Although the true Ficus retusa tree mostly grows in the wild in South-East Asia, sometimes Ficus retusa branches are grafted to Ficus microcarpa to produce a type of Ficus ginseng. Was im hiesigen Pflanzen- usw. Fertilizing : Fertilize every two weeks during summer, and every four weeks during winter if the growth doesn't stop. It can be kept outside in the summer as long as temperatures are above 60°F (15°C). Watering – moderate. Ficus retusa is a completely different Ficus species. Placement : The ficus Bonsai tree is an indoor tree that does not endure frosty conditions. For more detailed information on these techniques, take a look at our Bonsai tree care section. Rechtliche Informationen des Verkäufers. Zu jedem Bonsai bekommen Sie ein persönliches Zertifikat mit Pflegetipps (ausgenommen Jungpflanzen). Postage and packaging. [Z013_03] Chin. Sie bekommen natürlich den hier abgebildeten Baum . Ficus retusa 248,00 ... Bewertungen (0) Sehr schöner Baum für den Einstieg in die Faszination von Bonsai. If a considerable thickening of the trunk is desired, the Ficus can be left to grow freely for one or two years. £45.00. Ginseng ficus bonsai trees or Ficus microcarpa and Ficus retusa are native in Taiwan and Malaysia. Ein Bonsai ist als Bildträger der Schönheit der Natur gewachsen und geformt. Need advice? Me llegó muy rápido el pedido, embalaje perfecto y bonsai muy bonito, robusto y frondoso. Bonsai Chinesischer Feigenbaum - Ficus retusa - ca. Ja ich weiss Baumarkt, jedoch ich denke so schlecht ist er auch nicht gestaltet. In this video I talk about the Ficus Retusa. 6 Jahre. There are many species of Ficus. Ficus Retusa Bonsai Tree shohin . Standort: Zimmer, hell, nicht direkt hinter der Scheibe an einem Südfenster. Thus, each tree is unique . This is a graft of two different varieties of F. microcarpa, one with enlarged roots and another with small leaves, in this case named Ficus ginseng by the hopeful owner. The watering of your bonsai must never be neglected. Contact the seller- opens in a new window or tab and request post to your location. Sie erhalten immer den abgebildeten Baum, falls nicht ausdrücklich anders beschrieben. Beitrag von Toni Bonsai » 20.05.2005, 08:52. Er gilt als sehr robust und pflegeleicht. Pests / diseases: Fig species are quite resistant against pests, but they are still susceptible to several issues depending on their location, and time of year, especially in the winter. Ficus Retusa Bonsai Tree shohin approx 26cm indoor deadwood feature. Larger wounds should be covered with cut paste. Care – easy, Exposure – abundant indirect light You can rest the pot of your Ficus retusa on a tray of clay pebbles full of water, without having the pot touch the water itself. Ficus Bonsai Trees are mainly tropical plants growing throughout south-eastern Asia. Ikea Bonsai Ficus_Retusa: Antworten: Auf vielfachen Wunsch eines Einzelnen (Marlies) Die Geschichte in etwa So! The glossy, small, dark-green, leathery leaves, which alternate up the stem, are densely clothed on large, somewhat weeping branches. Make offer - Ficus bonsai. Indoor-Bonsai - Ficus retusa - kleinblättriger Ficus Art.Nr. Similar Ficus varieties include; The Microcarpa, Tigerbark, Willow leaf, Golden Gate, Religiosa, Benjamina, and Taiwan. Delightful Ficus Bonsai Tree, approximately 31-35cm tall and planted in a black ceramic bonsai pot. chinesische Feige Indoor Bonsai Ficus retusa 50-55 cm 15 Jahre 3012 . All ficus bonsai trees have milky latex sap. Ficus retusa is a rapidly growing, rounded, broad-headed, evergreen shrub or tree that can reach 10 metres (33 ft) in height with an equal spread. Herkunft und Pflege. Additional Information. This is a dwarf variety of Ficus microcarpa sold as a Ficus retusa bonsai. Artikelnummer: 17122012246. Enthält 5% Mwst. This technique is known as approach-grafting and it can be used to form appealing structures. Growing indoor bonsai has become very popular and for some people bonsai is just about indoor trees. Fig tree branches and roots can also be grafted quite easily. Feigenbaum (Ret. There are hundreds of varieties of the Ficus, but a common one for Bonsai is the Ficus Retusa, this is often shaped in an s-curved trunk and has dark green, oval leaves. Nur angemeldete Kunden, die dieses Produkt gekauft haben, dürfen eine Bewertung abgeben. Boomki UG. make excellent bonsai, particularly the small-leaved varieties, such as Ficus benjamina and Ficus retusa. Verzweigung? Kategorien: 1 - Bonsai. Here are the tips on how to prune your Ficus retusa into a bonsai. Certain cultivars of fig (Ficus spp.) Der Ficus microcarpa ginseng wird als Bonsai verkauft, weil es Ficus microcarpa ginsengs auch als Bonsai gibt. In tropical climates, a single tree can become a forest-like structure and cover an enormous expanse. Ensure that you only water when the soil is dry. Oder 7Jahre wuchs dieser aufgepfropfte Retusa ohne Dünger und umtopfen dahin! For faster healing, or closing of large wounds, young plants, shoots, or aerial roots can be grafted across wounds. In den Warenkorb. This tree has a thick trunk and is often grafted with microcarpa Ficus leaves, which would result in a Ficus microcarpa Ginseng. Repotting: Repot your Ficus tree during the spring, every other year, using a basic Bonsai soil mixture. Top-Angebote für Ficus Bonsai Pflanzen, Bäume & Sträucher online entdecken bei eBay. Er ist einfach zu formen und wächst recht schnell. Bonsai bedeutet wörtlich übersetzt: Baum im Topf. £29.00. Pruning: Regular pruning is necessary to retain the tree’s shape. Sortieren nach: Titel Preis . Breite: 30,0, Tiefe: 30,0. There are a lot of bonsai enthusiasts choosing these bonsai trees to raise, growing dense foliage. Figs can endure low humidity due to their thick, waxy leaves, but they prefer higher humidity and need extremely high humidity to develop aerial roots. The Ficus is evergreen and can be grown indoors, or outdoors once the minimum temperature reaches 15°C. Quick View. Share your garden joys & woes! The fig (Ficus retusa) has dark green glossy leaves and is unusual in that it will tolerate lower light levels. No comments yet – be the first to share your thoughts! Ficus retusa is a species native to tropical Asia. A very robust tree and good for your first Bonsai - This is an Indoor tree but will be happy in the garden in a shaded spot during the summer months. This is also the reason why it is one of the most common bonsai trees. Tropicals: 7: Jun 25, 2020: T: I bought a 8 year old Ficus retusa bonsai: New to Bonsai: 15: May 14, 2020: A: ficus retusa broken branch: Tropicals: 25: Jan 16, 2020: Is it actually a ficus retusa? Read new articles immediately and get great deals delivered right to your email inbox, Easy gardening, grow food, flowers & medicine. They are hardy plants with thick trunks that are easy to grow and maintain. Mwst. Types of Ficus Bonsai Ficus Retusa. Continue reading about watering Bonsai trees. , zzgl. New to Bonsai: 13: Jul 29, 2020: H: Ficus retusa hasn't put out new leaves this season. Ones found commonly in bonsai include Retusa, Religiosa, Carica, Benjamina and others. It’s perfect for beginners and homes with lower light levels. The fig makes a fantastic indoor bonsai and should be protected from the frost. 1 Meter und etwas mehr. FICUS RETUSA (Ficus Retusa) Ficus Retusa, also known as the Banyan Fig or Taiwan Ficus, is a rapidly-growing, round, broad-headed evergreen tree with a beautiful, full spread. Sie kommen in der Regel aus warmen, tropischen Wäldern und sind auf vielen verschiedenen Teilen der Erde beheimatet. In den Warenkorb. Mwst. Bonsai Chinesischer Feigenbaum - Ficus retusa - ca. They can be found on every continent in the tropic regions and are very suitable for indoor Bonsai. 8 Jahre. If you need help identifying your tree, try our Bonsai tree identification guide. In den Warenkorb. Bonsai Chinesischer Feigenbaum - Ficus retusa - ca. Handel für ein paar Euro über den Ladentisch geht, hat aber mit einem echten Bonsai-Ficus so viel zu tun wie möhrengefärbte Pflanzenfett-Pansche mit Vanilleeis (mehr zum echten Bonsai-Ficus unten). A Bonsai is grown and shaped as an image carrier of the beauty of nature. Wir importieren unsere Ficus Bonsai direkt vom Produzenten (s. Bilder am Ende der Seite). We know that there may be between 800 and 2000 different species. Leaf pruning (defoliation) can be used to reduce leaf size, as some Ficus Bonsai species normally grow large leaves. The Ficus genus belongs to the family of mulberry plants or Moraceae, and it’s the most popular indoor tree species for Bonsai beginners. The Ficus Retusa has an S-shaped trunk and dark green, oval leaves. 5% USt. Große Auswahl zu günstigen Preisen Kostenloser Versand möglich There are about a dozen varieties of Fig that are commonly used for bonsai. Australische Kirschmyrte – Syzygium, ca. B2. Ab August stellen wir dann die neue Ware in unseren Shop ein. The strong cuts that are necessary afterward don't affect the Ficus' health and new shoots will grow from old wood. Artikel pro Seite: 24 48 108. Ähnliche Produkte. Foliage – evergreen Versand mit DHL. Ficus Retusa Bonsai Tree shohin prebonsai material deadwood indoor B53. The most popular one for Bonsai is the Ficus Retusa. Common Name: Chinese fig tree Botanical Name: Ficus retusa . Bonsai Chinesischer Feigenbaum, Ficus retusa, Immergrüne Pflanze für den Wohnbereich, Dunkelgrüne, glänzende Blätter, Pflegeleichte Pflanze, Für helle, sonnige Standorte, Kann im Sommer im Freien stehen Ficus Bonsai Tree. 39,99 € * sofort verfügbar. Vollständige Informationen. Schale! An experienced grower can work on fig trees with a nearly unlimited range of creative freedom, which considerably increases the appeal of growing Ficus retusa as a Bonsai plant. Wiring: Wiring and bending thin to medium Ficus branches is easy due to their flexibility, but you should check the wires regularly as they can cut into the bark very quickly. Feigenbäume - Ficus. Lieferzeit: 2 - 5 Werktage. It buds back very quickly after pruning and has an immense amount of character in the truck and aerial root system. Dry air and a lack of light weakens the Bonsai Ficus and often result in leaf drop. Ficus Retusa are capable of growing epiphytically on other trees. 5, 6? This bonsai tree is available with an age range between 5 and 29 years. Ficus microcarpa, syn. Ficus retusa, although easy to care for, demands a bit of attention in order for it to grow in the best growing environment. Type – indoor plant, bonsai, Height – 16 to 32 inches (40 to 80 cm) 6 Jahre - Kostenloser Versand ab 29€. Lieferzeit: 2 - 5 Werktage. jetzt nur 207 Kč. mehr Info. You can tie many young plants together to fuse them and build a single strong trunk. Die Bonsai-Stube Roth ist ihr Spezialist rund um das Thema Bonsai. Current stock: 0. Breite: 30,0, Tiefe: 30,0. 14,99 € * sofort verfügbar. Ficus retusa thrives particularly well indoors when the temperature stays from 60 to 75°F (15 to 25°C). Find species-specific information on your tree. Ca. Bonsai wird in Asien angebaut und erinnert an einen alten Baum. 6 Jahre Gesamthöhe: ca. The warmer the placement of the fig during winter the more water it needs. Er hat derb ledrige Blätter und 6 bis 8 mm kleine, grüne, feigenähnliche Früchte. That’s why the name seems so familiar to many plant lovers across the world. Hi allesamt, Ich habe einen Ficus Retusa und wollte an diesem Luftwurzeln haben ich habe dann 2 Äste die mich sowieso störten mit ein wenig Wurzelfix in die Erde gesteckt. Ficus retusa is a member of the fig family and is the easiest of all indoor bonsai varieties. Krone? Snip new shoots off as they appear, for the original shape to be preserved or to make it evolve to the shape you would like it to take. Ficus retusa is quite resistant to most diseases, fungus and parasites. Ficus Retusa (microcarpa) Ginseng This dramatic looking evergreen Bonsai tree is extremely popular, it is also known as the 'Pot bellied Ficus' because of it's unusual stocky roots which are elevated above the soil to create what appears to be a trunk, these roots look very like Ginseng roots. Kommentare (16) Hinterlasse eine Meinung. It’s often shaped with an s-curved trunk and has dark green oval leaves. In den Warenkorb. Similar Ficus varieties include; The Microcarpa, Tigerbark, Willow leaf, Golden Gate, Religiosa, Benjamina, and Taiwan. You will find hundreds of types of ficus as you begin searching for plants, but the best species for bonsai is the Ficus Retusa. Mass-produced cheap Bonsai usually come with a lot of problems, like ugly scars from rusty wire that dug into the bark, unattractive shapes, often poorly grafted branches in odd positions, bad soil, and sometimes inappropriate pots without drainage holes. Ficus retusa will appreciate spending the winter in a cooler spot, ideally around 60°F (15°C). chinesische Feige Indoor Bonsai Ficus retusa 50-55 cm 15 Jahre 3011. Strong branches should be shaped with guy-wires because they can be left on the tree for a much longer period. £35.00 . Continue reading about pruning Bonsai trees. Another popular Ficus species is the Ficus Ginseng. Ficus retusa loves it when air moisture is high. You can mist the leaves several times a week with soft water, especially in winter. The Ficus is by far the easiest of all the Indoor species for bonsai and it is a true Tropical so doesn't mind a slightly warmer room than some other bonsai. It can be distinguished from Ficus benjamina thanks to its thicker leaves. In most cases, springtime is the best time for planting Ficus seeds. Wid das gehen werden die wurzeln. Er schmiss alle Blätter Da waren die Triebe ca. Top Marken | Günstige Preise | Große Auswahl Ficus retusa leaves are up to 4 to 6 inches (10 to 15 cm) long, whereas Ficus microcarpa leaves never exceed 4 inches (10cm). Potsdamer Str 100. If you have pets, make sure to place your Ficus out of their reach. Ficus Retusa, also called Cuban Laurel, is a common bonsai variety that can also be found in a larger potted form. Ficus bonsai. Kategorie: Chin. Family – Moraceae (mulberry family) Vorrätig In den Warenkorb. Using plant lamps 12 to 14 hours a day, and frequently misting the leaves will help in the recovery process. Alle Preise verstehen sich selbstverständlich immer inkl. When you buy from specialized Bonsai traders you’ll most often find high-quality Bonsai that have been well cared for. Some of them can produce nice flowers, while most Ficus species have hidden flowers in small receptacles from which their fruits grow. Ficus retusa is one of the rare tree species that is able to grow indoors as well as outdoors. It’s perfect for beginners and homes with lower light levels. Sofort lieferbar. The Bonsai Ficus prefers room temperature soft water and it can tolerate occasional over, or underwatering. Placing customary insecticide sticks into the soil or spraying insecticide/miticide will get rid of the pests, but a weakened Ficus tree’s living conditions must be improved. Watering : The Ficus should be watered normally, which means it should be given water generously whenever the soil gets slightly dry. Dispatched with Royal Mail 1st Class. Ficus retusa, eine Sorte tropischer Ficus, die traditionell als Bonsai angebaut wird und zur Familie der Moraceae gehört, ist eine sehr widerstandsfähige Pflanze, die sich leicht an die typischen Umweltbedingungen einer Wohnung anpassen kann. Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing. Was haltet ihr allgemein davon? This is also the reason why it is one of the most common bonsai trees. Nonetheless, occasional issues may arise. Stamm? Wir freuen uns, Ihnen diese faszinierende Welt … Consequently, it is highly recommended with beautiful attributes. B2. Acquisition of ficus ginseng Bonsai: Ficus plants are available as cheap Bonsai or pot plants in nearly every home-improvement store or nursery. Air-layering will work best during spring, in April through May. Ficus retusa is a completely different Ficus species. The most popular one for Bonsai is the Ficus Retusa. The seller hasn't specified a postage method to United States. Name – Ficus retusa verónica | Ficus retusa Bonsai | 02/11/2020. 6 Jahre - Kugelform. Finally, note that your ficus retusa will appreciate having its leaves cleaned often with a rag or a moist paper towel. Ficus retusa wächst in seiner Heimat Indien, dem Himalaya, China, dem malaiischen Archipel, Australien und Neukaledonien als breitkroniger Baum. Alter: ca. Something to be aware of is that Ficus Ginseng Bonsai plants are poisonous for animals, especially if they eat the leaves. This is has everything you need to create your own beautifully exotic ficus retusa bonsai tree. Age: 8 years . Ficus retusa is one of the rare tree species that is able to grow indoors as well as outdoors. Im Baumarkt habe ich beim letzten Besuch einen Ficus Retusa gesehen. So ca. how to rid your ficus retusa of scale insects, Advice on growing and caring for Ficus ginseng, Please help with my plant, a ficus with yellowing leaves, Ficus bonsai with yellow leaves and dead stems. Die Ficus Familie besteht aus mehr als 1000 verschiedenen Arten. Gewicht: 1 kg: Größe: 50 × 28 × 17 cm: Bewertungen Es gibt noch keine Bewertungen. Hier können sie ihren Ficusbonsai kaufen. Die Schale ist 30 cm lang. Aerial roots grow down vertically from the branches and develop into strong pillar-like trunks when they reach the soil. 24,99 € * sofort verfügbar. FICUS RETUSA (Ficus Retusa) Ficus Retusa, also known as the Banyan Fig or Taiwan Ficus, is a rapidly-growing, round, broad-headed evergreen tree with a beautiful, full spread. Wunschliste. In most cases, fig-trees have smooth gray bark on their trunk, but there are a few species or varieties with special bark patterns, like the Ficus microcarpa Tigerbark. Die Skala gibt der gesamten Komposition Ausgewogenheit. Davon einige Bäume aber auch Sträucher. Usually, original Ficus retusa leaves tend to be larger and longer that those of Ficus microcarpa varieties. In den Warenkorb Zeige Details. Its small size and thick trunk make it a very decorative plant, ideal for modern designer homes. Steht der Bonsai hinter der Fensterscheibe, sollte er vor direkter Sonneneinstrahlung schattiert werden, da die Blätter sonst leicht verbrennen. $15,350.00 ( 0 Reviews) ITEM CODE: ST2016FR BOTANICAL NAME: Ficus microcarpa AGE: 50 HEIGHT: 21"";CATEGORY-FILTER=SPECIMEN BONSAI -- Ficus Specimens. Germany. The Banyan Ficus, or Fig bonsai vies with the Chinese Elm to be the most popular species of bonsai tree. Another popular Ficus species is the Ficus Ginseng. Dieser Bonsai ist einer der einfachsten und beliebtesten Bonsai Bäume. Care of Ficus Retusa. Style - Informal Upright . Your email address will not be published. Liquid fertilizer can be used as well as organic fertilizer pellets. 22cm. Ficus retusa is one of the trees most often used to grow bonsai. The Ficus Ginseng is another popular tree with a thick, pot-bellied trunk, similar to the Ginseng root. Impressum. It’s often shaped with an s-curved trunk and has dark green oval leaves. Soil – indoor plant soil mix, well drained Literally translated, Bonsai means: tree in pot. Schnittstelle scheint gut zu verheilen. Please enter a valid postcode. Bonsai waren schon immer ältere Bäume. Make offer - Ficus Retusa Bonsai Tree shohin approx 26cm indoor deadwood feature. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Your email address will not be published. Ideal for beginners as both these species are easy to keep, being more forgiving should you forget to water them (please don’t!). Bonsai is grown in Asia and evokes the image of an old tree. Jetzt bei bestellen! Ginseng ficus bonsai trees or Ficus microcarpa and Ficus retusa are native in Taiwan and Malaysia. 65,00 € inkl. The smooth, light grey trunk is quite striking, can grow to around 1 metre (3.3 ft) in diameter, and it firmly supports the massively spreading canopy. Sometimes it is grafted with Ficus microcarpa leaves (combining it to a Ficus microcarpa ginseng). Ficus benjamina is certainly one of the favorite plants all around, and deserves to be taken care of diligently. Ficus Bonsai | Small Broom Style. Schnellansicht . Ficus retusa is a member of the fig family and is the easiest of all indoor bonsai varieties. In this video I talk about the Ficus Retusa. The temperature should be kept relatively constant. Seite 1 von 2 [ 24 Beiträge ] Gehe zu Seite 1 2 Nächste Vorheriges Thema | Nächstes Thema : Autor Nachricht; Richard Betreff des Beitrags: Ficus Retusa. It is even important to let the soil dry up in the surface before watering again. However Ficus ginseng does not exist as a wild species of Ficus. Ficus tolerates root-pruning very well. Bonsai Ficus Retusa. With the help of birds or other animals that have eaten their fruits (figs), the seeds are laid on a tree top, making it the host tree. 1 2 . Sie erhalten den abgebildeten Bonsai mit Bonsaischale! Note that being placed in a drafty area can lead to partial or complete leaf loss. In Innenräumen würden sie auf Dauer zwangsläufig eingehen. Quick View. Ficus Bonsai kaufen. In poor conditions like these, they are sometimes infested with scale or spider mites. It requires a lot of light, preferably full sunlight, so be sure not to place it in a shady location. There are a lot of bonsai enthusiasts choosing these bonsai trees to raise, growing dense foliage. Postage cost can't be calculated. Entdecken Sie Produkte und Kundenmeinungen passend zu bonsai ficus. Lieferzeit: 2 - 5 Werktage. Enthält 5% Mwst. Feb 2010, 18:02 . 1 Monat meinen Ficus retusa bekommen. Versand. Small Ficus Retusa bonsai tree, approximately 29-36cm tall, complete in ceramic bonsai pot, ideal for beginners. Auf 20 cm. zzgl. Feige (Ficus-Retusa) Auszug aus den Pflegehinweisen für tropische Feigen: Standort: Sollte der Ficus ganzjährig als Zimmer-Bonsai gepflegt werden, ist es ratsam ihn an einem hellen Süd-, Ost- oder Westfenster zu platzieren. Bonsai Chinesischer Feigenbaum - Ficus retusa - ca. Ficus retusa Bonsai: 20 Jahre 35 x 60 cm. Brauchbar? The leaves of most Bonsai Ficus species have special pointed tips from which the rainwater drips off. They are hardy plants with thick trunks that are easy to grow and maintain. All ficus bonsai trees have milky latex sap. In summer, it is often necessary to water a bit more, especially if you place it outside. Ficus retusa doesn’t like it when water stagnates around the roots, so avoid collecting excess water in a saucer, or ensure that it stays dry. Only specialized pollinating fig wasps can pollinate those hidden flowers. 19,99 € inkl. £59.95. In den Warenkorb. Nebari? Vergleichen. Alle Zeiten sind UTC. In den Warenkorb Zeige Details. The Ficus retusa is part of the bonsai family. Propagation: Cuttings can be planted at any time of the year, but they have the highest success rate during mid-summer growth. It is not a fussy bonsai when it comes to positioning. Ficus retusa is a shrub that can bear pruning well, including heavy pruning. Weight : 1 kg: Ähnliche Produkte. Bonsai have always been older trees. It has wonderful deep green glossy leaves forming a stunning canopy and beauitul little fruits during summer months. Ficus Retusa BONSAI indoor Solitär - Gesamthöhe 58 cm!. mehr Info. Growing indoor bonsai has become very popular and for some people bonsai is just about indoor trees. Ficus Retusa. Foren-Übersicht » BONSAI FORUM » Bonsai-Portraits. It is recommended for indoor use but can be situated outdoors if it is not exposed to very low temperatures and protected from the cold. It … The scale gives balance to the entire composition. Wenn ja, was sollte man verändern? zzgl. … Der Ficus Ginseng gehört zu den wenigen Bäumen, die sich als Zimmer-Bonsai eignen. They need a minimum temperature of about 10°C or 50°F during the Winter and kept just moist. This is often due to an attack of red spider mites. This sap leaks from the tree’s wounds when injured. All fig Bonsai species share a milky latex sap which leaks from wounds or cuts. If it’s kept in a cooler place it only needs to be kept slightly moist. This tree has a thick trunk and is often grafted with microcarpa Ficus leaves, which would result in a Ficus microcarpa Ginseng. Roots start descending through the trunk of the host tree until they reach the … Ficus retusa bonsai by Ron Frazier under © CC BY 2.0. Nächste 24 Produkte laden. Untersetzer sind, sofern nicht ausdrücklich anders vermerkt und abgebildet, nicht inbegriffen. As early as May, after any risk of freezing has disappeared, you can bring your Ficus retusa out to let it taste a bit of fresh air. Depending on where you look, there is different information as to the exact number of existing Ficus tree species. Beitrag Verfasst: Mo., 08. Bis ihn 2017 im Winter beim Lüften Frost erwischte!
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