I’ve seen a world of difference between outdoor and indoor cats. Feline AIDS is a highly contagious, incurable disease for which there is no vaccine. He’ll complain and be active in the home and perhaps disturb his owner’s sleep. Depending on your cat and whether she’s an indoor or an outdoor cat, you may or may not have to make sure that the room is secure. (Indoor cats can live for 15-20 years) This is due to the higher risk of injury, death, illness, fights, etc. If your cat doesn’t roam outside at night, they’ll probably come to cuddle with you during chilly nights. Having two littermates is often ideal, as they are more likely get on and keep each other company when you're not at home. Your email address will not be published. Before qualifying I worked in many jobs including professional photography. Most cats raised exclusively indoors won’t bother to try getting outside, where it may be some other cat’s territory. My friend Linda also got a cat enclosure. Thread starter crackerjack9; Start date Aug 24, 2013; C. crackerjack9 New member. Top Tip: Use a cat repellent to keep unwanted cats from entering your garden and causing trouble. Me and my husband are having a dispute about getting a kitten: we live in a flat on the 1st floor, he keeps saying that it would be mean to keep it inside but i dont want an outdoor cat, is it cruel to keep it indoors, he says theres not ebough room for a cat but its big enough for us 2 fully grown adults so im pretty sure it would be fine. Very often domestic cats are completely out of step with their human companion/guardian. Your cat could be stolen to be used for an illegal breeding operation or to threaten you and make you pay a ransom to get them back. It’s a no-brainer that cats who are kept indoors are safe from the many dangers that free-roaming and “indoor/outdoor” cats face every time they set paw outside—infectious and deadly diseases, speeding cars, loose dogs, and cruel people, to name a few. Give your cat toys that are safe and stimulating. You can grow catnip for the cat indoors, and grass or plants for him to digest, cats like to eat a … Here are some great ways to ensure that your cat enjoys a happy, healthy life inside your home: A Companion for Your Cat. Therefore it is not necessarily cruel to keep a cat indoors at night but these cats will probably be full-time indoor cats. One issue is whether a colony caregiver can physically even get to the, This is Freckles, a 16-year-old female tortie. I really do not feel comfortable letting her out again until it arrives. Is it Cruel to Keep my Cat Indoors? Sigh. Is it cruel to keep a cat indoors? Thousands of cats are run over by cars or fall off high buildings every day all around the world. You can find out more in our privacy policy. I was out of my mind! It is one of several deadly diseases that cats who roam outdoors can catch. And it looks genuine. While it is true that cats can enjoy the outside, it’s also true that letting the cat out exposes them to all kinds of dangers, and if they get unlucky, he might never return home, and you’ll be left wondering what happened to him. Maybe your cat will be all right, maybe they won’t, so it’s just best to avoid the possibility of them having these fights. “The servals long legs [the lo, Feral colony cats may be outsmarted by the new Tomahawk live trap. But he would have been equally happy as a fully indoor cat, as long as he had enough human and/or feline interaction. It's possible for indoor cats to become bored, which can lead to stress and behavior issues. This is problematic because a good prognosis is dependent upon the management of the disease. Cat enclosures can be a godsend to indoor cats. Continued. If you live in an area with foxes, or other larger and more skilled predators, your tiny house cat, while agile, will certainly be no match for them. No graphic photos but the content is very disturbing. So if you don’t want your cat to fall prey to the neighbour’s dog, you better keep him inside. How do I stop my cat scratching the carpet and furniture? In addition to fighting with other cats, they could also get attacked by dogs, and they usually aren’t a match for big breeds, especially if they are trained. Cats are very territorial and will often get into fights with other cats for mating, territorial disputes, and other triggers. Cats often hunt just for fun, so they are considered serious threats to endangered fauna in many regions. They adapt so well that they are usually able to remove some of the stress of being prevented from behaving normally. Stace, I love barn cats. He then started wandering further afield but I assumed he was playing in the neighbours gardens. Please refresh the page if the buttons don’t show , A well-known animal rescuer was found dead of an apparent suicide Wednesday night. It isn't just busy roads that cats can be killed and injured on either, but also quiet, country roads that can catch cats off-guard. Not only is it safer, indoor cats are much cleaner and they are so sweet and loving! If you kept a cat who is used to going out in the day, to freely wander, and then make him captive in the night, in my view, you are asking for trouble. Use discretion befo. It does however depend upon the environment created and the size of the room. Posted by Rebecca Owens on 15th Jul 2020 With thousands of forums and articles differing in opinion, here is everything you need to know about the ups and downs of indoor vs. outdoor cats, and how to meet the needs of both. Animal rescuer found dead of apparent suicide. This helps us run the site, so thanks for your support! As an Amazon Associate I may earn a small fee from qualifying purchases at no extra cost to you. You can subscribe to posts using the button below and unsubscribe. How can we use it? Cat looking outside at night. The main danger is that the infection can show no symptoms for years, and once you discover it, it might already be too late to do much about it. This is one of the easiest ways to keep a cat … Is it cruel to keep a cat indoors at night? Our cats, say U.S. vets and behaviorists, should remain inside. We have to look at another aspect of confining cats. The thing is, the adoption centres around here only adopt out kittens to people with a 'Large secure garden for the kitten to explore'!! It’s a pity the U.S. doesn’t feel that way." It’s a heartbreaking disease to witness, and it’s always fatal since we have no cure for it. It's not cruel in the sense that they aren't being deprived of their essential needs, but they are still missing out on the many experiences that make being a cat great. 15 Reasons Why It Isn’t. If your cat stays inside, you won’t have to hear about him messing up your next-door neighbour’s garden. Keep this in mind before letting them out to ‘entertain themselves’. Ok so I want to adopt a 2nd cat. Sprinkle catnip on them weekly to keep cats interested, and be sure to replace cardboard inserts when they get worn out. Keeping your cat as a house cat will help keep them away from busy roads, but some indoor environments can become predictable and boring, leading to stress, inactivity and obesity. Keeping a cat safe by keeping him indoors without the tools to exercise his instincts would be cruel, indeed. I have 2 kittens at present 14 weeks old and my first cats. Cats that have not been fixed will go out and mate, exacerbating the stray overpopulation that is a huge issue in many regions of the world. Tortoiseshell cats are very inquisitive animals, and although some cats are happy to stay indoors you will probably find that your tortie loves to get out to prowl in the garden and explore her territory in the neighbourhood. “Keeping your indoor cat stimulated is important to [his] mental health. As long as you keep your indoor cats happy with toys, plenty of stimulating activity and lots of love, it is not cruel to keep cats indoors. In which case, you should read our section below on how to keep cats entertained and engaged in an indoor environment. The cat will find this uncomfortable and probably make a fuss. Your cat won’t bring unwelcome parasites into your house, 9. This means that—even if you’re not worried about your cat—if you like birds and care about other small animals living in your area, you should keep your cat inside. Is it cruel to keep a cat indoors? It is ironic because years ago in Britain and probably in many other countries, it was normal to ‘put the cat out at night’ – meaning lock the cat out. Many people think that keeping a cat indoors is cruel and akin to keeping them jailed like prisoners, but nothing could be farther from the truth. A lot of people would say that it is kind to keep a cat inside at night or all the time because it benefits the cat. My 2 current 10 1/2 year old cats are indoor. It’s not cruel to keep cats indoors. PoC uses cookies to improve your experience on the site. Our feline friends are not super adapted to handle all the possible risks that city life entails. When you allow your cat to roam freely outdoors, even for short periods of time, you expose her to perils such as cars, dogs, diseases, coyotes, poisons and cruel people. She’s currently at a Wichita, Kansas veterinary clinic where the staff was told to euthanize her by her owner because he was “done with her.” Freckles is FIV positive. I’d prefer a phrase like ‘abusive’ or ‘unkind’ or even ‘inhumane’. Your email address will not be published. Unattended cats also face dangers posed by dogs, wildlife, and … My last cat was a house cat and didnt really like going out unless it was dark - he was really nervous. But it will be denying your cat the chance to lead the fullest life possible. Also, foxes are around at night and don't mix well with cats Ours have free access to a cat flap, and will be in at night but head out at first light. FIP is caused by the feline coronavirus that infects the whole body by using the antibodies present as carriers to spread itself. Share. Freckles is front, This is the infuriating (and heartbreaking) story of two cats who were dumped by a transport driver on a cross country trip from Virginia to California. My daughter had a cat she wanted to be an indoor cat, but this cat insisted on going outside. It is safer for the cat because there might be predators outside and there are certainly cars and trucks and many roads. Keeping Indoor Cats Happy. A Cat Enclosure to Keep an Indoor Cat From Escaping. So is it cruel to keep a cat indoors at night? It seems natural to me. ‘What fun awaits out there in the darkness’. JAVASCRIPT IS DISABLED. We have a Bengal and he does not go out not just because of the road but also because he is very nickable and there have been a few instances of stolen Bengals in the area. Cats allowed outdoors have an average life expectancy of 5 years! I no longer have him and would really like to have another cat but Im at work all day and dont have a cat flap so it would only be able to go out when I … Outdoor cats are the miserable ones…they smell, they’re flea ridden, they have ticks and ear mites, they have worms, they spend their days and nights roaming the neighborhood and getting into fights, and they are constantly … Keeping a cat indoors is not cruel. He [an outdoor cat] has a significantly reduced life expectancy. This is when outdoor runs become a nice way to deal with the safety issues while still allowing your cat fresh air and sunshine. Cats who live indoors are likely to have more hairballs than those who also live outside, and their energy requirements are likely to be different. Pressure is also building from people concerned about the impact of cats on native animal populations. A cat that lives inside only has access to what is inside and you control that. You just have to make sure you enrich their environment the right way. I pay as much attention to them as I would my own child, make sure they get a balanced diet and plenty of active play. Playing with them can help to keep them stimulated mentally. Let’s face it. My cat Luna has always been an indoor/outdoor cat. Is it good to keep a cat if you are a Muslim? Thus, your cat won’t be prone to eat toxic human foods or chew on poisonous plants readily available in gardens near your house. She seems content enough indoors. Playing regularly with a cat and providing their entertaining toys can easily satisfy their stalking instinct, keep them stimulated and provide the exercise they need to stay healthy and happy. It'd be that the cat would have to be indoors, unless going to the vet. Your cat will be much less likely to be stolen, 13. This is because some of her cats scream and spray if she tries to keep them indoors all the time. Cats can live indoors very happily, particularly if they've been inside since they were kittens, but they do have some particular requirements. About 70 per cent of cat-owners and non-owners supported keeping cats indoors or in enclosures at night. It can only be prevented by keeping cats indoors. Her roofed enclosure opens up off her dining room. There are other predators out there. But you have to define ‘cruel’. This … If your cat is always relieving themselves outside in random dirt and gardens nearby, you won’t notice any changes to their stool or urine that could be early warning signs of health issues that need to be treated.
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