Ipomoea grows best in moist, fertile, well-drained soil, and is a full to partial sun exposure flower. Botanical Name: Ipomoea batatas 'Blackie' Form: Annual Sun Exposure: Full Sun, Partial Shade, Full Shade Height/Habit: 8 - 12 inches Spread: 5 feet Hardiness Zone: 10 Planting Instructions: Incorporate organic matter into the soil to give plants a good environment to perform in. Semi-compact variety with deeply lobed maple-shaped leaves is suitable for containers, hanging baskets or edging in a border. Pests and diseases: Weevil, moth, whitefly, aphids, Pruning season: All year, better after blooming season or in the early winter or after harvesting, for annual plants no need to prune, Growth speed in optimal condition: Fast growing, Water requirement: Average amount of water, Light conditions in optimal condition for growing: Full Sun / Half Shade, Is it possible to grow indoor as houseplant? ProblemsWhite blister, rust, fungal leaf spots, stem rot, thread blight, charcoal rot, and wilt. One of the best performers in hot climates, it has dense branching and deeply cut, finger-like leaves. * Required | We will never sell or distribute your email to any other parties or organizations. Leaves edible in color purple-black sometimes with green, leaves with five lobes. Their eye-popping foliage creates a splash of bright color faster than just about any plant I know. Ipomoea batatas ‘Blackie’ Reaches 12 in. General information about the flower Purple flower in trumpet shape bloom in short day (but not when it cold), How to harvest the leaves? Ornamental sweet potato 'Blackie', Sweet potato vine 'Blackie', Ornamental sweet potato 'Blacky' Genus. Provides season-long color and thrives in hot humid climates. Ipomoea batatas (Sweet Potato Vine) 'Mini Blackie' is a sport of Blackie that is much more controlled in its growing habit. Winter Care: Not winter hardy. One of the darkest varieties, it combines well with nearly any other color. Combine with Supertunia® Picasso in Purple® and Wizard® Rose coleus for a powerful punch. They can also be used as a ground cover or grown up a trellis. Growing is also possible in a pots, planter, flowerpot or containers: Yes, when grow in container, size 10-30 liter (2.5-8 gallon) but bigger it’s better, average amount of water that needed, it’s to keep the soil moist and the water go out of the pot, better not to use bottom for the pot, when it’s grow as perennial every two years to switch soil, and prune part of the roots and the plants, soil need to be well ventilated with good drainage, rich with organic matter, can us in potting mix or peat soil with perlite or vermiculite. Growth Form: Herbaceous vine with a trailing or creeping habit up to 1.8 m long. Train a longer variety up a trellis or arbor and combine with firecracker vine, scarlet runner bean. They are grown for their distinctive foliage and vigorous growth habit. Effortless gardening is within reach when you grow this new climbing sweet potato vine. Sweet potato vines are heavy feeders, so they benefit greatly from regular fertilizer feedings. Because of this, they only cheer us up for one season. Use in containers, hanging baskets, or as edging in a landscape. Deep-cut foliage resembles maple leaves. Proven Accents ® Sweet Caroline Raven ™ Ipomoea batatas 'NCORNSP-024SCRI' USPP 31,837, Can PBRAF Professional Growing Information 15 Awards Good for you! W when fully grown; Plant in full sun for a flourishing plant; Versatile plant withstands conditions in hardiness zones 10, 11 and 12; Water your vine once-a-week for hassle-free landscaping care; Fragrant foliage attracts bees and perfumes your backyard; Plant is cat and dog-safe Lightly prune or shape as needed. Discover unique garden products curated by the Garden Design editors, plus items you can use to solve problems in your garden right now, and best sellers from around the web. Photo by: R Ann Kautzky / Alamy Stock Photo, Semi-compact trailing habit, 12 to 14 inches tall and up to 3 feet wide. Sweet potato vines can be overwintered indoors from tubers or cuttings. Modern Plants for a Bold and Beautiful Garden. Ipomoea batatas. More about the newsletter. ‘Blackie’ is one of the shorter Ipomoeas growing to a height of 6-10 inches, but it can trail up to 72 inches. Photo by: Proven Winners. | CLOSED But who cares? This is a weak climber and may need to be trained onto a support. Annual Flowers to Consider for Your Garden, Modern Plants for a Bold and Beautiful Garden. The deeply lobed leaves and long, trailing habit make this a good choice for hanging baskets, as a groundcover on a slope, or at the edge of a garden bed. 3-5. You can also allow the vines to cover the ground and fill in large areas. Photo by: Proven Winners. Plant a larger variety along the top of a rock wall and allow it to spread vertically along the top and spill over the edge. Availability: Sold Out. All Rights Reserved. Store dormant tubers in a cool, dry place and replant in spring. IPOMOEA batatas 'Blackie' Plant Common Name. Compact trailing habit, 6 to 16 inches tall, 20 to 36 inches wide, and trails to 20 inches long. Minimum nighttime temperatures below 55 degrees can delay growth. Plant sprawling varieties along the front of a mixed border for easy pops of summertime color. A more compact variety suitable for containers and small spaces. Cooling cuttings can actually do damage, so it is recommended that if you do store cuttings, do not put them in a cooler and maintain temperatures at 55-60°F (13-16°C). Possible insect problems include sweet potato looper, whitefly, aphids, thrips, slugs, flea beetles, and weevils. Sprawling habit, 4 to 10 inches tall, 4 to 5 feet wide, and trailing to 6 feet long. Ipomoea batatas 'Blackie' Other names. Better to trim when pull the tuber, Information about leaves: Purple-black to green in lobed with 5 lobes, Uses of Ipomoea batatas Blackie leaves: Salad, stir fry, cooked, Information about the tuber: Purple to orange peel, the inner color of the tuber is white, When to pull up tuber: Spring / Summer / Autumn, Uses of Ipomoea batatas blackie Tuber: Cooked and more, Sowing requirement: temperature 22-30C (72-86F) moist soil, humidity, Saving and care seeds until sowing: Dark and dry place, Sowing season: Spring as annual and perennial and in hardiness zone 10a as perennial, spring to summer in hardiness zone 10b, spring to autumn in hardiness zone 11b-12a, all year in hardniess zone 12b+, planting in summer possible but not in the hot days of the summer, How to plant: Better to plant in peat soil with vermiculite even if planting directly just dig a bigger hole and put vermiculite around the seeds, Planting spacing: 30*40 cm (12*16 inches) and to transplant 4*4cm (1.8*1.8 inch), Conditions for seeds germinate: High humidity, moist soil (better sunny location), Watering requires for Seeds: Average amount of water / Big amount of water, Condition of seedling: Water regularly and don’t let it dry, Planting Season: Autumn Planting, Spring Planting, Summer planting, Light exposure requirements: Full sun Plants, Part shade Plants, Climates that the plant can grow: Desert Climate, Mediterranean Climate, Subtropics Climate, Temperate Climate, Tropics Climate, Growing speed of the plant: Fast growing plants, Plant life-form: Annual plant, Evergreen, Herbaceous, Perennial plant, Vine, Plant Uses: Edible plants, Ground cover plants, Hedging plants, Ornamental plants, Requirements for watering the plant: Big amount of water, Regularly water, Hardiness zones: Hardiness zone 10, Hardiness zone 11, Hardiness zone 12, Hardiness zone 13, Hardiness zone 6, Hardiness zone 7, Hardiness zone 8, Hardiness zone 9, Ornamental parts: Ornamental flower, Ornamental leaves, Ornamental plant, Blooming season: Autumn flowers, Spring flowers, Summer flowers, Harvest Season: Autumn Harvest, Spring Harvest, Summer Harvest, Winter harvest, Edible Parts: Edible leaves, Edible Roots. . This ornamental plant provides color and interest like no other plant. For containers, plant in a high quality all-purpose potting soil. CONTACT + HOURS. A vigorous annual or a tender perennial, it takes off in summer heat. There are many ways to incorporate this semi-tropical accent into any landscape. Annual Flowers to Consider for Your Garden Get planting advice, garden design tips and trends, monthly checklists for your area, product specials and more in our weekly newsletter. Ipomoea batatas Blackie grow and care herbaceous vine of the genus Ipomoea also known as Sweet potato blackie, Ipomoea batatas Blackie perennial evergreen or annual plant, the plant edible leaves and tuber, used as ornamental plant can be hedge plant or as groundcover plant, can grow in tropics, mediterranean, desert, … Sweet potato vine (Ipomoea batatas "Blackie") is a fast-growing tropical vine that gracefully spills over the edges of patio containers or hanging baskets. Plant with ‘Sweet Caroline Sweetheart Lime', Million Bells® Crackling Fire, and ‘Red Roof’ coleus for a sizzling pop of color. Typically used as spillers in containers, they also make fantastic groundcovers, typically spreading 4 … Sweet potato vine (Ipomoea batatas), named for its edible cousin, is an ornamental warm-season annual grown for its attractive leaves and vining habit. Check out this time lapse video to learn how to build one for your garden. Combine with upright, heat-loving annuals such as coleus or dracaena. Combine with other warm-season annuals in a hanging basket and place on a shepherd’s hook that can be moved around the yard when you need color in a particular area. Color is richest in full sun. The foliage lends a tropical feel to the garden and comes in a range of colors and varying forms. Ipomoea indica is a very cute climbing vine with abundant and spectacular blooms. Add an exotic touch to your garden with these easy, quick-growing annuals, HOW TO CHOOSE THE RIGHT SWEET POTATO VINE, Sign up for weekly gardening inspiration and design tips. Mounding spreading habit, 10 to 12 inches tall and 2 to 3 feet wide, Deep purple to nearly black in full sun; green undertones in partial shade. It is a super foliage plant for containers, annual borders and hanging baskets. (8-13 cm), close in the afternoon, hence the common … Read our guarantee. Plant / Seedling / Seed / Vegetative reproduction cutting or bending a branch over and covering it with soil. ... Care. Some have variegation or mottling. $6.95. var theDate=new Date() PropagationSow seed in spring after chipping them or soaking them in water for 24 hours. Variety or Cultivar 'Blackie' _ 'Blackie' is a fast-growing, tender, trailing, tuberous perennial, often grown as an annual, with heart-shaped, deeply lobed, maroon to … Heart-shaped foliage combines well with mounding petunias and upright purple fountain grass. Discover the right plants for your garden. Color: Gently loosen the roots if potbound. Blackie Ipomoea Plants offer vigorous trailing foliage with dark, burgundy black, maple-shaped leaves. Yes in order to ensure that color of the leaves will be purple-black and not green, Difficulties or problems when growing: Require big area for tuber, aggressive, Planting season: Spring as annual or as perennial in hardiness zone 10a, spring to summer in hardiness zone 10b, spring to autumn in hardiness zone 11, all year in hardiness zone 12+. | 7:00AM - 1PM ( Seasonal ) SUN. Loves summer heat. Flowers are insignificant, with little to no bloom during summer. Ipomoea batatas ‘Blackie’, ‘Blacky’ source These purple sweet potato vines are so dark that they are nearly black, hence their name. Sidekick Black Heart thrives in the heat, is easy to grow, and will not overcrowd other plants. Free shipping on orders over $85.00! Choose a sunny site with rich, well-draining soil. Bad gardener! Tuber edible the peel is purple or orange, the inner color is white. Plant by itself or in a large container so that companion plants aren’t overwhelmed. With so many varieties to choose from, here are some tips to consider: Choose mounding and semi-compact varieties for the edge of a border, or larger trailing types that will quickly fill in larger areas. Ipomoea hyb. Plants have a mounding, trailing habit, with foliage in shades of chartreuse, gold, bronze, brown, red, purple and nearly black. Ipomoea batatas 'Blackie'. Keep plants moderately moist, watering once a week, or more during hot spells. Sku #30427. Shipped: 3" POT … Grow them on in the gre… Blooms in summer, producing more flowers than many other varieties. Photo courtesy of Rush Creek Growers, Inc. The leaves of this plant have five points in the shape of a hand. Compact mounding habit, 8 to 12 inches tall and 2 to 3 feet wide, Deep purple with irregular green splotches. Important Ipomoea facts. The diverse species of the ipomoea is not limited on ornamental plants. Brightly-hued ornamental foliage is durable and perfect for season-long color and texture. My sister-in-law has two green thumbs and her yard & patio are always beautiful. Plants are extremely resentful of root disturbance, even when they are quite small, and should be potted up almost as soon as they germinate. Dig a planting hole twice the diameter and depth of the container and place the plant at the same level it was in the container. Best with at least 6 hours of full sun, they can take some shade. This large genus of about 500 species is made up of annuals, perennials, evergreen shrubs, and trees. Genus: Ipomoea Zones: 11 Name – Ipomoea indica Family – Convolvulaceae Type – climbing vine, annual Height – 10 to 20 feet (3 to 6 meters) Exposure – full sun Soil – rich enough Foliage – deciduous Flowering – June to November. Sidekick Black Heart will last all season long. Leaves contain the same principal ingredient as LSD, and can be highly toxic to pets if ingested. Here’s how: Maximize garden space and create a living backdrop. $6.95. Deeply lobed, maple-like leaves light up the garden with bright lime-green color. $6.50. In ideal conditions, they can quickly outgrow a space. The large mature size makes this a good choice for ground cover edging in a bedding display, in a hanging basket or window box. Many of the annuals and perennials are trailing or twining climbers. The foliage is a very dark purple-black, looking quite striking when set amongst green plants. Exposure: Full to partial sun. ‘Blackie’ — Buy now from Proven Winners Ipomoea batatas. 100% Guaranteed! RELATED: - FRI. | 7:00AM - 5:00PM SAT. In cooler regions, boost performance by planting in a warm location such as a south-facing wall or heat-absorbing patio. They look absolutely gorgeous spilling over a tall container. You may trim or cut back ‘Blackie… Blackie Ipomea Blackie at the bottom of the photos - Credit to daryl_mitchell. More infos: cultivars with different colors and leaf forms are available. * Required FieldsWe will never sell or distribute your email to any other parties or organizations. Thrives in hot humidity. The leaves can be yellow, chartreuse, burgundy, nearly black, red, light green, or variegated. A key feature of Sidekick Black Heart is that it is heat and drought tolerant. Photo by: Rock Giguere / Millette Photomedia, Mounding spreading habit, 10 to 12 inches high and 2 to 3 feet wide. Gardeners turn to the sweet potato vine for its ability to power through just about anything while bringing interesting shapes, sizes, and colors to a pot or plot. Larger sprawling varieties will quickly cover large areas and drape down a slope or wall for a dramatic effect. Photo by: Paul S Drobot / Millette Photomedia, Trailing spreading habit, 8 inches tall and 5 feet wide. I had planned to overwinter my Ipomoea 'Blackie' and 'Tricolour', but then life intervened and they got whalloped by frost. Tubers are edible but not meant for consumption. $6.75. Plant in spring or early summer when all danger of frost is past. These perennial (or often annual) vines are a wonderful addition to any garden. This variant grows vigorously and is best kept outside to allow full growth. Plant along a rock wall and let it sprawl along the top and over the sides, or train up a trellis. ‘Sweet Caroline Sweetheart Lime’ — Buy now from Proven WinnersIpomoea batatas. How to Grow a Purple Sweet Potato Vine. Carefully remove the plant from the container, being careful not to damage the delicate stem. General Description. The dark deeply lobed foliage of this popular trailing sweet potato vine contrasts well with many flowering bedding plants. Some plants, such as Ipomoea batatas 'Margarita,' will usually have large, roundish potatoes, while others, such as Ipomoea batatas 'Blackie,' will have smaller, slender potatoes. Roots: Although the tuberous roots are edible, they are not typically eaten, because they are not sweet and typically quite small. Opening in the morning to reveal their white and yellow throats, the flowers, 3-5 in. The vigorous vines can reach up to 10 feet long and are most often used as a trailing accent in containers. ‘Blackie’ — Buy now from Proven WinnersIpomoea batatas. They also prefer soil that does not dry out completely. The most widely known variety of the crop is the sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) which … This vigorous and fast-growing cultivar is a popular variety which is known for its maple-like leaf shape. Easily grown in loose, nutrient-rich, well-drained soil. Sweet Caroline Bewitched Green with Envy™ sweet potato vine and Rockin® Deep Purple salvia. Place a decorative container in your entryway or on a deck or patio for a compelling focal point. Plants are generally considered resistant to deer grazing, though some gardeners have experienced damage. Chartreuse in full sun, greener with light shade. Although edible, the sweet potato vine is generally grown as an ornamental. Cutting temperature 25-30C (77-86F), high humidity, possible by water and switch the water every few days or to put in soil – moist soil, better in spring to summer and possible to use in root growth hormone. Plant by itself in a container or in combination with other warm-season annuals in the same color palette. Lavender or pink tubular flowers appear primarily on older varieties, though rarely. Sprawling habit, 6 to 10 inches high, 4 to 5 feet wide, and up to 6 feet long. It is a large and diverse group with common names including Morning Glory, Sweet Potato, Bindweed or Moonflower. Take cuttings several weeks before your average first frost date and place in water. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Ipomoea batatas Blackie grow and care herbaceous vine of the genus Ipomoea also known as Sweet potato blackie, Ipomoea batatas Blackie perennial evergreen or annual plant, the plant edible leaves and tuber, used as ornamental plant can be hedge plant or as groundcover plant, can grow in tropics, mediterranean, desert, subtropics or temperate climate and growing in hardiness zone 10+ as perennial 6+ as annual. It climbs without help to rapidly cover trellises, arbors, mailbox … Nighttime temperatures should be above 40 to 45 degrees to avoid cold damage. Because of its trailing habit of growth, it is ideally suited for use as a 'spiller' in the 'spiller-thriller-filler' container combination; plant it near the edges where it can spill gracefully … Combine in a container with Juliet™ Pink diascia, Petunia Easy Wave® Pink Passion, and spiky dracaena for a classic look. Plant a sunny window box with trailing varieties that will spill over the edge. Copyright Height/Spread: Sprawling habit, 6 to 10 inches high, 4 to 5 feet wide, and up to 6 feet long. Find a Garden Center that carries Proven Winners plants & products. The most … One of the easiest ways to create multi-seasonal interest in the garden is to use plants with interesting foliage. Immigrated from tropical regions of this planet, the ipomoea are starting to freeze at mild 10 degrees Celsius. Requiring little care, Blackie is a great fast growing hanging basket … From tools to furniture, these garden products are sure to delight. Plant database entry for Ornamental Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas 'Blackie') with 79 images, 5 comments, and 25 data details. Ornamental sweet potato is an attractive version of the edible sweet potato. The Sweet Potato Vine Blackie, 'Ipomoea batatas', a Proven Winners selection, has a trailing habit and dark red/purple leaves that are shaped like a bird's footprint.
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