*'), Find the perfect Ibanez electric guitar at the guaranteed low price with free shipping & free 2-year warranty. There are three principles behind our new Ibanez … if (expectedCacheNames.indexOf(cacheName) === -1) { caches.keys().then(cacheNames => { return Promise.all( } ... Ibanez Prestige RGR5220M - Transparent Fluorescent Green $1,999.99. In stock and shipping now. // If this cache name isn't present in the array of "expected" cache names, let request = new Request(url, { cache: 'reload' }); New Listing Ibanez Prestige RG2570EX Cosmic Blue 2003 Used Basswood Body w/Soft Case Product Price $1,999.99. RGR5220MTFG - Ibanez adds another Reverse head but with interesting specs, stainless frets, Bare Knuckles pickups, Luminlay side dots, in a cool green.. CLEARANCE - $1550 AS IS PLUS SHIPPING. fetch(createCacheBustedRequest(OFFLINE_URL)).then(function (response) { The just-right feel provided by this neck's satin finish encourages lightning-fast runs, arpeggios, and hammer-ons. let bustedUrl = new URL(url, self.location.href); 4% for each additional year. // If our if() condition is false, then this fetch handler won't intercept the request. An additional free setup is not included with additional purchased years of Performance Warranty. Ibanez Prestige RGR5220M-TFG. Ibanez Prestige stands for Precision, Performance, and Playability. // See https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-request-mode if(event && event.data && Array.isArray(event.data) && event.data.length > 0) { Based on independent reviews. Apart from the shop, you can discover a wide variety of additional things - forums, apps, blogs, and much more. }) if (environment === 'QA') { } }) Continuing the Prestige series' legacy of exceptional sound and design, the Ibanez RGR5220M Prestige has absolutely everything the modern guitarist could ever want from their instrument. IDR 23,600,000.00 Quick View. // if(legacySite !== 'true') { The Ibanez RGR5220M features a Birdseye Maple fretboard and an Ash top/African Mahogany body. If you need custom handling for 4xx or 5xx new RegExp(/.*(?:musiciansfriend|static.musiciansfriend)\.com(.*)(?:css)(. }); Quick View. * @description: This event handler is currently used on the responsive PDPs to precache the high resolution images The Ibanez AS63T is the most simplified model the AS series has to offer, bringing the joy of owning a quality semi-hollow guitar to everyone for an amazingly affordable price. //cache all css files - from the main and static server domains caches.open('image-cache').then( cache => event.data.forEach( imgUrl => cache.add(imgUrl))); All packages are $140 off. return caches.open(CURRENT_CACHES.offline).then(function (cache) { const precacheController = new workbox.precaching.PrecacheController(); *)$/), Ibanez. // This is not yet supported in Chrome as of M48, so we need to explicitly check to see * @param {object} event.data: An array of high resolution image urls of the form ['https://media.musiciansfriend.com/is/image/MMGS7/513342000020000-01-1000x1000.jpg'] The Ibanez RGR5220M TFG Prestige Electric Guitar with Case - Transparent Fluorescent Green is part of the New RG Prestige Series from Ibanez for 2019. event.respondWith( Ibanez offers electric guitars, bass guitars, acoustic guitars, effect and pedals, amps, plus guitar accessories like tuners, straps and picks. Ibanez RGR5220M RG Prestige Electric Guitar Transparent Fluorescent Green Gear returned in mint condition. Apart from the shop, you can discover a wide variety of additional things - forums, apps, blogs, and much more. Ibanez 2019 RGR5220M TFG Prestige Electric Guitar w/Case. The combination of high-tech manufacturing techniques and traditional Japanese craftmanship is the cornerstone of the Prestige production process. cacheName: 'jquery-assets' $45 maximum. Ibanez RGR5220M Prestige, Trans Fluorescent Green. This also affects the price - to our customers' benefit, of course. urbanAirship.defaultIcon = 'https://c00112\u002Ddl.urbanairship.com/binary/public/PFIidHFUQXCgNERsbOgJEA/c171992e\u002Debef\u002D4dd2\u002Da4f6\u002Ddb52a2fff3d8'; self.addEventListener('activate', event => { return caches.match(OFFLINE_URL); Ibanez Prestige stands for Precision, Performance, and Playability. Develop your range, tone and technique with these new high performance Prestige guitars.In order to create guitars that are beyond the best, Ibanez carefully developed new, modern specifications. //add each high-res image url to the 'image-cache' cache const OFFLINE_URL = '/common/error/offline.jsp'; new workbox.strategies.StaleWhileRevalidate({ function createCacheBustedRequest(url) { plugins: [ new RegExp(/.*(?:musiciansfriend|static.musiciansfriend)\.com(.*)(?:js[^jsp])(. // "url": "/cmn/productionJs/global.r.js?vId="+versionId, Ash-topped African mahogany supplies you with a solid tonal base, while a comfortable 5-piece Super Wizard HP neck and slippery-fast bird’s-eye maple fingerboard inject your playing with a serious dose of speed. There are three principles behind our new Ibanez Prestige line: Precision, Performance, and Playability. The Ibanez Prestige RG5120M offers high-end looks and a tone that hits like a pile driver — it’s a brutal axe for guitarists with refined tastes. If you're looking for a virtually new instrument in possibly less-than-perfect packaging, this is a … RGR5220M maakt deel uit van Ibanez zijn Prestige lijn. }) self.skipWaiting(); Sold Out. //we don't want to cache any checkout specific requests
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