very very helpful..... i have not get best character sketch of Caesar like this. (a)Where are Calpurnia and Caesar at this moment? Julius Caesar. This quiz is designed to assess the first half of William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar. Antony’s reputation stands on unsteady ground as he was Caesar’s friend and he was shaking hands with his murderers. (a)What has happened at night to make Calpurnia feel that Caesar is in danger? Answer- Calpurnia dreamt of the murder of Caesar. Calpurnia saw Caesar being killed in her dream. Answer-Caesar is planning to go to the senate at the Capitol. Antony thinks that the conspirators would regard him as a coward or a flatterer. Julius Caesar Table of Contents ... discussion questions for in-class conversation or short writing assignments, and build to more complex questions for deeper discussions, interactive activities or longer essays. Great Orator: Due to his good oratory skills, he mobilized the mob against the conspirators. (a)Where are the speakers? Answer-Had to attend an important meeting. Caesar was overconfident about his own abilities and therefore he disregarded his personal safety. He lays stress on the wound given by Brutus. Unseen Passage (Set 11) Reading Comprehension Q: Read the following passages. Antony wants to avenge Caesar’s death and knows he can turn Romans against the conspirators if he is given an opportunity to speak to them. the death of mighty Caesar could not just pass or ignored. Brutus replies that he will speak before Antony and explain to the public the reason for the conspirators’ deed, and then announce that Antony has been allowed to speak only with his consent. Julius Caesar was a stalwart. I was constant Cimber should be banish’d,                                                                                                            And constant do remain to keep him so.’. Antony does not wish to wrong the honourable Brutus and Cassius. Caesar speaks these lines to Metellus Cimber. (a) Where is Brutus at the present moment? (c) Which trait of the speaker’s character is revealed in these lines? This sympathy of Caesar for the poor people showed that he was not ambitious as ambitious people are hard-hearted. Answer-The word ‘things’ refers to his enemies. He tells them to kill him if it pleases them. The conspirators knew Caesar would not accede to their request and they wished to use it as an excuse to assassinate him. The plebeians are celebrating Caesar's victory over the sons of Pompey, one of the former leaders of Rome. (b) What message does Caesar want to send to the senators? If you have any query regarding NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Literature Chapter 14 Julius Caesar, drop a comment below and we will get back to you at the earliest. It means that Caesar did not believe in omens and portents. In his last speech, Antony reads ‘s will in which Caesar had promised monetary and physical benefits to each and every Roman on an equal basis: 2) His walks, arbors and orchards for recreation. Brutus misjudges the Roman mob. Why does Caesar ask Mark Antony to touch his wife, Calpurnia, during the race? The qualities that are shown by his actions are that Caesar is ambitious, he disregards personal safety, he is not a good judge of character. We love to hear your thoughts about this post! His most outstanding achievement was the … Answer-Caesar ignores Calpumia’s warning that he should not stir out of his house that day. You shall not stir out of your house today. She had dreamt of Caesar’s murder and his statue running blood at a hundred places. Answer-Calpurnia and Caesar are at Caesar’s house at this moment. Antony emphasizes that revenge should be well-planned so as to leave a powerful impact. (d) Explain: “Might fire the blood of ordinary men.”. Answer-Antony requests the conspirators to allow him to take Caesar’s body to the marketplace and as his friend speak at Caesar’s funeral. The crowd of commoners that fills the streets served several dramatic purposes in the play, specially during the funeral oration. He was a flatterer as he praised the conspirators instead of avenging his friend’s death. Explain: ‘Do grace to Caesar’s corpse, and grace his speech: Answer-Brutus departed alone because he wanted the citizens to stay back and listen to Antony’s speech in honour of Caesar’s funeral. (b)What does this tell you about Calpurnia’s character? Answer-Cassius is referring to Caesar’s funeral. Answer-It means that Caesar did not believe in omens and portents. e) all of the above Cowards are so afraid of death that their very fear prevents them from living life to the fullest. While reading Julius Caesar, we will answer questions daily in order to explore our theme and meet our academic standard. जो शब्द समान अर्थ प्रकट... English - Reading Comprehension  (Unseen Passage) (Set-14) For CBSE Class 8 - 10 Reading comprehension is an ability to read con... Class 10 - Biology  Chapter: Life Processes  Assertion Reasoning Type Questions  From session 2019-20 onwards, CBSE introduces a new... CBSE Class 10 - Chemistry - Assertion Reason Based Questions A ssertion and Reasoning based questions are bit tricky. Antony's speech overwhelmed the people with grief, despair, and anger for their “beloved” Caesar’s death. Brutus said that he killed Caesar because he was ambitious. (b) What are the contents of Caesar’s will that he is referring to? Answer-Antony refers to the conspirators as ‘The choice and master spirits of this age’ . He believes that the people will admire his magnanimity for allowing Antony, a friend of Caesar’s, to take part in the funeral, and that the episode will benefit the conspirators’ public image. Answer-The roaming of Caesar’s spirit will result in fierce civil war which would rage over all parts of Italy as Caesar lets loose the horrors of war. Answer-Cassius tries to dissuade Brutus because he thinks that Antony will be able to stir the emotions of the people and turn them against the conspirators. Caesar decided to go out because according to him things which threaten him have never had the courage to look him in his face. What is the occasion? The roaming of Caesar’s spirit will result in fierce civil war which would rage over all parts of Italy as Caesar lets loose the horrors of war. On the other hand he doesn’t want to Julius Caesar Chapter Wise Important Questions Class 10 English Communicative – Drama EnglishMathsScienceSocialHindi AHindi B 2016 Extract Based Questions [3 Marks] Question 1. Julius Caesar Essay: Julius Caesar was Roman General and statesman who is widely known for his notable role in the events which led to the fall of the Roman Empire.He was a celebrated politician and can also be termed as a successful one. The seeming simplicity of its plot and the directness of its prose make it accessible to every reading level while belying a complexity that is revealed through exploration of the play's timeless themes and social issues. medianet_versionId="3111299". Despite Cassius’ repeated denial, he allowed Antony to address the funeral procession of Caesar wherein Antony provoked the mob against the senators and Brutus. Rhetorical questions as metaphors Who knew⸮! Send your Question Papers, suggestions, ideas at email: पद १. (d) What is the lie mentioned in the above lines`? The mighty Caesar lay on the ground at the foot of Pompey’s statue. Answer-Caesar dismissed the events of the night as natural occurrences. Finally, Caesar had refused the offer of a crown at the feast of Lupercal though Antony had thrice offered the crown to him. There is one within. ‘This little measure’ means this small piece of land. Caesar was stabbed by the conspirators for being ambitious. Where is the speaker at this moment? (c) Give the meaning of ‘Who else must be let blood, who else is rank:’ Why does Antony say this? Answer- Antony wants to avenge Caesar’s death and knows he can turn Romans against the conspirators if he is given an opportunity to speak to them. This is a short answer question activity. The sights seen by the watch include a lioness whelping in the streets and graves opening and dead bodies lying around; warriors fighting upon the clouds, and their blood falling on the Capitol, horses neighing in fear, dying men groaning, ghosts shrieking about the streets. Students can download the specific chapters from the CBSE and NCERT text books from The figure of speech used in the above lines is ‘Apostrophe’ because Antony directly addresses the corpse of Caesar as if it were alive and present and was able to reply. Dead bodies shall death. (b)  What will the common people do if they hear the will? It will smell as dead bodies will be lying around without proper burial and they shall rot and smell. What effect do these words have on the listeners? According to him it is dream and symbol of prosperity. Is there a hero? (c) What is the basis for the fears expressed? Answer-The above line means that a man’s good qualities are forgotten soon after his death. isn't there a way to simplify these answers ? What is the occasion? For example, in Smoking can lead to lung cancer. Answer-Brutus said that he would first go to the pulpit to explain the reason for Caesar’s murder and would also announce that Antony was speaking with his permission. Answer-Brutus said that he killed Caesar because he was ambitious. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Besides the things that we have heard and seen, Recounts most horrid sights seen by the watch.’. We hope the NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Literature Chapter 14 Julius Caesar help you. What is the consequence of Brutus’ mistake? Loyal and faithful: Loyalty to Caesar and reliable friendship was his the greatest merit. He has a high opinion of Caesar and holds him in great regard. How will it smell above the earth? All his words are provocative. (c) Why does the speaker read Caesar’s will to the citizens? We will read the whole play in class, with students being expected to take on different roles. number. Answer-Caesar is over-confident therefore his wisdom is destroyed. The above mentioned words are spoken by Antony addressing to the dead Caesar. Nov 21, 2020 - Long Answer Questions (with Solutions) Chapter 14 - Julius Caesar, Class 10, English | EduRev Notes is made by best teachers of Class 10. He appeals to reason but the mob does not understand his logic. He will not pay any heed to Calpurnia’s warning or advice. bce , Rome [Italy]—died March 15, 44 bce , Rome), celebrated Roman general and statesman, the conqueror of Gaul (58–50 bce ), victor in the civil war of 49–45 bce , and dictator (46–44 bce ), who was launching a … Answer-Calpurnia was frightened by the unnatural occurrences the night before. Which, like dumb mouths, do ope their ruby lips, To beg the voice and utterance of my tongue-. I know not, gentlemen, what you intend,                                                                                                                Who else must be let blood, who else is rank’. Even if you haven't, it's okay, you can still attempt the multiple choice questions in this quiz and learn a few things about this masterpiece. re-enters after Caesar’s assassination, He laments the death of the mighty 1- How do the heavens ‘blaze forth’ the death of Julius Caesar?. Answer-Caesar decided to go out because according to him things which threaten him have never had the courage to look him in his face. Metellus Cimber gave Caesar a petition requesting him to recall his brother, Publius, who had been banished from Rome. 45                    “Cowards die many times before their deaths, The valiant never taste of death but once.”. This document is highly rated by Class … Why is Caesar not afraid of them? Caesar had worn the mantle for the first time when he defeated the Nervii. That keeps you in the house, not your own.”. He informed the commoners that he acted out of love of Rome and his desire to prevent tyrants from controlling her. Decius Brutus has come to meet Caesar. When Antony delivered this speech, his words melted with those of Caesar's to rouse the masses against the injustice of the assassination. Calpurnia wanted Caesar to stay at home and not go to the senate. Answer- Antony can wrong the conspirators by stirring the mob to mutiny and anger. Please refer to the attached file to access the chapters. 20. Cassius is taken aback by Antony’s direct speech. medianet_width="336";medianet_height="280";medianet_crid="381274182" He tells them to kill him if it pleases them. His listeners did not understand his logic. 20. Students should read the story silently, then answer the questions about the story that follow. She had dreamt of Caesar’s murder and his statue running blood at a hundred places. (c) Bring out the irony in the above extract? The brave are not afraid of death as they know it is inevitable and thus do not fear it. Cassius warned Brutus saying that they could never know how much the people would be affected by what Antony spoke. Answer-Antony told the commoners that Brutus was wrong in his judgment of Caesar being ambitious. Caesar would prove to be a source of inspiration for Rome and his achievements would be the source of renewed vitality for the country. Each prompt is designed to be adaptable for your classroom The speaker is Mark Antony. Mark Antony is referring to the section where Caesar had left to every Roman citizen seventy-five drachmas. Cimber is indulging in “crouchings and low courtesies” to move Caesar’s heart to call back his exiled brother. 3 –     A lioness hath whelped in the streets; And graves have yawn’d, and yielded up their dead; Fierce fiery warriors fought upon the clouds. (a) Calpurnia stopped Caesar from going out of the house because. The Question and Answer sections of our study guides are a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss literature. really cn u gv sm m0e qsnz.......?????? He is talking to the conspirators. Question: 1 - How do the heavens ‘blaze forth’ the death of Julius Caesar? All the solutions of Julius Caesar - English explained in detail by experts to help students prepare for their CBSE exams. (e) Who saw that horrible dream and when? When does she say this? Cassius asks Antony if they should count him as one of their friends or should they carry on their way without depending on him for friendship or support. (c) What were the terms of Caesar’s will? A few supernatural elements that came in the play are: cries of dead and groaning of ghosts etc. I am planning to work with your essay writing company in the future. He is backed by several others like Casca and Cimber. Answer- The speakers are at Caesar’s house. This document is highly rated by Class 10 students and has been viewed 42641 times. Please refer to the attached file to access the chapters. (a)When and to whom does Antony speak these words? (B)   Why does Antony declare his willingness to die? (b) What does the word ‘things’ refer to? Why does he say these words? Q6: Write a character sketch of Mark Antony. The basis for the fears expressed is Calpurnia’s dreams containing unusual sights seen the previous night. Awesome !!srsly! (a)Explain: ‘The good is oft interred with their bones. In Scene I, what do Flavius and Marcellus want the commoners to do? Antony was able to stir the emotions of the people and turn the tide against the conspirators. Julius Caesar was born on July 13, 100 BC. (c)Which is the ‘foul deed’ being referred to? Do not. Answer-Caesar will not stay at home. Which pleasure does Antony tell the conspirators to fulfil? The conspirators knew Caesar would not accede to their request and they wished to use it as an excuse to assassinate him. (b) Caesar wanted to go out of the house because he. Antony told the commoners that Brutus was wrong in his judgment of Caesar being ambitious. Answer-Brutus replies that he will speak before Antony and explain to the public the reason for the conspirators’ deed, and then announce that Antony has been allowed to speak only with his consent. They would vanish as soon as they saw him because of his power. Answer- Cassius is afraid that Antony will be able to stir the emotions of the people and turn them against the conspirators. Caesar was a mighty conqueror who conquered many lands. Help, ho! julius caesar class 10 cbse questions; julius caesar class 10 cbse solutions; summary of julius caesar class 10 cbse meritnation; julius caesar cbse class 10 mcq; download ppt on julius caesar class 10; julius caesar class 10 exercise solution; julius caesar class 10 explanation line by line; He is so overconfident of his power and strength that he is ignoring all those ill omens and horrible portents. The conspirators are asking for the recall of Publius Cimber. It was “the unkindest cut of all.” How the wound given by Brutus was not as fatal as the immorality of Brutus and Brutus’ betrayal had killed Caesar more than the wound. (common men). Answer-Conceit means to consider or regard. He was a brave and valiant … (a)  What is the testament? (b)How does Brutus react to Antony’s request? (c) State the comparison made by Caesar between the firmament and the world of men. His wife’s pleadings forced him to change his mind. (c)Why has Antony come to make peace with Caesar’s murderers? (e) Who are ‘graybeards’ described in the third line? Study Questions and Essay Topics. declare that he wishes to seek revenge. Caesar loved Brutus dearly and Brutus had betrayed Caesar and hence was referred to as the ‘the most unkindest cut of all’. The above lines were spoken on Caesar’s funeral. He is in a pulpit in Rome speaking at Caesar’s funeral. According to him no other hour, sword or space could give him a (a)How might Caesar’s word have stood against the world? Julius Caesar is an excellent choice of reading material for senior high school students. The gentlemen that Antony addresses are the conspirators standing next to Caesar’s body. Such beggings and low courtesies may move the hearts of common mortals but can’t move Caesar’s mighty heart. (b)How is Antony both a coward and a flatterer? Answer-Cowards are so afraid of death that their very fear prevents them from living life to the fullest. Antony refers to the conspirators as ‘The choice and master spirits of this age’ . He tried the true qualities of a dictator and this way the flow which drove him towards his end. Answer- The graves opened up and the dead were exposed. The testament is Caesar’s will. The Nervii were the most war-like of the Gallic tribes who were defeated by Caesar in 57 BC. The above line means that a man’s good qualities are forgotten soon after his death. Answer-Caesar compares himself to the ‘northern star’ because he is unchangeable and unmoved. Answer-Caesar decided to go to the senate at the Capitol. Answer-‘Him’ is referred to Publius Cimber in the above lines. The tribunes are angry that the working class citizens of Rome gather to celebrate Caesar’s victory, while forgetting Pompey, the Roman hero (and a part of the First Triumvirate that ruled Rome) who was killed in battle alongside Caesar. Antony reminds the Roman citizens how Caesar brought many captives to Rome so that ransom could be earned to control the financial situation of the people. Using examples from the play, discuss how Brutus is the most honorable character in the play Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare. He is talking to the conspirators. (c)What does Antony think the conspirators would regard him as? Antony also tells them that he himself presented the crown to Caesar thrice, but Caesar refused. She felt that these occurrences were unnatural and predicted a dire calamity. (f) What is the antonym of ‘folly‘ in the passage? He also gives a hint to them about Caesar’s will after reading which all the Romans shall grieve and beg for hair and blood of Caesar to keep as a precious relic and declare it as a precious possession for the coming generations. (c) What is the synonym of ‘disappeared‘ in the passage? (a)What argument does Decius give to convince Caesar to go to the senate? Calpurnia dreamt of the murder of Caesar. (b)What is meant by the word ‘credit’? Answer-Antony was given the permission to speak on condition that he may speak as highly of Caesar as he wishes but he must tell the people that he did so with permission of the conspirators. We come to know that Calpurnia was superstitious and believed in omens and predictions. We find that as Brutus and Antony speak, the mob displays certain qualities and characteristics. What does he decide? Julius Caesar, in full Gaius Julius Caesar, (born July 12/13, 100? Answer- Calpurnia, Caesar’s wife tells Decius to tell a lie to the senators. (b) The disturbance in the sky indicates some mishappening. (a)What request does Antony make of the conspirators? Yet Caesar shall go forth; for these predictions. (a) Who is the speaker and why does he say so? CAESAR                   How foolish do your fears seem now, Calpurnia! Since you are here, I assume you have read, seen, or experience the play. Antony speaks these words after Caesar’s assassination to the conspirators. He then shows the crowd Caesar’s will, in which he had granted every Roman citizen seventy-five drachmas and land. I found it in his closet, ’tis his will:                                                                                       Let but the commons hear this testament—                                                                   Which, pardon me, I do not mean to read—                                                                      And they would go and kiss dead Caesar’s wounds’. It led to brutal killing of Brutus and other conspirators by the mob. The ‘commons’ refer to the common people of Rome. She doesn’t want to hurt his ego and owns that her own fear stops him at home that day. He would be regarded as a coward or a flatterer because he was shaking hands with the people who killed his friend. If you have any query regarding Important Questions for Class 10 English Literature Chapter 14 Julius Caesar, Film Star, drop a comment below and we will get back to you at the earliest. Answer-The sight of Brutus attacking him. (a)Explain: ‘conceit( Why would the conspirators regard Antony as a coward or a flatterer? Decius, go tell the Caesar will not come. If Caesar claims absolute power and becomes crowned as king, the Roman Republic will end as they know it. Stand along the sides of the street to get ready for Caesar's procession. I meant d most important quest I needed help in*, Why was antony speech more effective than brutus. After his death? Answer- There had been a terrible storm at night and the skies had been raging all night. While his good friend Brutus worries that Caesar may aspire to dictatorship over the Roman republic, Caesar seems to show no such inclination, declining the crown several times. Answer-Caesar contemptuously calls the senators old men or ‘greybeards’. Moreover, the night watchman had seen strange sights. C) On the feast of Lupercal he refused the offer of the crown 3 times. Answer-The speaker read Caesar’s will to the citizens to appeal to their greed and sway them. The first time ever Caesar put it on;                                                                                               ‘Twas on a summer’s evening, in his tent, That day he overcame the Nervii:                                                                                                   Look, in this place ran Cassius’ dagger through:                                                                           See what a rent the envious Casca made:                                                                                              Through this the well-beloved Brutus stabb’d;’. He says these words because she wants him to stay at home as she feels his life is in danger. He would be regarded as a coward or a flatterer because he was shaking hands with the people who killed his friend. Danger knows fully well that Caesar is more dangerous and terrible than him. (Any two). Caesar is over-confident therefore his wisdom is destroyed. CAESAR                   Mark Antony shall say I am not well, And, for thy humour, I will stay at home.’. She doesn’t want to hurt his ego and owns that her own fear stops him at home that day. (c) What is the synonym of ‘prevented‘ in the passage? Julius Caesar is an excellent choice of reading material for senior high school students. He wants him to be forgiven and his banishment to be lifted. CBSE class 10 English Drama 2- JULIUS CAESAR- detailed line by line explanation of the playalong with meanings of difficult words. CBSE Class 10 English Drama Julius Caesar. (f) What is the antonym of ‘brave’ in the passage? The common people would run to kiss the dead Caesar’s wounds and dip their handkerchiefs in Caesar’s blood and beg for a hair of Caesar to keep as a memento if they heard the will. Answer-Mark Antony is referring to the section where Caesar had left to every Roman citizen seventy-five drachmas. Violence and murder would be frequent and terrible sights would be so common that mothers will smile when their children are killed. Caesar decided to go to the senate at the Capitol. Violence and murder would be frequent and terrible sights would be so common that mothers will smile when their children are killed. Your statue spouting blood in many pipes. It is dangerous to He was a flatterer as he praised the conspirators instead of avenging his friend’s death. This entire speech won over the crowd and turned them against the conspirators. Antony mentioned the conspirators to remind the listeners that they had killed their beloved Caesar. Antony also tells them that he himself presented the crown to Caesar thrice, but Caesar refused. Answer- The basis for the fears expressed is Calpurnia’s dreams containing unusual sights seen the previous night. Answer-Caesar was a mighty conqueror who conquered many lands. Caesar will not stay at home. Calpurnia, too, had a disturbed sleep at night. (c) What is the synonym of ‘opened the mouth’ in the passage? Answer-He is talking about Calpurnia’s dream. Editing Exercise Exercise 1: England has been long famous for her dramatist, a)…………… the greatest of who was William Shakespeare. Does Caesar have any real impact on the action of the play? IP Univ BCA, MCA, BBA Study Notes, Q Papers, CBSE Class 10/9/8 - English - Reading Comprehension (Unseen Passage) (Set-14)(#eduvictors)(#readingComprehension), CBSE Class 10 - Biology - Chapter: Life Processes - Assertion Reasoning Type Questions (#eduvictors)(#cbsenotes), CBSE Class 10 - Chemistry - Assertion Reason Based Questions (#classs10Chemistry)(#eduvictors), English Grammar - Editing Exercise-1 (#eduvictors)(#cbsenotes), CBSE CLASS 8/9/10 English - Reading Comprehension - Set 11 (Unseen Passage)(#eduvictors) (#cbseNotes).
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