We know ads can be annoying, but they’re what allow us to make all of wikiHow available for free. Something like an old toothbrush works well. For day-to-day cleaning, truly the best way to go is to heat the grill up, which will burn off any stuck-on food, and then give the grates a good going over with a grill brush. All tip submissions are carefully reviewed before being published. To deep clean … For a more thorough cleaning, use our the grate cleaner and scrubber pads found in our Weber Maintenance Kits, after the grill has completely cooled. Use caution when handling a wire brush. To learn how to clean the outside of a gas grill, scroll down! (To determine the gas level, … Can I use aluminum foil to clean my cooking grates? Heat deflectorsdistribute heat evenly throughout the cookbox while cooking. wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. Try using Dawn soap, as it is made to deal with harsh oils and grease. NO! Whether you are a barbecue novice or a BBQ expert, keep the grill clean, because this is an important part of making food. This article teaches you how to clean the inside of the stainless gas grill. Check your gas line for leaks before using your grill each season. Turn off the gas supply to the grill. To learn how to clean the outside of your grill, click here. "Needed tips on cleaning a grill, including the sides and cover, not just the grates. You do not want to have dangerous gasses build up during the cleaning process that can lead to injury. Choose another answer! Read on for another quiz question. http://www.thekitchn.com/how-to-clean-a-gas-grill-220948, http://www.artofmanliness.com/2015/05/14/how-to-clean-and-maintain-a-gas-grill/, http://www.familyhandyman.com/grills/how-to-tune-up-your-outdoor-gas-grill/view-all, http://www.realsimple.com/home-organizing/cleaning/cleaning-more-rooms/gas-grill-maintenance-checklist, http://www.today.com/series/nailing-it/how-deep-clean-your-gas-grill-t22631, http://www.weber.com/weber-nation/blog/spring-grill-cleaning, http://www.realsimple.com/food-recipes/cooking-tips-techniques/grilling/caring-grill/cleaning-oiling-grill-grate, http://www.elgas.com.au/blog/505-bbq-gas-leak-test-gas-grill-barbecue, Membersihkan Pemanggang Berbahan Bakar Gas, consider supporting our work with a contribution to wikiHow. To learn how to clean the outside of a gas grill, scroll down! Gather your cleaning supplies: You might want gloves, and you’ll definitely need a grill brush or other cleaning brush, cleaning rags or paper towels, a bristle brush or putty knife, and soap and water. My cooking grates are starting to rust. Certain models have electrodes attached to the burners. Keeping the inside of your grill clean is important not only for sanitary reasons, but it helps to keep the components of your grill working properly to make sure that they last for as long as possible, and operate at peak performance. How do you clean the charcoal stones (white stones)? This keeps the grate clean and ready for use. If necessary, brush the heat deflectors with aWeber Stainless Steel Grill Brush. Corrosion is another side effect, so you should avoid removing the paint. Knowing what to use to clean the inside of your grill, and how to do so, will help your grill … For tough grease spots, add dish soap to the water or a grill … Almost! Over time, you may notice a substance that looks like peeling paint on the inside of the lid, but we don't paint the inside of our grill lids. Last Updated: January 28, 2020 DISASSEMBLE. How do I clean the inside of my gas grill? 2. The Hack. Scrape off excess grease with a plastic scraper. To create this article, 10 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. Use a plastic scraper to scrape debris off the sides and bottom of the cookbox into the opening in bottom of the cookbox that leads into the slide-out grease tray. Cut a lemon in half, stick it on a sharp utensil and rub it on the top of the grill of where you cook. Clean the air shutter screens on each of the burners using a soft bristle brush. Grab supplies that will help you maintain a clean grill in the future. Removing pieces of paint typically won't weaken the lid in any way. Clean your grill after each use to prevent layers of grime from building up. Empty your grill completely and remove any fixtures, including the grates. Close the lid to burn up any drippings that have fallen on the burner protectors. Click on another answer to find the right one... {"smallUrl":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/images\/thumb\/4\/49\/Clean-a-Gas-Grill-Step-19-Version-3.jpg\/v4-460px-Clean-a-Gas-Grill-Step-19-Version-3.jpg","bigUrl":"\/images\/thumb\/4\/49\/Clean-a-Gas-Grill-Step-19-Version-3.jpg\/aid1868314-v4-728px-Clean-a-Gas-Grill-Step-19-Version-3.jpg","smallWidth":460,"smallHeight":259,"bigWidth":"728","bigHeight":"410","licensing":"

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\n<\/p><\/div>"}. Read on for another quiz question. What is the correct replacement igniter for my grill? Correct! Use a clean stainless steel bristle grill brush to clean the outside of the burners by brushing across the top of the burner portholes. The appearance of the heat deflectors may vary by model. To clean a gas grill, start by turning off the gas supply and scrubbing the grates with soapy water using a wire brush. Not quite! Keeping these areas clean is essential for safe operation. When cleaning the burners, never use a brush that has already been used to clean the cooking grates, as this can transfer grease from the grates onto the burners. Check your burner protectors often, and replace them if they are corroded or crumbling. This article has been viewed 312,239 times. How to Clean a Gas Grill - Deep Cleaning the Weber - YouTube If you really can’t stand to see another ad again, then please consider supporting our work with a contribution to wikiHow. Knowing what to use to clean the inside of your grill, and how to do so, will help your grill last for years. Try again... That's right! Not cleaning the grill often enough will leave it caked with old food and grease, which affects how well the grill functions. Use a rag or brush to apply soapy water along the length of the gas line. ; Turn off the gas supply: Make sure the gas supply is turned off, or you can also detach the gas tank from the grill. To minimize further build-up, the inside of the lid can be wiped with a paper towel after grilling while the grill is still warm (not hot). The best method for maintaining the cleanliness of your grill is to burn off food residue in between every 3 to 4 uses. Scrubbing the grates with a balled-up piece of aluminum foil works as well. However, you should still leave the paint alone instead of scraping it off. wikiHow is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together. Parts of your grill. For a more thorough cleaning, use the grate cleaner and scrubber pads found in our Weber Maintenance Kits. Tested. We recommend cleaning your cooking grates every time you use your grill. They don’t need to be replaced unless they have holes or cracks in them. One way to make the job … First, you'll need to open the grill and remove its various parts. Pick up a can of non stick cooking spray, a clean … Minutes 5 through 8: Use the grill brush to scrub the inside walls … The Everyday Way. Then, gently scrape the inside of the grill with a putty knife, and push all resulting debris through the bottom. However, if what you cooked was especially dirty, you may consider cleaning the grill early. By using our site, you agree to our. Fill a bucket with soapy water made from teaspoon of liquid dish soap for every quart of water. Why Is It So Important To Clean The Inside Of A Gas Grill. https://www.artofmanliness.com/articles/how-to-clean-and-maintain-a-gas-grill The wikiHow Video Team also followed the article's instructions and verified that they work. Finally, scrub the area underneath the pan with soapy water and then reassemble the grill. Use a medium pressure spray pattern and rinse the detergent off. This system should be cleaned each and every time you grill to prevent flare ups. This article has been viewed 312,239 times. we don't paint the inside of our grill lids. Has it been reaching 550°F for preheating, but now it doesn’t go above 400°F? SAFETY. They work fine and actually help to heat up the other coals. Locate the gas supply valve on the propane tank for LP grills and where the grill connects to the house for LNG supplied grills. Excellent pictures and very good instructions. Weber grills feature a grease management system that funnels grease away from food and into a disposable container. Open it up, pull it apart. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. Maintaining your gas grill after each use cuts down on the time to make your grill shine, but even if you haven’t cleaned your grill all season, a little effort will get it cooking like new again. ; Warming rack – sits at the back of the grill, meant for placing food that is done and to be kept warm; Burners – the most important part of your grill as this is where the flame comes from; Control knobs – depending on your grill … You typically don't need to burn off leftover food after every use. Do not lean over the grill while cleaning, as this should create plenty of steam. How do I clear obstructions in the gas jets of my gas grill? Use your brush or scraper lightly to prevent any permanent marks on the grill. Clean the burner protectors by scrubbing with sponge or scouring pad dipped in soapy water. Simple, easy-to-follow steps.". Pre-heat the grill for 15-minutes on high heat then turn off the grill. It could be your burner tubes need to be cleaned.This video will show you how to perform this simple maintenance task to keep your grill … 3: How To Clean The Inside Of A Gas Grill… The inside of your grill or cook box collects excess grease that falls while you’re cooking meat and other foods. Turn the knob or lever clockwise to shut off the gas supply running into the grill. These deposits will eventually peel, and looks very similar to paint. Wet a rag with the water and scrub the drip pan until it's clean. Good news: You don’t need a grill brush or any other special tools to clean your charcoal … Start by cleaning … Can you run hose through your grill to clean? Remember "righty-tighty, lefty-loosey" to close and open valves. Using hot, soapy water and a good scouring pad, clean the burnt-on gunk on the inside of the grill. {"smallUrl":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/images\/thumb\/0\/0a\/Clean-a-Gas-Grill-Step-1-Version-4.jpg\/v4-460px-Clean-a-Gas-Grill-Step-1-Version-4.jpg","bigUrl":"\/images\/thumb\/0\/0a\/Clean-a-Gas-Grill-Step-1-Version-4.jpg\/aid1868314-v4-728px-Clean-a-Gas-Grill-Step-1-Version-4.jpg","smallWidth":460,"smallHeight":259,"bigWidth":"728","bigHeight":"410","licensing":"

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\n<\/p><\/div>"}. Wire bristles are very sharp and can easily puncture your fingers. Preparation is key to keeping the grill in better shape for future cooking. If necessary, you can brush the Flavorizer Bars with a Weber Stainless Steel Grill Brush. During use, grease and smoke vapors slowly change into carbon and form deposits on the inside of your lid. While this is correct, there are also different ways to clean the drip pan. It’s a good idea to clean your grill grates after each use. Do they need to be replaced. For models featuring one, remove the slide-out grease tray by pulling the tray out from underneath the cookbox. Not quite! Before you do anything else, make sure the propane tank or natural gas source is off. ; Remove the grill grates: Pull them out so you can do a thorough clean. Please help us continue to provide you with our trusted how-to guides and videos for free by whitelisting wikiHow on your ad blocker. Allow the heat to build up inside the grill for 10-15 minutes. Cooking grates – on many grills these grates are made from cast iron and are heavy. Click on another answer to find the right one... You're not wrong, but there's a better answer! You're partially right! Pick another answer! How often should you burn off any food drippings on the grill? Turn the knob or lever clockwise to shut off the gas supply running into the grill. The kids are back in school and summer is winding down, it’s about time to clean your grill. Once you've cleaned the grates and burners, remove the pan underneath the burners and scrape all of the build-up and debris away with a metal spatula. 1. To do so, remove the bottom tray beneath the grill and set it above a large trash can. Clean the racks properly and move the burner caps; this is how to clean the inside of a gas grill. Follow this step-by-step guide that takes you through how to clean your gas grill. If your drip pan is not disposable, wipe out the grease with paper towels. Whether you plan to store your grill for the winter, or keep it up and running in the cold, it is always a good idea to give your grill a deep cleaning … Whether you’re a novice griller or a BBQ pit master, keeping your grill clean is an important part of creating a good meal. After all, year-round grilling brings great flavor to every season, but … Simply preheat the grill on high for 15 minutes, with the lid closed, and then brush the grates clean with a Weber Stainless Steel Grill Brush. Choose another answer! Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. Make sure to apply soapy water liberally around the connections and valves. Be sure to clean both sides of the grates. Dirty Grill. ", "Helped me prevent doing things incorrectly. Grill cleaning and maintenance is just as important for charcoal grills as they are for gas, and now is the perfect time to learn the ropes. ", "Never have cleaned a grill before. Can I clean my cooking grates in a self cleaning oven? Try again! Wipe the side panels or burners with the soapy water as well. Also, keep in mind that Flavorizer Bars can rust due to their exposure to high heat and food drippings. Why should you avoid scraping undamaged paint off the underside of the hood? If this area is not cleaned regularly, the excess … Remove the catch pan, and check for excessive amounts of grease in the disposable drip pan that lines the catch pan. Keeping them clean will enhance the cooking performance of your grill.Scrape the heat deflectors with a plastic scraper. Read on for another quiz question. Paper towels are the best method for scraping out old grease and food drippings. This way, … There is no need to clean them. Do not do that, it will ruin your grill. Certain models have heat deflectors located under the burners. Try burning off old food more regularly. Pick another answer! Burner covers and grill grates usually rest in place. Discard disposable drip pans when necessary and replace it with a new one. Look for groves or ledges to place these items back in the proper location. Close the gas valve of the grill. Clean the Grill’s Interior. To clean a gas grill, start by firing up the grill, closing the hood, and letting it come to full temperature. Then, take out the grates and any metal coverings over the burners and scrub the burners with soapy water as well. Has the performance of your grill dropped a bit? Clean the grill using a stiff wire brush dipped in water. Clean the Inside Walls. % of people told us that this article helped them. It's typically better to clean the grill at a different rate than once a month. Always shut of the gas supply to the grill when it is not in use. Depending on the exact model you own, the control panel may need to be removed to access the air shutters. Keeping the inside of your grill clean is important not only for sanitary reasons, but it helps to keep the components of your grill working properly to make sure that they last for as long as possible, and operate at peak performance. To clean the inside of the lid, brush the carbonized grease with a Weber Stainless Steel Grill Brush. Not necessarily! Try another answer... That's right! How do I clean the ignitor on a gas grill? The info was very informative, "I appreciated how it described how to clean the heating elements, not just the grill plates. After removing as much grease as possible rinse the drip pan with a solution of soapy water. Look inside the cookbox for any grease accumulation or leftover food residue. Instructions for removing the control panel can be found in the owner's manual for your model grill. Depending on the exact model, the grease management system may consist of either a slide-out grease tray or a slide-out catch pan, and all models will feature a disposable drip tray. Look for any bubbles that indicate gas is leaking causing a potentially dangerous situation. How do I clean my cooking grates and Flavorizer bars? Also, never put sharp objects into the burner port holes, as this pushes debris into the burners, which can result in gas flow issues. You likely won't create gouges on the surface of the lid by scraping off undamaged paint. Locate the gas supply valve on the propane tank for LP grills and where the grill connects to the house for LNG supplied grills. To clean your Flavorizer Bars, allow your grill to cool completely, then scrape the Flavorizer Bars with a plastic scraper. If you wait until the end of the season, your grill is likely dirtier and greasier than recommended. During the cleaning process, prevent dangerous gas … If it is nearly empty, set it aside for refilling. Pay close attention to the areas around the knobs to remove any drips that may have accumulated. Use tongs to rub the oily towel over the surface of the hot grates. References If you have a disposable drip pan, you can replace it regularly with an aluminum pie plate. Two areas on the burners that are key to optimum performance are the portholes (small openings running along the length of the burners) and the air shutter screens on the ends of the burner. You can remove leftover grease with a solution of soapy water. Facebook Pinterest Print. These deposits are non-toxic, but the flakes could fall onto your food if you do not clean the lid regularly. Schedule this during good weather, so the sun can help dry your grill when you’re done. How to clean grill knobs covered with old grease? To clean the air shutters screens, locate the ends of the burners on the underside of the control panel where they meet the valves. Excessive accumulation can cause flare ups. Make sure you throw the paper towels away in the trash and don't put any grease down a drain. This is true, but there are also other ways to clean a drip pan. To create this article, 10 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. Turn the gas off - either on the propane tank or the gas line. Try again! Dip the wire brush in the water and scrub away any grimy build up present on the grates. Cleaning your gas grill burners regularly will prolong the life and quality of your grill. When foods are cooked on a grill, the heat generated usually burns the fats away and most of it usually settles on the grill to form a thick layer of grease. It will help prevent flare-ups, while also delivering constant a constant heat. We know it is no one's favorite job, but with these steps, you're grill … Avoid damaging the ignition electrodes by carefully brushing around them. A special tool for cleaning the air shutter screens can be found in our maintenance kits. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 312,239 times. To clean a grill, the water should be warm. These components were designed to be easily removed, cleaned, and replaced; an essential step every time you prepare to grill. You should only switch out a drip pan with an aluminum pie plate if your container was designed as disposable. wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. Start your work from the top this time and … Disconnect the gas tank. You can also try using a tin can. Where can I buy touch-up paint for my grill? You can use any of these methods to clean or replace a drip pan. When you scrape off the paint, you expose portions of the grill that can then rust.

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