The framing square Brace Triangle Table , also referred to as the Brace Rule - is discussed in detail. How to build an octagon deck decks how to build an octagon deck decks octagon shaped entry stairs deck cascading or wrap around stairs chief architect quick tip wrap around need help advice on triagle angle steps. Our sketch above illustrates just one of many uses of the carpenter's square: to lay-out a stair stringer, steps and step rise. My old black steel framing square was easy to read in various lighting conditions, was very resistant to gouges from my rock knife when I used the square to make cuts in drywall or to make cuts in lumber as one might do to avoid chipping up wood when cross-cutting with a power saw. To use the octagon scale on the framing square to cut stock into an octagon, use a pair of dividers whose ends are set apart a distance equal to the number of dots on the octagon scale that corresponds to the original length of the side of your starting rectangle. On both the long and short arms of the framing square are marked various framing tables giving rafter lengths, roof slopes and the proper angle of cuts for various roofing connections such as a rafter end abutting the ridge board, the birds' mouth cut at the rafter segment that rests atop a wall plate, hip and valley rafter cuts and other information. This Calculator graphically shows the detail dimensions of the frame with entering run, angle, and so on. I placed the solid brick pattern towards the bottom on all of the blocks, and the half brick towards the top. The Degree at Which to Cut an Octagon From Wood. Spence, William P. (2000). Perhaps the following … Be sure that your steps line up with the block lines on the tower (where the blocks meet at the seams). This article series gives clear examples just about every possible way to figure out any or all roof dimensions and measurements expressing the roof area, width, length, slope, rise, run, and unit rise in inches per foot. Brace it temporarily with a spare block while the glue dries. It has a diagonal scale, board foot scale and an octagonal scale. Next trim away the outside and trim off the black outline also. Why do we care about identifying the "face" or the "back" of the framing square? My first framing square was made of steel and was black in color with white numbers and lines. Be sure that the top edge of the stair fits into the corner circled in red. Special tables give the number of joists, studs, or rafters in a floor, ceiling, wall or roof of given dimension. This table is also called the "Diagonal Scale" table. Place the next row of blocks down, gluing them to the arrow slits but not to the layer below! This simple device is crammed with tables, data and tricks that allow a carpenter to lay out roof rafters, stairs, or other building features. to decimal fractions, conversion of inches to decimal fractions of a foot, numbers of joists, studs, rafters, and even pilot hole size recommendations for wood screws. The first photo shows the top section removed (so you can see people standing in front of the arrow slits). See ROOF SLOPE TABLE, TYPES, WALKABILITY for a detailed table of roof slopes in rise & degrees as well as comments about roof slope walkability. As long as you have 1/4 or 1/2 pie shaped pieces, everything will work fine. ISBN 0-8069-8101-6. Step 1: Materials Required. You will also need the Prison Tower mold #60 to add the stairway. Here are some pictures of the octagon decks. Start by cutting out the floorplan of the tower and gluing it to a piece of cereal box. Here we explain just how to use a framing square and its etched-on tables to figure out roof slope & rafter lengths, rafter cuts, brace lengths & cuts, stair stringer layout & cuts and other construction & framing layouts & saw cuts. All photos, articles and plans are copyrighted by Bruce Hirst and may not be used without permission. Set it on the tower and place the rest of the tower on top. In this example, the octagon segments … Glue the floor tiles down to the center of the plan. Try the search box just below, or if you prefer, post a question or comment in the Comments box below and we will respond promptly. Octagons are eight-sided figures often used by landscapers, carpenters or woodworkers. Drop in octagons, make a multilevel deck, add a staircase or wrap around stairs, and get a plan to submit for permits. "Castlemolds(R)" is a trademark of Hirst Arts Fantasy Architecture Inc. Finally, draw the wall around the outside of the floor. Glue the stair piece along the wall as shown. Take a flat tile from the Prison Tower and glue it down as shown. Above: an example of one of the rafter length data columns explained in the article cited just above. Framing squares … Separately at DECK STAIR BUILDING DETAILS we explain in detail how a framing square is used to layout rise and run on the stair stringers when building stairs. However, there are many experienced builders out there who won't have a problem with cutting floor tiles to fit. What's nice about these brace length numbers is that if you measure the hypotenuse length carefully to match the numbers in the brace table you can just slap your speed-square or try-square onto the length measurement point and with your square set at 45 degrees, mark your cut. RAFTER Seen from the top edge of the framing square blade then moving downwards, on the front of the blade when you hold the framing square with the tongue or shorter arm to your right and pointing down you'll see inches marked in 16ths on the blade top edge, then the tables we give below, and finally inches marked in 8ths on the bottom edge of the blade. Make sure that the corner of the stair sets into the corner of the tower (circled in red). Place the strap clamp around the octagon frame … You will have to put a spare block under the stair to hold it in place temporarily. Now glue a floor tile from the tower on top of the stair as shown. Glue together 8 arches as shown. Cut the treads so that they meet on top of the corner stringers. Start by printing out a copy of the Octagon Tower building plans. It's a carpenter's aid for laying out a perfect octagon. You can download the plans shown here from the, Place a row of blocks around the outside. Here are the next two rows glued on top. Details about reading and using the octagon table on a framing square are found at, FRAMING SQUARE OCTAGON TABLE in multiples of 5 (located in the middle of the tongue), These tables are on the framing square back, on its long arm or "blade". This discussion now has its own page at FRAMING SQUARE for BIRDS MOUTH CUT, This discussion got promoted to its very own web page. Glue these pieces around the outside. ISBN-10: 0471648361, ISBN-13: 978-0471648369, Hardcover: 320 pages, available from and also, Decks and Porches, the JLC Guide to, Best Practices for Outdoor Spaces, Steve Bliss (Editor), The Journal of Light Construction, Williston VT, 2010 ISBN 10: 1-928580-42-4, ISBN 13: 978-1-928580-42-3, available from FT-IN. We want to convert 46.67" to something in eights or sixteenths of an inch. That list includes links to detailed procedures for using each of the tables on the square. Also be sure that the top of the stair meets exactly on the block line (where the rows of blocks meet). Click to Show or Hide Citations & References, Layouts, Measurements & Cuts Using a Framing Square & Its Tables, CONVERT INCHES to DECIMAL FRACTIONS of a FOOT, CONVERT INCHES of RISE per FOOT to DEGREES of SLOPE, HOME INSPECTION EDUCATION COURESES (Canada), HOME INSPECTION EDUCATION: HOME STUDY COURSES, COMMON RAFTER LENGTH PER FOOT OF RUN - this is the top line in the rafter length tables, HIP OR VALLEY RAFTER LENGTH PER FOOT OF RUN, Blade Back, under inch-marks 2-8: explained in detail at, Blade Back, under inch-marks 9 11: explained in detail at, Blade Back, under inch-marks 12-16: explained in detail at, Blade Back, under inch-marks 17-18: explained in detail at, Blade Back, under inch-marks 19-23: explained in detail at, 6" of rise per foot of run = 26.50 degrees of slope, 10" of rise per foot of run = 40 degrees of slope, 18" of rise per foot of run = 56.25 degrees of slope, 24" of rise per foot of run = 63.50 degrees of slope, On the back of a framing square along the outer edges of both the blade and tongue the inches are divided into, On the back of a framing square along the inner edge of the tongue (the shorter arm) inches are divided into, On the back of a framing square along the inner edge of the blade, inches are divided into, On the front of a framing square along the outer edge of the blade (the longer arm) inches are divided into, On the front of a framing square along the inner edge of the blade inches are divided into, On the front of a framing square along the outer edge of the tongue (the shorter arm) inches are divided into, On the front of a framing square along the inner edge of the tongue inches are divided into.
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