Hi guys, I recently picked up Fallout New Vegas in the steam sale and am starting playing for the first time. Fallout und Fallout 2 Allgemeine Diskussion, Fallout: New Vegas Energiewaffen Fertigkeit Waffen, https://fallout.fandom.com/de/wiki/YCS/186?oldid=115140, Für eine Übersicht über Gaußgewehr Modelle in den Spielen der, - Haltbarkeit (Anzahl der Angriffe bis defekt). Trending chevron_right. By malicemike2121, April 9, 2011 in Fallout: New Vegas… NEINNNNNNNNNNNNNN !!!!!!!!!! BBCode (message boards & forums) HTML (website / blogs) Direct Link (email & IM) Reddit. When you're downstairs, open a door (M7G:1) with a key and head to the room where you'll find Troike (M7G:2) #1. Pinterest. Good luck! Die Linse des Zielfernrohrs ist rot eingefärbt. Das YCS/186 Gaußgewehr oder auch schlicht YCS/186 ist eine einzigartige Waffe aus Fallout: New Vegas. ️ YCS/186 is a weapon in Fallout Vegas Commands. Click to see and compare its stats, including damage per shot, damager per second, critical chance multipler and more. Recently added 40 View all 1,139. The YCS/186 looks like a standard Gauss rifle, but with a sandy, rusted texture along the barrel and main body. Vergleich von YCS/186 und Standard Gaußgewehr. which is better? Character Build Planner; Perk Card Database; Nutrition Calculator; TES V: Skyrim. Punisher Build » Wed Aug 28, 2013 1:50 am . The best gun in the Fallout series was in desperate need of a 3D printable model, something that would have serious attention to detail. Survival for making new foods, Repair for item repair and barter to purchase and sell items better. Luck Skill Information. I want to make an explosives based courier that is sort of an outlaw/outcast. This item will only be visible to you, admins, and anyone marked as a creator. Söldner Lager östlich der Brooks-Tumbleweed-Ranch. share | improve this question | follow | edited Jan 5 '11 at 7:57. getthatcrate. OMG alter schreib deinen eigenen Guide wenn du es besser kannst !!!!!!!! Accueil Forum Mods ; Apparence; Armurerie; Aventures; Correctifs; Gameplay; Les Terres Désolées; Personnages; Utilitaires; Visuel; Flux RSS Recherche Contact Partenaires Faire un don Livre d'or Derniers Mods ajoutés. Die beste Skillung für Fallout New Vegas - Werbung nur für Gäste - Willkommen auf Trophies.de . Obwohl die Waffe vier Mikrofusionszellen auf einmal verschießt, bekommt man maximal eine leere Zelle. Award. Facebook. I want to run a melee / unarmed character who's pretty clever and maybe good … if you have wild wasteland, you have access to the alien blaster, unique bb gun, and nuka grenades, and if you don't choose it you have access to YCS 186. It is only visible to you. This item has been removed from the community because it violates Steam Community & Content Guidelines. New Name: 'Fallout New Vegas' along with all related logos, icons, images, and characters are registered copyrights of Bethesda. Home » Guides » Fallout New Vegas: Insane Unkillable & Unstoppable Melee Build. Because its more fun that way! Fallout: New Vegas is sure to be a replayed game currently. It sports Darker wooden stock and has 4 more coils around the barrel, explaining the greater weight … With level 50 there aren't really builds, so I guess a better question would be what is the most powerful build progression? Das kann mit allen relevanten Extras und Merkmalen auf 247.8 pro Schuss gesteigert werden. Fallout: New Vegas PC PS3 Xbox 360 gamesradar.com. Note that is isn't a walkthrough but a checklist to help players to enjoy the game to the fullest. Hi guys, I recently picked up Fallout New Vegas in the steam sale and am starting playing for the first time. vVPREDATORVv. Share. One thing you have to remember about this Fallout New Vegas sniper build is that is relies heavily on you sneaking. Created by. 9. I'm rather overwhelmed by the choices you make right at the start of the game about your special, tags and traits. Welcome to the 15th weapon of my New Vegas Uniques Recreated series. Das YCS/186 benötigt vier Mikrofusionszellen, um einen Schuss abzugeben. The Fallout: New Vegas Not-So-Ultimate Stealth Character Guide by Stanley E. Dunigan. Take one point away from a "dump stat" (usually Charisma, as it barely affects gameplay outside of Hardcore mode's companions), and place it in Endurance. How To: Find the YCS/186 Gauss rifle in Fallout: New Vegas By Rachel J; 11/17/10 4:17 PM; WonderHowTo. This site is not owned, represented, or endorsed by Bethseda. In ihrem Wirkprinzip ähnelt die Waffe dem Antrieb einer Magnetschwebebahn. Fallout New Vegas: Insane Unkillable & Unstoppable Melee Build. Originally this weapon could only be gained if you didn't take the Wild Wasteland perk, otherwise you would gain the Alien Blaster Instead. LeveL 22 – Hit the deck Gives you damage reduction while being damaged by explosives, making explosives less damaging and reducing all other incoming damage when equipping explosive weapons, making you tankier as a result. Es ähnelt stark der Standardwaffe, mit dem Unterschied, dass die Oberfläche eher sandig oder rostig wirkt. 9. I'm thinking about roleplaying the Punisher. Fallout New Vegas - Hardcore Build. Pour la traduction et la création de mods pour Fallout New Vegas, venez participer au forum ;) Parcourir les mods » Menu. 4 GB on Steam, 4. Favorited. Google+. You have to get some information from Troike about mysterious weapon supplies or get to know what Clanden is into. 'Fallout New Vegas' along with all related logos, icons, images, and characters are registered copyrights of Bethesda. hide. I am looking at making a hardcore build on fallout but I would like some advice on the build. Mercenaries with Ycs/186 not there?!?! I enjoyed my VATS build in Fallout 3, but I'm not sure how to go about doing something similar in New Vegas, since I know you get half as many perks and I'm not sure if there are still bobbleheads to increase your maximum SPECIAL stats. The Build. I'd like to get some advice on how to best develop my build in New Vegas. Follow along with this walkthrough, and you can discover where this rifle is hidden within the desert. This thread is archived. One thing you have to remember about this Fallout New Vegas sniper build is that is relies heavily on you sneaking. Fallout New Vegas : retrouvez toutes les informations et actualités du jeu sur tous ses supports. I am looking at making a hardcore build on fallout but I would like some advice on the build. Suggested Build, Attribute Fallout: New Vegas. schreibst du dann net einfach auch eienn Guide ?? You'll receive the Zoara Club key. View all games. Click to see and compare its stats, including damage per shot, damager per second, critical chance multipler and more. Venez rejoindre notre communauté ! Fallout: New Vegas character build guide. Personally I find that doing the casino run, buying an AMR, getting the Avenger, and buying a ton of ammo for both solves most problems you might face in vanilla. Daraus resultiert ein höheres Gewicht und mehr Schaden bei der selben Lauflänge. Das Gaußgewehr wurde nach dem deutschen Mathematiker Carl Friedrich Gauß benannt, der die mathematischen Grundlagen für den magnetischen Effekt, der der Beschleunigung der Projektile dieser Waffe zu Grunde liegt, formuliert hat. By Daniel Acaba 03 November 2010. Das YCS/186 benötigt vier Mikrofusionszellen, um einen Schuss abzugeben. In this series i will recreate some of my favorite unique New Vegas weapons. Es hat vier Spulen mehr, die das eigentliche Geschoss beschleunigen. 1 . His modus operandi is messy overkill. Ich meinte nur wehre gut wenn man den Guid erweitert, habe ja nur das Haus durch den Guid gefunden. It’s already been scientifically proven, so you can’t argue with it. Es hat vier Spulen mehr, die das eigentliche Geschoss beschleunigen. So, I need some help. Board index ‹ Fallout ‹ Fallout: New Vegas; Change font size; Print view; FAQ; 20 posts • Page 1 of 1. Created by. ... like deathclaws, in which case the YCS/186 works a bit better. Dec 2, 2013 @ 2:20am. New chevron_right. This obviously helps greatly for curtail fights and let’s you get the most out weapons like explosive weapons, typically this build’s forte. Google+. close. Read our Fallout New Vegas Weapons Guide for full breakdown of these weapons, and read below, where you can find these unique weapons. Once you get a sniper rifle be sure to get a silencer for it as well. Es ist dann im Spiel unmöglich, an das YCS/186 zu gelangen. Game specific information will appear throughout the guide like so: Every section of the guide will cover a different area of modding Fallout games, from different mod managers to complex mods that have difficult installations. It has 4 more coils around the barrel, possibly explaining the greater weight and damage, while remaining the same length. Log in to view your list of favourite games. How to Make Money By Gambling in Fallout: New Vegas [Rough Draft] By Nazzaris. Pushy … Ein feindseliger Söldner trägt die Waffe bei sich.
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