Definition of lactuca scariola, with etymology, pronunciation (phonetic and audio), synonyms, antonyms, derived terms and more about the word lactuca scariola. Word Frequency. Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) is an annual plant of the daisy family, Asteraceae.It is most often grown as a leaf vegetable, but sometimes for its stem and seeds.Lettuce is most often used for salads, although it is also seen in other kinds of food, such as soups, sandwiches and wraps; it can also be grilled. lettuce | Lactuca [genus]. It is not difficult to grow lettuce successfully provided you keep in mind that all types need well-prepared soil that is rich in organic material, regular thorough watering and feeding every two weeks. La laitue est probablement issue de l’espèce sauvage Lactuca scariola, d’origine euroasiatique, elle s’est déclinée en une multitude de variétés en fonction des régions où elle a été cultivée, et ce durant des milliers d’années de culture. (uncountable) The leaves of the lettuce plant, eaten as a vegetable; as a dish often mixed with other ingredients, dressing etc. pronouncekiwi - … www .merriam-webster .com /dictionary /lettuce genus: Lactuca sativa - type species. Lettuce definition, a cultivated plant, Lactuca sativa, occurring in many varieties and having succulent leaves used for salads. Listen to the audio pronunciation in several English accents. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples An edible plant, Lactuca sativa and its close relatives, having a head of green and/or purple leaves. Lactuca (Translingual) Proper noun. Lactuca @Reta-Vortaro. Proper usage and audio pronunciation of the word Lactuca sativa. For more species see Lactuca on Wikispecies How to use lettuce in … Any of various plants of the genus Lactuca of the composite family, especially L. sativa, cultivated for its edible leaves. The leaves of L.... b. ; Hypernyms. Dicotyledonous Herbs - Composites. Common Name(s): Lettuce. Végétal vert à grandes feuilles (Lactuca sativa) communément mangé en salades, hamburgers et tacos. This plant also has excellent medicinal properties. fr. lactuca sativa crispa pronunciation - How to properly say lactuca sativa crispa. Meaning of Lactuca sativa. Lettuce definition: A lettuce is a plant with large green leaves that is the basic ingredient of many salads. Members can view this photo in high resolution. What does Lactuca sativa capitata mean? It is regarded as an important source of phytonutrients. Cherchez des exemples de traductions Lactuca dans des phrases, écoutez à la prononciation et apprenez la grammaire. Information about Lactuca sativa capitata in the dictionary, synonyms and antonyms. Pronunciation. Asteraceae. English. A taxonomic genus within the family Asteraceae – the lettuces. Flower co Lactuca sativa… @fr.wiktionary2016. Structural class. Vérifiez les traductions 'Lactuca' en Français. b. Vascular – Exotic. Leaf lettuce definition is - any of various cultivated lettuces that constitute a distinct variety (Lactuca sativa crispa) and are distinguished by leaves having curled, crisped, or incised margins and forming a loose rosette which does not develop into a compact head. Sign in to disable ALL ads. Lactuca serriola L., la laitue scariole, laitue serriole ou laitue sauvage. 1. any of a genus (Lactuca) of hardy, annual composite plants; specif., a plant (L. sativa) grown for its crisp, succulent, green leaves 2. the leaves of such a plant, much used for salads. Definition of lactuca sativa, with etymology, pronunciation (phonetic and audio), synonyms, antonyms, derived terms and more about the word lactuca sativa. Photographer: John Smith-Dodsworth Lactuca sativa COMMON NAME Lettuce FAMILY Asteraceae FLORA CATEGORY Vascular – Exotic STRUCTURAL CLASS Dicotyledonous Herbs - Composites CONSERVATION STATUS Not assessed FLOWER COLOURS Yellow YEAR NATURALISED 1958 ORIGIN Unknown (probably cultivation in Egypt) ETYMOLOGY lactuca: From the Latin lac ‘milk’, … Lactuca sativa . Lactuca sativa. Not assessed. Collins! Lettuce is cultivated worldwide, and is one of the most consumed green leafy vegetables in the raw form for its taste and high nutritive value. Lactuca sativa: Pronunciation: lak-TOO-kuh suh-TYE-vuh: Common Name: lettuce : Family Name: Asteraceae: Plant Type: Biennial Key ID Features: Leaves colorful, mostly green reddish or rarely variegated, yellow, gold or bluish. Lettuce definition is - any of a genus (Lactuca) of composite plants; especially : a common garden vegetable (L. sativa) whose succulent leaves are used especially in salads. n. 1. Traductions dans le dictionnaire français - latin. Lactuca sativa. Végétal vert à grandes feuilles (Lactuca sativa) communément mangé en salades, hamburgers et tacos. Lactuca sativa . 1 A cultivated plant of the daisy family, with edible leaves that are a usual ingredient of salads. Definition of Lactuca sativa in the Dictionary. A white, crystalline substance, having a bitter taste and a neutral reaction, and forming one of the essential ingredients of lactucarium. Categories: Fruits and Vegetables. Lactuca sativa, la laitue cultivée, est une de nos salades vertes les plus appréciées, elle appartient à la famille des Astéracées. lettuce pronunciation: [ 'letis ],lettuce sound ,lettuce pronunciation, how to pronounce lettuce, click to play the pronunciation audio of lettuce Course(s): not used (on campus) (or lettuce) is a well known plant worldwide due to its use in the preparation of salad, soup, and vegetable curries.
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