Although rough play and miscommunication may happen as kittens play with each other, this is an important time of learning. No good breeder or no true animal lover with a litter of kittens would rehome them at 8 weeks. Animal behaviorists tout play aggression as one of the most common cat behavior issues. Even if kitten play sometimes can get a little "too rough" in the eyes of spectators, the interaction still is very crucial for nurturing the growth of well-rounded and socially adjusted cats. Kittens who had the benefit of being raised around littermates, learn these valuable lessons in order to keep the activity well within friendly play mode. Copyright 2020 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. You can sign in to give your opinion on the answer. Sometimes a kitten plays too rough. It's what cats were bred to do. they are just as you say: play fighting. I hope Kittens who are orphaned or taken away from their littermates too early, miss important social lessons and may then develop play habits that include more aggressive biting and scratching. I know it took me a long time to understand my cat’s body language and vocal behavior. Hi Guys, It can be hard at times to tell whether your kittens are fighting or playing. She starred in the Animal Planet UK series Psycho Kitty, and is one of the most popular and sought-after cat behavior experts in the world. A young kitten will pounce, chase, stalk, wrestle, bite and scratch its siblings and mother. According to the ASPCA, young cats, including kittens, will often engage in rough play. If the situation is getting too intense, then it is best to remove the dog for a time-out Kitten play also teaches necessary skills needed for survival and hunting as adult cats. Certain dog breeds that were bred to chase down smaller prey, like terriers, or coursing dogs like Greyhounds, may instinctively go after cats. This is when playful bites, scratches and ambushes become more serious and can actually cause injury. How can you Sometimes, though, the roughhousing can get a little too aggressive, causing someone to get hurt. Create elevated locations for cats who want to engage and also for those who don't. He pulled her off the footstool today by her neck. If you find yourself wondering whether your cats are playing or fighting, one thing to consider is the age of the felines involved. These cats may be less inclined to keep claws sheathed or control biting intensity. The natural hunter, fighter, and supreme predator. Is It Normal for Male Cats to Play Rough?→, Does It Take Adult Cats a Long Time to Bond With New People?→, How Soon Can I Cuddle My Newborn Kittens?→. |, A Chance to Win $10,000 for Your Favorite Shelter From Arm & Hammer Cat Litter, Tips for Preventing Cat Behavior Problems during COVID-19 Isolation, Some Common Reasons Why Cats Stop Using the Litter Box, The “Must-Have” Checklist for Solving Your Cat’s Behavior Problem, Seven Things That Make Sense to Your Cat… But Not to You, Many people don’t understand why cats spray so they don’t understand how to effectively deal with it.…. As most everyone knows, cats are hunters and that instinct kicks in at a very young age as kittens play by stalking, chasing and pouncing each other. They're just over a year old. On the other hand, rough play can be dangerous for you and your dog because it can lead to bites or other injuries to yourself or another pet. I do intervene when hes too rough because hes twice her size. If the other kitten appropriately stops playing because of a painful bite or a severe scratch, for example, the "aggressor" will learn that she did something wrong. My white cat -- who I got at two months -- is sort of feral is normally locked up in my bathroom, and she will come to me, let me pet her, etc. No. The Humane Society of the United States: Kittens at Play, Riverside County Department of Animal Services: Managing Your Kitten's Rough Play, UC Davis Veterinary Medicine: Kitten Play - Rough Isn't Right. “Usually, kittens teach each other early on that biting or scratching too hard in play ends the game,” Miller says. I think it's fine to break it up if you think it's getting too rough, but I don't think carrier cool-down time is a good strategy -- kittens need to get that crazy energy out somehow, so, you'd be better off Here are the two key elements that will tell In some instances, the absence of playing can even bring upon future behavioral issues -- both with other felines and with people. Big bruiser felines faced with a tiny Chihuahua puppy could consider him prey. I have two kittens, one of them I've had since she was 3 weeks old, and the other I got at 2 months, and they're both around 3-4 months old now. It’s very common for kittens and young cats to engage in rough, active play because feline play can consist of mock aggression. If your cat goes outdoors at all, keep these these safety factors in mind. Instead, exhibit positive play techniques to reduce play aggression, such as feather toys, balls and crumpled pieces of paper. Teaching kittens appropriate play skills and giving them outlets for their energy is important. To determine if they are playing or fighting, observe their body language closely. My pair are brother and sister and he's always beating her up. The play sessions begin the socializing process -- helping kittens learn vital lessons about how to properly interact with their siblings, and in the future, with other cats and even human beings. As puppies and kittens, pets will generally learn the basic rules of engagement Withdraw attention when your cat starts to play too roughly. However, it can be hard to tell at times if your cats are playing or fighting. Therefore, puppies usually want to bite or “mouth” hands during play … It’s something cat parents tend to notice more when the aggression is directed toward them, usually in the form of ankle attacks, ambushes or biting and scratching that break the skin.
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