And If you're looking for a good sniper weapon and dont mind killing or maiming a named NCR character, i'd suggest La Longue Carabine. La Longue Carabine and I go way back and up until extremely recently was my go to scoped weapon. For Fallout: New Vegas on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "How to get La Longue Carabine without losing NCR rep, finally figured it out". May 16, 2018 @ 2:25pm How do you unlock the quest to get the La Longue Carabine. In Fallout New Vegas, I would like to get La Longue Carabine from Corporal Sterling, but am unsure how. The armor is simple, around 10-15 DT and relatively low weight PLUS rad/poison/fire resistance. it IS on. I know you can get this gun without killing Corporal Sterling but I cant trigger the quest to get the gun and I cant seam to find a guide to do it. But when i got sick of how bad some NPCs looked in New Vegas Redesigned 3 compared to FCO, i … I use MO, and i have Automatic Invalidation ON, and yes ive tried the Toggle trick. Click to see and compare its stats, including damage per shot, damager per second, critical chance multipler and more. The Cowboy Repeater needs 4 Strength, and the La Longue Carabine needs 5. The Marksman Carbine, All-American, Sniper Rifle, La Longue Carabine and Anti-Materiel Rifle are our objectives in this article. Saturday Morning Lilligant. Fallout: New Vegas. La Longue Carabine 53.55 Dmg per Shot (after perks, using .357 JFP Rounds) -3 DT (JFP Rounds) 1.0 Cond per shot 11 Shots per clip 1.5 Crit Multiplier 30%+ Crit (using 5LK plus perks and 1st recon Beret) 0.160 Min Spread (JFP Rounds) 0.016 Spread (JFP Rounds) … Find the … All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews ... La Longue Carabine, Sniper Rifle, Gobi Sniper Rifle, Christine's CoS Sniper Rifle, Varmint Rifle and Ratslayer. Then theres Laser, Gauss and YCS for energy picks. Fallout: New Vegas Weapon Retexture project by Millenia ... (OWB) Minigun/CZ75 avenger SMMG (LR) La Longue Carabine Explosives Fat Man/Esther 25mm grenade APW (GRA) Great bear/Red Victory/Mercenary grenade rifles Grenade machinegun/Mercy Missile … STEP Modding Forum → Step-Hosted Support → Mod Organizer Support → Mod Organizer - Fallout Support The body used to work just FINE. We will go on a trek to Vault 34, where we will find three of the sniper rifles available in Fallout: New Vegas, and then onwards to obtain the final two sniper rifles at Camp McCarran and Gun Runners. If you don't have a Guns skill of 100, then use either the Cowboy Repeater or the La Longue Carabine. Fallout: New Vegas > General Discussions > Topic Details. Body Mesh/Texture all Screwed up - posted in New Vegas Mod Troubleshooting: Now before you go screaming Turn Archive Invalidation on! Didnt work. ️ La Longue Carabine is a weapon in Fallout Vegas Commands.
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