Learn more. "In My Pocket" is a song by American recording artist Mandy Moore for her self-titled third studio album. For example, The defense lawyer had the jury in his pocket. The Labour party suffered badly from claims that it was in the pockets of the unions. What does line your pocket expression mean? if you are in someone's pocket, they control you or have power over you and so you do everything that they tell you. He’s completely in her pocket. I hear that the boss has half the police force in his pocket. The Expression " in the pocket " most commonly refers to … He was just an ace in your back pocket… 12 April 2011 Venue: Ground Zero … I'm in pocket, so don't worry about picking up the check. Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary, the webmaster's page for free fun content. In one's power or possession, under one's influence. Having an amount of money, typically referring to an excess. Definition of PUT YOUR HAND IN YOUR POCKET (phrase): spend or give away money a person/hook up that you have at your convenience and can rely on for sex but aren't very invested in because of lack of emotional attachment. / Yeah, why you talk that evil? Red out for Japan Benefit Concert, hosted by USC Red Cross. What does line your pocket expression mean? I'm in pocket, so don't worry about picking up the check. The teen pop song takes influences from pop rock genres and was written by Randall Barlow, Emilio Estefan, Liza Quintana, and Gian Marco Zignago. Vanessa van Edwards says that hands in your pocket murders rapport, makes you come across as unconfident and is associated with lying and defensiveness. having someone of importance at your disposal to help further your own agenda. have sth in your pocket definition: 1. to be certain to win or succeed at something: 2. to be certain to win or succeed at something: . In one's power, influence, or possession: It's pretty obvious that our national legislators are all in corporate bigwigs' pockets! Your polarity might be different than mine. ): People are more inclined to put their hands in their pockets to help children. Information and translations of In My Pocket in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. line your pocket(s) definition: 1. to earn money using dishonest or illegal methods: 2. to earn money using dishonest or illegal…. The defendant had the jury in his pocket. Definition of have in pocket in the Idioms Dictionary. Definition of HAVE SOMETHING IN YOUR POCKET (phrase): be definitely going to win something When something or someone excites you, you have been put in the pocket. So, what you should do in your negotiation, is keep something in your back pocket that you don't bring up during the negotiation. pocket definition: 1. a small bag for carrying things in, made of cloth and sewn into the inside or onto the outside…. How to use pocket in a sentence. Learn more. The amount can be general or specified before the phrase. usually involves kickbacks of some sort. Learn more. girl, sexy, kiss, red # girl # sexy # kiss # red , funny, comedy, angry, rose # funny # comedy # angry # rose. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. pocket phrase. Having funds; also, having a particular amount of extra funds that constitute a profit. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. Under one's control or influence, especially in an underhanded or unethical way, such as by bribery or extortion. All told, we're about $5,000 in pocket after the fundraiser. line your pocket phrase. you could ditch them at any point. Having funds; also, having a particular amount of extra funds that constitute a profit. Learn more. This was intended to frighten the slave because being sold was an extremely frightful fate. In one's power, influence, or possession: It's pretty obvious that our national legislators are all in corporate bigwigs' pockets! Copyright © … It's similar to having a "trick up your sleeve" Except, I feel like "in your back pocket" usually implies something physical, where a "trick up your sleeve" is usually more of a non-physical thing. Not bad! 2 (of money) gained by someone from a transaction. This was also on The Sims 2 translated into Simlish. Under one's control or influence, especially in an underhanded or unethical way, such as by bribery or extortion. My best recommendation would be to put one lodestone in your grounding pocket (for me, it’s the right side) and one or two stones that support whatever it is you would like to manifest in your left pocket (receptive side). Having an amount of money, typically referring to an excess. pocket meaning: 1. a small bag for carrying things in, made of cloth and sewn into the inside or onto the outside…. When two or more people play musical instruments together, with or without a vocal accompaniment and are perfectly on-beat, never missing a note or going off tempo in any way. have in pocket phrase. Easy Learning Idioms Dictionary. The Labour party suffered badly in the election from Conservative claims that it was in the pockets of the unions. https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/In+Your+Pocket. For example, if someone gives or pays a lot of money, you can say that they dig deep into their pocket.If you approve of something because it is very cheap to buy, you can say that it suits people's pockets.
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