world charm, technical capability, and tactile involvement create an unmatched experience in film shooting. Looking down at the meter, it gives you a number. The Autocord’s twin lenses are about as close to jewelry as it gets in a TLR. Reply. Rollei filters are coated and are worth the additional cost. Weigh : 960 g. meter and feet focus scale . Wound up managing a massive photo studio and having access to Hasselblad, Sinar, Canon (1Ds Mk I/II), and all the best, but often found myself still taking the Autocord everywhere because of its consistently good sharpness (within 25% on a DrumScan of the Hasselblad 500CM with a Planar). Stay well all! This lever is located directly behind the shutter speed selector and uses a ten second delay. The Autocord is a bi-objectives reflex camera or TLR for Twin Lenses Reflex, made by Minolta from 1955 till 1966. Low light shooting can be a bit difficult, and things can get a little squirrely when framing a shot, since the nature of TLRs dictate that the optics through the viewfinder are reversed. I must say that the camera looks like in mint condition. It’s also important to remember the way that film format affects the photographer’s final image. This lever can be actuated with one hand, a big improvement over the focus knobs of its German rivals, and covers infinity to a minimum focus distance of 3.3 feet. One of the great things about the Autocord, and why I liked them so much, is that they can be used while holding it with one hand and focusing, advancing, etc. To be fair to the European TLR family (though not German), the lever & helicoid focus system was present in each and every Czech Flexaret model, well before the Autocord came along. Yes it’s a really pretty machine! The Minolta Autocord is a TLR gem. By doing so, you are shutter/aperture settings. Flickr is almost certainly the best online photo management and sharing application in the world. This will break the winding mechanism. The negatives easily enlarge to wall portrait size (up to 4 ft) with no loss of quality at all. Street photographers may be mixed regarding the Autocord. Thanks again. with the other; you don’t have to do the “Rolleiflex juggle”. I’m glad you like it. the bay i rolleinars can also be used perfectly on other TLRs such as yashic 124G, yashica D, Yashica Mat, Minolta Autocord, Ricohflex, etc. This helps Casual Photophile produce the content we produce. On the side of the dial is a button to push for “battery check.” I turned the dial to “Hi” for the majority of the images during daylight. Bokeh is entirely a matter of taste, but I’m of the opinion that the Autocord produces just the right amount of blur in these types of photos. But using an Autocord certainly helps stack the deck in the photographer’s favor. Naturally the images produced will vary depending on film type and, of course, the ability of the photographer. You’re right about the square compositions being odd at first! It’s true that most street shooters value surreptitious machines over anything large and flashy. Antique Cameras Old Cameras Vintage Cameras Camera Equipment Photo Equipment Photography Equipment Camera Hacks Camera Nikon Photography Camera. The Japanese Minolta Autocord of the 1950s (whether the original, the RA, or the CDS series) is a TLR that keeps increasing in value because of its excellent optics and control— the only TLR that may have outperformed Rollei during its time. As film (or digital sensor) size increases, the depth-of-field decreases. And if you’re spending the money, shouldn’t you spend it on the best? It is perhaps worth mentioning that two of the Autocord models (Autocord L and LMX) had selenium meters which means that, unlike the later cds models, they don’t need batteries. Unless I am wrong on this. 1) The material used for the helicoid focusing lever. Compared to many Medium Format cameras it has one really critical advantage – the way the film transport works, keeps the film flat till after it is shot, then it turns the corner to the takeup spool – this is MASSIVE if you leave your film in the camera for more than a day or so in warmer temperatures. Larger surface area means higher resolution images, less grain, and more detail. Looking forward to more of your wonderful photos. 14 notes. To start, TLR stands for twin lens reflex. Would you like to write for 35mmc? While this may thwart some street photographers, most people will find it a happy byproduct. Nice work James, the design is quite clean and even looks more modern that some cameras of today (holga comes to my mind) Did you use a lab to scan the film? This is made from the unstable zamak metal material which can break into 2 pieces easily if force is used. He’s shot Pulitzer Prize winning photos for the New York Times and has a pretty robust career. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. This is disorienting at first, but becomes less jarring with experience. So, for example, combining 6 (for f/8) with 8 (for 1/250) gives an EV of 14 – as will 5 with 9, 7 with 7 and so on. So I decided to shake things up and started looking for a TLR. It may provide better excess to space when loading/unloading the film but it can also damage the cover/helicoid lever if the lever is not in either the far left/right position. All but the most hardened and miserable photographers will enjoy these interactions. All of them are great for retro-style picture taking, delivering images comparable to the coated Zeiss Tessar and Schneider Xenar lenses on vintage Rolleiflexes. The one that I have, has the “Feet” distance reading underneath the helicoid focusing lever. The top lens is used for … What makes a Rolleiflex TLR so special? At one time in the early 90’s, I owned 5 of these in various states of finish, and tried to use them all. These excellent and reliable picture-takers were produced in various metered versions, culminating in the last—the Minolta Autocord CdS III of 1965. Perhaps this could be put down to the ‘arcane’ mechanics present in such devices, but nevertheless, you’re forced to engage with the machine, the subject and the environment, in ways that modern photography has obscured. This Minolta Autocord I is a late model among the popular Autocord series of TLR (Twin Lens Reflex) medium-format cameras. The Autocord continues to impress me with its sharpness and image quality, be it portraits, landscapes or anything in between. My father purchased an Autocord in the late 50’s/early 60’s … used it for years as a small town newspaper reporter until he passed it down to me. 2. It was first introduced in 1965. Both lenses use Rokkor-grade optics and feature stainless steel surrounds to protect the front elements and to capture the bayonet-style lens cap. 3) Multiple exposure. Enter the username or e-mail you used in your profile. I’m still struggling to frame things straight — although I’d be even worse without the grid lines on the screen, and I have to be careful on sunny days because the lens flares horribly if provoked. More than that, though, was the handling. Just ran across this and I have to say “kudos” for selecting one of the unsung TLR’s of the past! The case fits well, and there’s even a cap for the meter area. Thank you for your review of this vintage TLR. In addition to his work here, he’s also the founder of the online camera shop What’s happened since I first read it is that I’ve bought my own Autocord, and this article was probably what encouraged me to do it. Anyway, the user can download the Exposure app for android easily and have a joy to use it cause the light meter not CdS is completely dead on every camera like this. The Minolta Autocord takes 120 film, a medium film format that ranges from 6 by 4.5 to 6 by 24. Parallax error is a common issue with close-up subjects, and the inability to switch lenses is a hamper on certain types of creative photography. But a strip of Provia 100F transparencies is a little jewel, and the good ones are wonderfully satisfying, even if, at £1.50 a click, it will remain an occasional treat. The majority of my work was done with it on 120 Provia (sometimes cross-process as c41). Nice review and images. Many Autocords feature light meters. Stop the lens down further and things get downright crispy. Learn how your comment data is processed. You are correct that the SR-1 came out in 1959, but slightly more notable was their introduction of the SR-2 the previous year – It was the SR-2 that was their first 35mm SR mount SLR. The camera fits nicely in my hand. How cool is this? Other TLR cameras like Rolleiflex/Rolleicord cameras open bottom-up. I’m sure a lab would have done a better job though. It’s even got a focus scale. Minolta Autocord – Medium Format Camera Review,,, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window),,,,, Luckily, the Autocord’s lens is fantastic, and it’s this fantastic lens that puts the Autocord in the same league as the German machines. Serial number on top of the back cover. My wife and I planned a few days away so I was excited to take it for a test drive.eval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'35mmc_com-box-3','ezslot_10',179,'0','0'])); Kazuo Tashima founded Minolta in Osaka, Japan, in 1928 as Nichi-Doku Shashinki Shōten, which means Japanese-German Camera Shop. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. An older article that I just happened to stumble upon. The meter setting is Off, Hi, and Low. Have you tried the Minoltacord, how does tht older model compare to the autocord? Copyright © 2014-2020, F Stop Cameras LLC, All Rights Reserved. Then again, the Autocord’s waist-level viewfinder allows it to be accurately shot from the hip, it’s mostly black, and it’s lack of mirror and use of a leaf shutter make it exceptionally quiet. I’d have to say; I enjoy shooting with the Minolta Autocord CDS over any of the Rolleiflex, Rolleicord, Mamiyaflex, or other TLR cameras I’ve had the pleasure of shooting with over my career. The Autocord is an amazing machine compared to other TLRs, but to be fair, it’s not all roses. . Panning left moves the framing right and vice versa. So even though the aperture is a relatively slow ƒ/3.5, because it’s a medium format camera, the Autocord is able to create adequately shallow depth-of-field for the bokeh-lovers among us. There’s also a certain simplicity that’s refreshing in a meter-less Autocord. This is great for barring accidental shutter release. This meterless camera is equipped with a Citizen-MVL shutter and a Minolta Rokkor 1:3.5 f=75mm taking lens. In 1963, in the UK, a Minolta Autocord was 25% more than a YashicaMat, and which was a significant factor in favour of the YashicaMat for an 18 year old. There’s just more space for the chemistry to work its magic, resulting in cleaner, deeper images, with unrivaled detail. It is the meter-less version with Seikosha MX shutter. Alas, all gone now,, just have one I’m holding onto…. Just bought one Minoilta LMX recently in almost mint condition myself. I've taken out the Minolta today for a change to find out that the Autocord is still one of my favorites :-) Article by Xrstina Franco. This would be very useful to many TLR owners. Amazing optics, exceptional build quality, and a number of small ergonomic and functional refinements signaled the arrival of a new choice in the TLR scene. Affordable, yet offering image quality comparable to modern full-frame DSLRs, a TLR camera and 120 film should be on every photographer’s shopping list. Great for shots of the whole family, though our review model lacked this feature. Meter-less models are harder to shoot accurate exposures, but they look substantially better. The camera appears to be in good working order but needs a good cleaning. 15 notes. When I installed the battery, it took some time for it to react to light. Dimensions : 98 x 97 x 143 mm. The meter setting is Off, Hi, and Low. GERMAN LA ROTTA on A Step by Step Guide to Using your Large Format Camera for the First Time. The top lens, known as the “viewing lens”, displays the image through the viewfinder on the top of the camera. I have look at the following choices: Bronica S2 + Cheapest - body with 2 lens cost $400, complete with … Seagull 4A by Michele M. F. from Wikimedia Commons Minolta Autocord. From what I’ve seen, the Yashica’s viewfinder is essentially what you get in the image, aside from any parallax, but from what you indicate, the Minolta requires you to get the image inside the etched lines. The camera uses medium format, 120 film and is fairly easy to load. 2) The way the back cover is opened. It’s especially nice to make small talk in the dense urban areas that are so often associated with bustling people eager to avoid eye-contact. There were some features that Minolta had, which was unique. The close-up sets, especially the No.1 set, are useful for closer portraits and the wedge lens in the viewing part of the set effectively corrects the parallax error. I quite like the aesthetics of the 90s point and shoot cameras like Minolta TC-1 and Nikon 35TI. By purchasing anything using these links, Casual Photophile may receive a small commission at no additional charge to you. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. I had no idea that the Autocord used an innovative non-knob focusing method – seems pretty ingenious! One more thing about the numbers: if you have an external meter that reads in EV (my Autocord has no meter, so I use a Weston hand-held) then setting the shutter and aperture sliders to add up to the metered EV will give the correct exposure. You can find my other reviews and articles on 35mmc hereeval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'35mmc_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_11',181,'0','0'])); For more articles on 35mmc about the subject matter discussed here, please click one of the following tag links: 35mmc is free to read. I love the focus mechanism and especially the window on the top for the aperture and shutter speed. About 20 or so years later and very kind classmate in a nigh school copied her camera manual and completed my prize. And then on the occasion when someone spots it and looks at you, I find it much easier to snap the shot since I’m somehow less self-conscious of taking the picture, again I think owing to the fact I’m looking down and the sense that it’s all much more indirect. In this nascent period of Japanese industry the Japanese makers lacked the technical excellence, and just as crucially, the reputation for excellence that surrounded the likes of Leica, Zeiss and Rollei. To view my images and camera posts, you can go to my website here. Nothing wrong with that. Noteworthy Lenses – Nikon Nikkor 20mm ƒ/3.5. The metered model will always be uglier. On the top left of the Minolta Autocord CDS as you’re holding it is a tunable dial. The same component also controls the shutter speeds, which you see in the window on top.
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