Lonicera pileata Oliv. is an accepted name This name is the accepted name of a species in the genus Lonicera (family Caprifoliaceae). Arbustos perennifolios de 1.5-2.5(-5) m tall. pileata (Oliv.) linearis Rehder Lonicera tricalysioides C.Y. (Morot) 10: 317 (1896) Accepted by. All rights reserved. References [] Primary references []. Free and Open Access to Biodiversity Data. обÑажение оÑоби. yunnanensis Franch. Una ning gihulagway ni Daniel Oliver. Tough and reliable, Lonicera pileata is an evergreen ground cover shrub with small, dark, mossy green leaves. Lonicera pileata or the Box-leaved Honeysuckle is a wonderful low growing hedging plant with glossy, dark green foliage. (Morot). Struikkamperfoelie. // Plantarium: open on-line atlas and key to plants and lichens of Russia and neighbouring countries. (Lonicera pileata) A cserjés növekedésű loncok csoportjába tartozó törpe lonc egy Kínából származó örökzöld cserje, melyet alacsony termete és sűrű levélzete miatt gyakorta ültetnek talajtakarónak. Ramas jóvenes con pelos rígidos y curvados hacia arriba. (China) â A rather rare but increasing escape from cultivation, first recorded from a cemetery in Izegem and from the ruins of the lapidarium in Ieper, both in 2004. La lonicera, comunemente conosciuta come caprifoglio, è una pianta del genere delle caprifoliaceae. Lonicera pileata Oliv. On this page Created with Sketch. Lonicera ligustrina var. : L. ligustrina Wall. Immergrüne Kriech-Heckenkirsche. Brillantina. General information about Lonicera ligustrina var. (Caprifoglio a cupola) Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita, Università di Trieste - Progetto Dryades - Picture by Andrea Moro - Comune di Trieste, aiuola nel centro cittadino, TS, Friuli-Venezia Giulia , Italia, - Image licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share-Alike 3.0 License. Yemas invernales con varios pares de escamas agudas. linearis Rehder; L. tricalysioides C. Y. Wu ex P. S. Hsu & H. J. Wang. Volksnaam: Struikkamperfoelie Botanische naam: Lonicera ligustrina var. yunnanensis (Franch.) This variety is accepted, and its native range is Central China. Best Features: ⦠(syn. pileata (LONPI) Hassler, M. 2019. Descrizione. 1896. è帽å¿å¬ rui mao ren dong Lonicera pileata Oliver, Hookerâs Icon. yunnanensis Franch.) Ind., ed. Descripción. pileata und var. pileata Franch. Reference page. pileata (Oliver) Franchet, J. Bot. Beau couvre-sol un peu haut. Lonicera ligustrina. 2007â2020. Lonicera Species, Privet Honeysuckle (Lonicera ligustrina var. Lonicera pileata Oliv. Lonicera pileata Oliv. Global Biodiversity Information Facility. Lonicera ligustrina var. Wu ex P.S. Lonicera ligustrina Wall. Sinónimos: Lonicera pileata Oliver; Caprifolium pileatum (Oliver) Kuntze; L. pileata var. Coal Harbour, Vancouver, B.C. Rehder Lonicera ligustrina pileata: Lively, dense, spreading evergreen shrub, with angular branches clothed with masses of small bright mid-green, glossy leaves which are held in all but the severest winters. Cooperative Extension, which staffs local offices in all 100 counties and with the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. f. yunnanensis (Franch.) Lonicera pileata var. Further information. Lonicera ligustrina. Related Plants 'Blue Pearl' 'Hohenkrummer' 'Lemon Beauty' 'Moss Green' 'Red Tips' 'Royal Carpet' pileata. Qualités : Baies violettes. Steckbrief. Sie wird aufgrund der dekorativen Beeren sehr häufig als ⦠Die Immergrüne Heckenkirsche Lonicera pileata Oliver 1887 (Caprifoliaceae) und ihre Varietäten (var. Schulz, B. pileata (CAPRIFOLIACEAE) Sürünücü bodur Japon hanımeli, AÅk merdiveni çiçeÄi Beschrijving. Lonicera pileata f. yunnanensis (Franch.) Lonicera ligustrina Wall. Lonicera ligustrina var. Das natürliche Verbreitungsgebiet liegt in China. ÐегеÑаÑивнÑе оÑганÑ. РкÑлÑÑÑÑе. 2011. First published in J. Bot. An Lonicera pileata in uska species han Magnoliopsida nga ginhulagway ni Daniel Oliver.An Lonicera pileata in nahilalakip ha genus nga Lonicera, ngan familia nga Caprifoliaceae. Schulz, L. ligustrina Wall. The record derives from Tropicos (data supplied on 2012-04-18) which reports it as an accepted name (record 6000013) with original publication details: Fl. 1820 This name is reported by Caprifoliaceae as an accepted name in the genus Lonicera (family Caprifoliaceae ). Die Immergrüne Kriech-Heckenkirsche (Lonicera pileata) ist ein kleiner Strauch mit duftenden, 7 bis 8 Millimeter großen Blüten aus der Familie der Geißblattgewächse (Caprifoliaceae). Scientific Name: Lonicera L. (Caprifoliaceae) ligustrina Wall. 12c. Sinonimo; Lonicera ligustrina var. : L. pileata Oliver var. Lonicera nitida Wils. Lonicera ligustrina var. Lonicera ligustrina Wall. pileata (Oliv.)Franch.) Floraison : Petites fleurs blanches dressées le long de la tige ouvertes en avril-mai. Espesye sa tanom nga bulak ang Lonicera pileata. ... Lonicera pileata f. yunnanensis: K000396360: Bibliography. Also referred to as Lonicera ligustrina var. pileata Familia: Caprifoliaceae Distribución: La forma salvaje viene de China Altura: 40 a 100 centímetros Lonicera ligustrina Wall. Lonicera pileata Oliv. The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer. Chèvrefeuille cupule (Lonicera pileata) Végétation : 1 m de hauteur, feuillage très dense vert satiné. yunnanensis NC State University and N.C. A&T State University work in tandem, along with federal, state and local governments, to form a strategic partnership called N.C. Please click on any button to follow a link to that database. pileata Familie: Kamperfoeliefamilie (Caprifoliaceae) Verspreiding: De wilde vorm komt uit China Hoogte: 40 tot 100 centimeter Bloeiperiode: April tot juni Caprifoglio. Ang Lonicera pileata sakop sa kahenera nga Lonicera sa kabanay nga Caprifoliaceae. yunnanensis Franch. Canada. has a further 7 synonyms. Nursery Availability yunnanensis stat. pileata (Syn. Nombres comunes: Brillantina, madreselva caja de hojas Nombre botánico: Lonicera ligustrina var. The following databases may contain further information on this name. Thriving and happy in Fairfax County, Virginia. Rehder: Synonym: TRO: 2012-04-18: The species Lonicera ligustrina Wall. Madressilva-de-jardim Descrição Nome(s) popular Madressilva-de-jardim Nome botânico Lonicera ligustrina var. Lonicera rampicante. var. Parfum. Wang Species. Lonicera. Trivialname(n): Immergrüne Kriech-Heckenkirsche, Böschungsmyrthe Botanischer Name: Lonicera ligustrina var. Caprifolium pileatum Kuntze. yunnanensis, the Lonicera âBaggesenâs Goldâ is a part of the Caprifoliaceae family and is capable of growing into a small and neat evergreen hedge.. © 2019 Regents of the University of Minnesota. Ind., ed. yunnanensis. Learn how to prune Box Honeysuckle (Lonicera nitida) from renowned pruning guru Cass Turnbull, founder of PlantAmnesty. 10: 317. Si tratta in linea generale di rampicanti o arbusti di solito a foglia caduca che possono raggiungere anche i 25 metri di altezza (anche se generalmente vanno dai 2 metri fino agli 8). Franch. (syn. Lonicera pileata) Familie: Geißblattgewächse (Caprifoliaceae) Herkunft/Verbreitung: Die Wildform stammt aus China Winterhärtezone (USDA): Zone 5 (-23 °C) Blütezeit: April bis Juni Wuchsform/Höhe: Überhängend ⦠Browse pictures and read growth / cultivation information about Lonicera Species, Privet Honeysuckle (Lonicera ligustrina var. nov.) Mitteilungen der Deutschen Dendrologischen Gesellschaft 96: 93â98. Hsu & H.J. var. var. pileata) by growin Aug 28, 2006 11:43 PM. Lonicera pileata is an arching, fast-growing hedging plant and a popular choice for evergreen low growing, spreading hedges. pileata Famiglia: Caprifoliaceae Distribuzione: La forma selvaggia viene dalla Cina Altezza: 40 a 100 centimetri Nomi comuni: Caprifoglio Nomi botanici: Lonicera ligustrina var. Lonicera ligustrina var. : 95; Links []. Ideal for cultivation in even the most severe of UK winters, this evergreen plant produces wonderful berries during the summer and autumn. Fl. Lonicera pileata var. A planting at Winterthur Gardens in northern Delaware in August 2011.
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