"My dear, you've not been yourself lately," he added, softening. If you’ve been fighting with fuzz lately and aren’t quite sure how to get soft, silky smooth skin, the best hair removal products can have you hair-free in a snap. Recently/lately, I have been feeling really tired. But even in this I can see lately a shade of improvement. These fats have been in the news lately because eating too much of them has been linked to heart disease and other health problems. Several scholars - notably Bhagvanlal Indraji, Mr Lewis Rice and Hofrath Biihler - have treated of the remarkable archaeological discoveries lately made. Carpenter (1899, 1902-1904) has lately endeavoured to show an exact numerical correspondence in segmentation between the Hexapoda, the Crustacea, the Arachnida, and the most primitive of the Diplopoda. In Prussia Bismarck had lately become prime minister, and was animated by ambitious projects for his countrys aggrandizement. Sentence Position — just / recently / lately NONPROGRESSIVE Recently, just, and lately are used in a nonprogressive present perfect clause to express that an activity or action occurred and ended near to the moment of speaking. Check on your carb situation and cut back if you've been eating more carbs than normal lately. The rivers are shallow and more or less broken by rapids in the notches; rapids occur also near the outer border of the crystalline belt, as if the rivers there had been lately incited to downward erosion by an uplift of the region, and had not yet had time to regrade their courses. While they can both be positioned at the beginning or end of a sentence, only "recently" can split the verb (i.e. Lately she has been much interested in colour. More lately she has by some been conjecturally recognized in a doubtful, though Leonardesque, portrait of a lady with a weasel in the Czartoryski collection at Prague. Early Helladic house walls have lately been found by the American School at Corinth (A. Use the comments section below to give us some examples using ‘lately’ correctly in a sentence. 2. But lately everything had changed for him. The chief had lately become a member of the Institute, and did his utmost to inflame in France that love of art and science which he had helped to kindle by enriching the museums of Paris with the treasures of Italy. [M] [T] I've been snowed under with work lately. She had already determined to create him a noble, and begun to look out an estate in the lately annexed possessions of Sweden on the Pomeranian coast. It is but lately, however, that any adequate conception of the magnitude and majesty of the most stupendous of the mountain groups which mass themselves about the upper tributaries and reaches of the Indus has been presented to us in the works of Sir F. lately operating in the Rhodope came up, some by the Arda and some via Demotika on the S. More than 50% of its working population are engaged in industry, which embraces almost all branches, of which new ones have lately sprung into existence, whilst most of the older have taken a new lease of life. " Ten days later, some villain pumped bullets into that body. You know how mum is lately. Lately, McConaughey has been accused of behaving less like an expectant dad and more like a single man during his recent trip to Nicaragua. It's just that lately everything keeps piling up. Trans fat has been in the news lately because it is in so many products and is quite harmful to the body. When emperors became converts, the church, so lately a victim and a pleader for liberty, readily learned to persecute. The Conservative party has lately been annexing the state of sexual propriety, as a core step on the 20-year path back to power. As in the dog has been barking for an extended period of time. Lately, many articles about resistance training exercises have been featured in newspapers, magazines and fitness websites. By clicking “Accept”, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. The old view that the Lares were the deified ancestors of the family has been rejected lately by Wissowa, who holds that the Lar was originally the protecting spirit of a man's lot of arable land, with a shrine at the compitum, i.e. On 12 May 1361, a market was held by Henry, duke of Lancaster, lately deceased (CIPM, xi, no. Since capsules can be expensive and in many case quite "unnatural" with the added risk of potential impurities (Chinese imports have been found to cause quite a few scares lately,) we'll focus on the functional food angle. Lately she had to stay after him to get his chores done. "You have only lately arrived?" Though this type of drug screening method is a classic, there have been many problems lately with urine substitution or adulteration. Some of the members of the university who had lately sworn allegiance to James had some difficulty in swearing allegiance to his successor. Most of the works lately named, being very costly, are not easily accessible. It seemed the only news was bad news lately but then we cracked a pedophile ring in a Detroit suburb prompting seven arrests and ascended back up to cloud nine. This memory carried him sadly and sweetly back to those painful feelings of which he had not thought lately, but which still found place in his soul. Do not mention that the child has said something, but rather discuss how your child has been quiet lately and/or upset. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. The period remains dark, notwithstanding the obscure light that has been thrown on it lately (Pognon, Inscriptions). 1 CapSacs have been a huge hit lately too with the college crowd, they are these neon hats with fanny packs on them. LR: Lately we are obsessed with these keychains called Pinky Trees. My Bichon Frise has been licking her bottom a lot lately, but she never scoots. Graber, however (1889), of the embryonic membranes has lately been shown by Heymons. The monastery evidently also held another fair there called St Ellen's fair, for in 1583 Queen Elizabeth granted this fair and St Paul's fair and the market "lately belonging to the dissolved monastery of Pontefract" to one Henry Burdett, and Ralph and Henry his sons for their lives. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. I seem to have been suffering from blogger's block lately, totally uninspired to write about anything. It is used in the perfect tense. A lately discovered effect of sand filtration is a matter of great importance in connexion with the subject of aqueducts. Dickel and others have lately claimed that fertilized eggs can give rise to either queens, workers or males, according to the food supplied to the larvae and the influence of supposed "sex-producing glands" possessed by the nurse-workers. addressed the representatives of the city in these words: " I have lately been made sensible of what consequence the city of London is, and therefore shall be sure to take all their privileges and interests into my particular protection.". 3. recently. His descendants have carried on the business at Etruria to this day, and have lately established at the works a Wedgwood museum of great interest. Lately, there has been a revival of interest in sundials. 2. tillage of the land have been lately introduced with very beneficial results. Lately, late) image: Paul Sableman. Lately he wasn't content – or maybe she was letting Katie stir that thought. The man was a Kaluga landowner of small means who had lately come to Petersburg. See more. The Flat Belly Diet has been getting quite a bit of attention lately, and many people are interested in learning how to make some of the flat belly diet recipes. The Athenians, irritated by the support which Artaxerxes had lately given to the revolt of their allies, and excited by rumours of his hostile preparations, were feverishly eager for a war with Persia. Among Devonian plants, Equisetales, including not only Archaeocalamites, but forms referred to Asterophyllites and Annularia, occur; Sphenophyllum is known from Devonian strata in North America and Bear Island, and Pseudobornia from the latter; Lycopods are represented by Bothrodendron and Lepidodendron; a typical Lepidostrobus, with structure preserved, has lately been found in the Upper Devonian of Kentucky. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. As lately as 1858 he had reluctantly refused to serve under Lord Derby; he was still a member of the Carlton Club; he sat for the university of Oxford; and on many questions he displayed a constant sympathy with Conservative traditions. I keep hearing the name 'Miss Worthington' a lot lately. He has been feeling better lately. This was beautifully illustrated at a private conversazione at my house lately, in the presence of several medical and other eminently scientific gentlemen. The treaties lately concluded by the shogun with the foreign powers conceded the right to navigate the strait of Shimonoseki, leading to the Inland Sea. Recent Examples on the Web To enjoy a dip in the ocean, lifelong swimmer Joy Zhu has lately had two choices: Clamber over... — Erin Mendell, WSJ, "Covid Closed Hong Kong’s Beaches, but It Couldn’t Keep Swimmers Out of the Ocean… Julia rarely had much to say about anything lately. Business ethics has been a hot topic lately, especially with companies like Enron making headlines. I think you've been working too hard lately. Lately in a sentence. Just before, the prince, who was still chancellor, had taken a very strong line with regard to a royal marriage in which the queen was keenly interested - the proposal that Prince Alexander of Battenberg, lately ruler of Bulgaria, and brother of the queen's son-in-law, Prince Henry, should marry Princess Victoria, the eldest daughter of the emperor Frederick. The opinion has been advanced that Hippolytus has here fallen a victim to the mystification of a forger. Nau has recently proved) 3 reproduced in full or almost in full, in John's own words, in the third part of the Chronicle which was till lately attributed to the patriarch Dionysius Telmaharensis, but is really the work of an unknown compiler. This pair is lightweight and easy to pack and takes its cue from the new attention yoga's getting lately. In several of the great London hospitals there are missionary associations, the members of which are medical students; but a chief source of supply in the past has been the Edinburgh Medical Mission, founded in 1841, which, while working among the poor in that city, has trained many young doctors for missionary service.In Rajputana at Jaipur Dr. Valantine started mission in 1866 which was led by the mission of Ajmer started in 1860 by Dr. Shoolbred and was extended in various districts of rajputana by Dr. Sommerville,Rev.John Traill and lately by Rt. Learn collocations of Later with free vocabulary lessons. It is now known to have existed in Aramaic as far back as the 5th century B.C., appearing on Jewish papyri which were lately discovered by the German mission to Elephantine.'. Here goes lumber from the Maine woods, which did not go out to sea in the last freshet, risen four dollars on the thousand because of what did go out or was split up; pine, spruce, cedar--first, second, third, and fourth qualities, so lately all of one quality, to wave over the bear, and moose, and caribou. I haven't had personal contact with him lately but I hear he's trying to snow ball them but he's subject to subpoena so he has to be careful. Heidi Montag, star of MTV's The Hills, has been making headlines lately for her verbal war with costar Lauren Conrad. Needham have lately (1898-1899) shown that a common arrangement underlies all, six series of longitudinal or radiating nervures being present in the typical wing (see fig. To make matters worse, lately she had been dreaming of the ranch as well. If you haven't pulled out the Scrabble board lately, what you are waiting for? Here he waited for a year until his companions could join him, and meanwhile he occupied himself in his usual good works, gaining several more companions and meeting Giovanni Piero Caraffa, afterwards Paul IV., who had lately founded the Theatines. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. I've only had three people on my mind lately – me, myself and I. 20 examples of simple sentences “not late” . Whether systematic training can do anything to make the attainment of this balance easier is a question that has lately engaged the attention of many educational reformers; and whatever future casuistry may still have before it would seem to lie along the lines indicated by them. It seems that this Mahommed, or his son, emigrated later to Sumatra, where in the old Samara the graves of their descendants have been lately discovered. As of late Wednesday afternoon, no arrest had been made. The only thing she had been proving lately was that she could successfully avoid him. He spoke now and then, but incoherently, generally about the home he had lately left. Another case of a " seed-bearing " Lycopod has lately been discovered by Miss Benson in Miadesmia membranacea, a slender Selaginella-like plant from the Lower Coal Measures of Lancashire. Thanks. Recently is a one time thing unless expressed contrary in the sentence. He used to cross quickly through the garden when Sylvester was still with me, but lately he's becoming rather bold. The cracked door-lintel, which shows an eagle on the soffit, was propped up first by Burton, and lately, more securely, by the Germans. The big thing lately is Law. In the Salle du Conseil d'Etat some curious 15th-century frescoes have lately been discovered, while the old Salle des Festins is now known as the Salle de l'Alabama, in memory of the arbitration tribunal of 1872. These gaps have lately been repaired, or made passable with the help of iron stanchions; the remains cf the buildings at the top and at the foot of the mountain have been excavated; and the entrance to the gallery, between the outstretched paws of a gigantic lion, has been laid bare. He has put on weight lately since he does not go outside as much as he used to. I have been … Britney Spears has done her best to stay out of the spotlight and has received little, if any, negative press lately. In the year following, 1788, Nembana, a Timni chief, sold a strip of land to Captain John Taylor, R.N., for the use of the "free community of settlers, their heirs and successors, lately arrived from England, and under the protection of the British government.". The news of the strengthening of the British army and navy lately announced in the king's speech had perhaps annoyed him; but seeing that his outbursts of passion were nearly always the result of calculation - he once stated, pointing to his chin, that temper only mounted that high with him - his design, doubtless, was to set men everywhere talking about the perfidy of Albion. Savigny in 1816, and though disputed by various subsequent writers, they have been lately confirmed by the embryological researches of R. On account of the reduction and modification of the jaws in the Corixidae, C. Borner has lately suggested that they should form a special sub-order of Hemipterathe Sandaliorrhyncha. Split up into numerous and mutually hostile communities, they never, through the fourteen centuries which have elapsed since the end of the old Western empire, shook off the yoke of foreigners completely; they never until lately learned to merge their local and conflicting interests in the common good of undivided Italy. They describe the natives as " very proud and haughty, and not so accommodating as those lately left.". The falling off of the crop, especially in 1899, was due to bad seasons and to insects, notably the Cycloconium oleog-inum, and the Dacus oleae, or oil-fly, which have ravaged the olive-yards, and it is noticeable that lately good and bad seasons see1n to alternate; between 1900 and 1905 the crops were alternately one half of, and equal to, that of the latter year. Maybe it was because Alex seemed to have more affection for them than he did anything else lately. Of lately discovered species the most striking is one of the deep-sea Cirolanidae, Bathynomus giganteus, A. Biking was usually Dean's thinking time, but his brain felt overused lately and had opted for a day off, restricting his thoughts to nothing more pressing than the next hill. Maybe because of a little bit of embarrassment, but not anything more embarrassing than the words that have been coming out of Katherine Heigl's mouth lately. "Scranton's popping up a lot lately," Dean muttered, more to himself than the others. A modification of the system of double-bottom defecators has lately been introduced with considerable success in San Domingo and in Cuba, by which a continuous and steady discharge of clear defecated juice is obtained on the one hand, and on the other a comparatively hard dry cake of scum or cachaza, and without the use of filter presses. Definition of Lately. sue'm very glad, because I think that suing for compensation is getting stupidly out of hand lately. Lately, I am beginning to feel the pressures of sustaining a long-distance relationship. The literalism of the Panorama has lately been invaded by an effort toward the Ideal. Have you seen him lately? If all this sounds perfectly logical, it's worth remembering that until lately such a facility simply wasn't available anywhere. British hip hop music has been getting a lot of attention lately, and LTK Music has the free British rap music downloads you need to see what the buzz is all about. Lately she had been wondering if she could have landed such a job without his help. Lately he wasn't content – or maybe she was letting Katie stir that thought. The likeness he is recorded to have painted of Ginevra de' Bend used to be traditionally identified with the fine portrait of a matron at the Pitti absurdly known as La Monaca: more lately it has been recognized in a rather dull, expressionless Verrocchiesque portrait of a young woman with a fanciful background of pine-sprays in the Liechtenstein gallery at Vienna. He made a good scapegoat for everything that had been going wrong lately. No room for that lately. Crocketford, A Free Church has been lately erected in the village, which is attended by a large proportion of the People. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Lately refers to a repeated action. Lately, Fred had expanded his electronic rummage sale, advertising himself as a local resource for anyone seeking ancestral information in Ouray County. Since 1882 he has received Rs.25,000 as government rent for the Quetta district, besides Rs.30,000 in lieu of transit duties in the Bolan; this has been increased lately by Rs.9000 as already stated. Russia was till lately the most police-ridden country in the world; not even in France in the worst days of the monarchy were the people so much in the hands of the police. Listen to all | All sentences (with pause) Used with verbs: " The project was recently completed. She has a brother; I think you know him, he married Lise Meinen lately. How comes it that Adam's ruin is effected by one of those very" beasts of the field "which he had but lately named (ii. Lacy wore a skirt too short and tight for office wear, but when you're the boss … "I noticed you've been taking a lot of sick time lately," Lacy said as Sofia entered the room. If you have spent a lot of time in the gym lately, this string style tanga is a smart selection to show off what you've got, but it's also a nice way to motivate yourself to work harder on your form. In case you haven't been shopping lately, here are a few of the latest scandalous headlines. Such machines have been extensively employed in America, and have also lately been used in Great Britain, worked by the FIG. Of course, Kevin Federline has been making headlines lately for his custody fight with Britney Spears. Sometimes, the tabloids get it all wrong, but lately it seems, when they are talking about a celebrity couple splitting, they've been spot on. There's rarely a fresh idea lately which causes some of the participants to figure out the most outrageous thing they can do to get the audience's attention. , Lately, the usually fast-growing city has experienced stagnant population growth. The church continued till lately to carry on normal schools for the training of teachers in Edinburgh, Glasgow and Aberdeen; but these, along with the normal schools of the United Free Church, were recently made over to the state. You can check the examples given in the following web page and compare them with the sentences you completed. His first experiment in treason was Rising of the so-called rising of Robin of Redesdale, which Robin of was ostensibly an armed protest by the gentry and Redes- commons of Yorkshire against the maladministration dale, of the realm by the kings favoriteshis wifes relatives, and the courtiers whom he had lately promoted to high rank and office. I seem to have been suffering from blogger 's block lately, totally uninspired to write about anything. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. Lately he has been coughing a lot at night, and I've noticed he has huge lumps in his groin area. Lastly, lately seems more formal while recently can be … In a convocation held at Oxford under Archbishop Arundel in 1408 it was enacted " that no man hereafter by his own authority translate any text of the Scripture into English or any other tongue, by way of a book, booklet, or tract; and that no man read any such book, booklet, or tract, now lately composed in the time of John Wycliffe or since, or hereafter to be set forth in part or in whole, publicly or privately, upon pain of greater excommunication, until the said translation be approved by the ordinary of the place, or, if the case so require, by the council provincial. If you haven't noticed lately, everyone who's anyone has a blog. Though the salon is usually profitable, lately we have been spending more than we have been making. Learn how to use Later using many example sentences. "Recently I've been thinking about getting a dog." www.use-in-a-sentence.com English words and Examples of Usage use "later" in a sentence A Saudi Arabian proverb advises, "Beware the man who lavishes too much praise on you, he will later run you down." That was the man she had been neglecting lately to spend time with the twins. Most continental countries have issued stringent laws against the sale of secret remedies, and these have been lately strengthened in Germany, France and Italy. Until lately she had not deemed herself worthy to mate with so exalted a personage as her lover. Alex hadn't been wearing the pants lately. lately example sentences. For example, you may say, “I haven’t completed my homework yet,” or, “I haven’t eaten breakfast yet.”. , While Molly is usually carefree, she has been really stressed out lately with the task of Christmas shopping. How to use “not late” in a sentence. Another interesting race of hybrids has lately been obtained between G. gandavensis and G. purpureo-auratus, a Cape species, with yellow and purple flowers. He turned up an hour later. For I was 10th at first dash to tell you that I had lately received a letter from him so surprising to me for the inconsistency of every part of it, as to be put into great disorder by it, from the concernment I have for him, lest it should arise from that which of all mankind I should least dread from him and most lament for - I mean a discomposure in head, or mind, or both. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. It was aimed at the repeal of the whole Elizabethan legislation against the Roman Catholics and perhaps derived some impulse at first from the leniency lately shown by the administration, afterwards gaining support from the opposite cause, the return of the government to the policy of repression. All sentences include two parts: the subject and the verb (this is also known as the predicate). Definition of lately adverb in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Have you checked the price of a round-trip airfare to Asia or Africa lately? defends the exact accuracy of St Luke's " first census " as witnessing to the (otherwise of course unknown) introduction into Syria of the periodic fourteen years' census which the evidence of papyri has lately established for Egypt, at least from A.D. He sounded pleased, unlike the moods he'd been in lately. And lately her curiosity had been going beyond the usual questions about his mysterious family tree - beyond the questing of his vast knowledge of the ranch. In A Divine Tragedy lately acted he had attacked the Declaration of Sports, and in News from Ipswich he had assailed Wren and the bishops generally. LATELY : in the recent period of time When used with pr. It is possible, though not certain, that to this date also belongs the famous portrait of himself at Munich bearing a false signature and date, 150o; in this it has been lately shown that the artist modified his own lineaments according to a preconceived scheme of facial proportion, so that it must be taken as an ideal rather than a literal presentment of himself to posterity as he appeared in the flower of his early middle age. It's difficult to see as of late in a sentence . The cathedral of St Martin was begun in 1063 by Bishop Anselm (later Pope Alexander II. The history of that ill-fated queen occupied much of his attention, and his last work, A Detection of the LoveLetters lately attributed in Hugh Campbell's work to Mary Queen of Scots, is an exposure of an attempt to represent as genuine some fictitious letters said to have passed between Mary and Bothwell, which had fallen into deserved oblivion. You can also say, “She hasn’t watched the episode yet,” or, … A complete life, founded on the lately discovered process of 1626 and the new letters, was being prepared by the author of the present article at the time of his death. Perhaps I shall hear a solitary loon laugh as he dives and plumes himself, or shall see a lonely fisher in his boat, like a floating leaf, beholding his form reflected in the waves, where lately a hundred men securely labored. Lately, she has been worrying about her son. What was it with the tears lately, anyway? I've had to keep Casper away from him lately. - Nearly all the chief data respecting the sun have lately been and still are under active revision, so that publications have tended to fall rapidly out of date. (completed, finished) " I recently returned the book. had lately founded and endowed for the Jesuits. But he needed time in order to build a navy and to prepare for the execution of the schemes for the overthrow of the British power in India, which he had lately outlined to General Decaen, the new governor of the French possessions in that land. Find more ways to say lately, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. What about that intern who's been calling you so much lately? She works a lot more hours lately, leaving early and/or staying late.
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