Don't wanna sound like a redneck BUT, Spam (the canned one) can be quite tasty…I never would have tried it but my husband loves it! A total of eight videos will be released, entertaining, witty, engaging, and informative security awareness videos. Finally, the characters made to be relatable. Live Streaming. Fun Video about a Serious Subject -- Cyber Security - YouTube Biography: While working on a bachelor’s degree in accounting from Utah Valley University, Isaac was introduced to the world of security through a college job. Yep and it's a link to the Monty Python sketch. I.T. Related Posts. Not at all, she can embrace puppets any day. If I'd meant the canned meat product I would have said SPAM®. It's not clear whether "Glove and Boots" intended comments like "It's no good…nobody wants it…" to apply to spam (unwanted messages) or SPAM® (the product). Very very good!! In this video Obama Finds Ways to Make Cybersecurity Funny in a speech given by the President at Stanford University. Mmmmmmm! It came out in 1937, that Monty Python episode was in the 1970's. Now, not that I'd also "spread misinformation" associated with spam (or even SPAM®), but you may want to check if I've got the characters names the right way round. we know SPAM the meat was around before Monty Python (they couldn't have sung about something that didn't exist at that point). Can’t see the SPAM(R) folk being too happy with that one, mildy amusing as it is. That's a double negative…, Free-press organisations targeted in malware attack, Bitcoin exchange floored in virtual bank robbery – $250,000 stolen in security lapse, Watch this – the funniest spam video you’ll ever see [VIDEO],…, Talk to a Polynesian friend or neighbor and you'll see what I mean. I beg to differ Helen. How safe is that keenly priced digital doorbell. A total of eight videos will be released. It's use in all kinds of meals and recipes was very widespread when I was a child in the 1960's. He eventually went on to earn a Master’s in Accounting with an emphasis in information systems and security from the University of Arizona. A password manager. ", Fafa: "Make it stop! Will our users take us seriously if we employ puppets to convey a serious message? In the UK it was known as 'luncheon meat' – 'Spam' was its colloquial name. Isaac enjoys the security industry because every day there are new and interesting things to learn. From near the beginning: Fafa (the red one): "Computer said my credit card was stolen and I don't even have a credit card. Whether one likes the canned meat or not, to associate it so closely with the menace of spam emails is pretty poor. You want to protect the business and yourself, but you don’t need it shoved. See… I bet you're drooling already. At first, I took it to mean that they were slamming the product, but in rewatching the video I suppose they might have intended it to apply to spam. No promises, but we always love to hear your ideas and suggestions about how we can spread the word of computer security in a fun, informative and engaging way. If you want more – this /r/sysadmin joke stream is awesome. I guess we should all be grateful that Hormel didn’t name their product “flappertanknibbles“, which was – at one point – a possibility. This is a hilarious video but aimed at the 'wrong' audience. Adobe believes in empowering our customers and our employees. The video is very funny, but it does make one mistake which is sure to upset the folks at Hormel Foods. LOL. I would think Hormel's lawyers will be on the case already. As someone trying to stop this 'spreadable ham' – thus SPAM, in a corporate environment I see people everyday 'clicking through' on this stuff and then being surprised they are infected. Adobe, National Cyber Security Alliance, and Speechless have partnered to bring you a series of security awareness videos. Their YouTube channel is here: (My favourite part happens at about 02:30 when a Nigerian prince offers his fortune..). Adobe originally created these videos to better educate their internal workforce. as while you may be thinking "Damn this spam e-mail takes ages to sift through and delete – Oh look there's a mail message from my friend, caught in my spam filter" it's probably not long before you think… Mmmmm SPAM®! Mar 25, 2016 - Explore Julie Watson's board "Cyber Security Cartoons" on Pinterest. “I think that’s really important because it’s not always the most exciting material, but if you can weave a little bit of fun into it it’s really helpful.” So I doubt they would be that happy to see cans of SPAM® feature so prominently in the video. SPAM®! Thanks Graham for yet another great post. , this is the person that security people think of when they, You want to do the right thing and take security safely. Now if you've ever read the nutrition facts or about the manufacturing process, then that's a different story. if implemented throughout the organization can, They are many to choose from and some are free. A misinformed video about misinformation. These videos take a witty and fun approach to security awareness, insomuch that the viewer isn’t watching to be trained on security awareness, but to be entertained. Yes, that’s right. We also know the Python's were singing about the meat product. We all want our friends and family to learn more about how better to secure their computers. Screen Recorder. The other group of people who really need to see this are my elderly parents, who really shouldn't be out on the superhighway without assistance. With these motivators it only made sense to partner and provide a valuable security resource to the public – entertaining, witty, engaging, and informative security awareness videos. So I clicked the link and now this thing will not go away! Windows “Ping of Death” bug revealed – patch now! That's the reference, the annoyance of repetitiously keeping on bombarding people with the same thing. Spam wasn’t named after the canned precooked meat product, but … SPAM® fritters. Perhaps not, but I am yet to see an information security training video that would. I don't even know what is this spam! The rest of us, of course, are just giggling. It's too bad they had to make this well-intentioned video at the expense of the folks who make SPAM®, which obviously is a product that is favored by enough people to keep it on the market. It's telling an idea to someone who doesn't want to hear it. Best of all.. it features puppets called Mario and Fafa. Yes! It's not the actual meat product or any item they were referring too when they called it Spam e mail, but the over repetatively barrage of it. If Python's sung ham ham ham they'd have called it Ham e mail. Enterprise. HEHEHEHEHEHE!!! Sophos Home protects every Mac and PC in your home. ! Are you sure it's not an internally consistent joke? The video is very funny, but it does make one mistake which is sure to upset the folks at Hormel Foods. Showing a can of SPAM one or two times maybe, but so many times in the video? I don't happen to be one of them, but neither do I think it's necessary to heap such implied abuse on the product. Security Business Operations & Content Lead at Adobe. Bewegte Bilder sagen mehr als tausend Worte und das Studio Black Fun ist dafür bekannt seine Sessions bis in kleinste Detail zu inszenieren. .. Lush! and you only have to watch the first few seconds of their rather clever intro video to see if I've spammed you or not. But the "spam" in the Monty Python sketch was, of course, a reference the canned meat product. Is it too silly for my retired mother? In unserem Video-Bereich findest Du eine Auswahl ausgewählter freier Promo-Videos rund um das Studio, die Damen und unsere Sessions. So, lovely video but I'm not sure they're thought it through. Aug 31, 2016 - Discover and share Funny Cyber Security Quotes. And, if that doesn't convince, the picture of Terry Jones on the wall clearly points to the original Monty Python sketch – don't recall them getting sued either. As the initiative to create these videos grew, and in speaking with other businesses and customers, Adobe realized this kind of resource was not only valuable to them but could benefit all. Check your facts about the name of SPAM. 18 Cyber Security Trends We Are Watching in 2018 We had an interesting year in 2017. Did you say free security awareness videos? This led to an interest in the ever-changing world of security. In the UK it was a cheap staple food during the war.The sketch would not have worked in the UK otherwise. Which great opponent of Cartesian Dualism resists the reduction of psychological phenomena to a physical state and insists there is no point of contact betwen the extended and the unextended? National Cyber Security Alliance has connections with innumerable businesses and individuals who need this kind of content and our collaboration began to unfold. He eventually went on to earn a Master’s in Accounting with an emphasis in information systems and security from the University of Arizona. "Hormel foods aren't quite keen that their product, called SPAM® with capital letters, isn't mixed up with the internet nuisance of unsolicited commercial email." Meet Laura, Sid, and Dave as they engage in good – and not so good – password security practices, While working on a bachelor’s degree in accounting from Utah Valley University, Isaac was introduced to the world of security through a college job, world of security. A hand-picked list of must-watch cybersecurity videos to help you learn the fundamentals of encryption, how hackers penetrate systems, and strong cyber-defense tactics for business. Can I use it in my information security awareness program at work? National Cyber Security Alliance strives to empower people to stay safe online. As for childish in its format; yes it is and I loved it. ", Mario (the grey one): "Aw man, you got spammed. Bzzzzzzt! I think the obvious next video has to be identity theft, phishing etc. This vid goes viral; you really think the makers of SPAM® are going to be concerned? ), a consulting company (Protiviti), a non-profit healthcare company (Intermountain Healthcare), and currently works at a leading software company (Adobe). Spam wasn’t named after the canned precooked meat product, but instead a Monty Python sketch where characters keep singing “Spam spam spam spam spam”. of authentication is an additional layer of protection. The video below about spam – made by the folks at “Glove and Boots” – manages to make what could be a tremendously dry topic, funny and informative instead. as George Lakoff once wrote: Used to love 'em! Follow @NakedSecurity on Instagram for exclusive pics, gifs, vids and LOLs! It's at about the level of my 8 year old and I had just about decided to forward it to her teacher to use as an IT classroom teaching aid when the comment about 'flaccid' appeared. Explore our collection of motivational and famous quotes by authors you know and love. Copyright © 2020 Stay Safe Online — NCSA. Meet Laura, Sid, and Dave as they engage in good – and not so good – password security practices. Explore our collection of motivational and famous quotes by authors you know and love. The plan is to release one video every other month starting November 2019. Anyone remember spam fritters at school in the 1970s? Why free? Record and instantly share video messages from your browser. It looks like someone I should know. video every other month starting November 2019. but don’t you think we’re being a little too paranoid? However from my understanding of how the term came about, e mail spam is normally the same thing bombarded out over and over and over again until it becomes annoying. He has the audience roaring as he shares a couple examples of rudimentary, easily hackable passwords (and a couple joking jabs at Stanford). Yes, that’s right. :o), I think the makes new about monty python look at the last scene of the video (we have to push the pram a lot) and the Terry Jones pic. Cyber security training videos shouldn’t be too long and IT directors should focus on creating content that will hold people’s interest, Rinaldi adds. A Note about Cyber Security from the President. Finally, the, The characters in the videos portray three.
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