Once heâs dead, go back to secure your discount with Contreras and claim This Machine as your own. videogame_asset My games. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. If he is not there either, check the Bugs section for this quest). When in the concourse bear left down a ramp, and bear right to the door of the supply shack. Additionally, hacking his terminal and giving the evidence to Boyd will still grant This Machine. Posted on October 20, 2010, Ben Richardson Fallout: New Vegas Unique Weapons Get the latest Fallout: New Vegas guides and secrets on Game Front’s mobile apps. Upon entering the pawn shop though, Price is nowhere to be found; instead, speak the pass phrase to Keller. Once this is completed, he will threaten to arrest the player character. Choose download type Free Premium; editor id Why I think New Vegas is the best Fallout is because of all the lack of black and white. Waiting for 26 hours is sufficient to trigger the next quest. You can convince him to let you go with a bribe, although that just maintains the state of limbo. If you want to get the very nice rifle, This Machine, you will need to either investigate Contreras and find proof of his smuggling (as covered in the linked article) or help him continue his operations. Games. It is possible, but difficult, to turn Keller, but there doesnât seem to be a benefit. Although, his corpse will still appear in the prison cell. Kill him quickly with a silenced weapon so that, "Dealing" with Contreras is a play on words using the dual meaning of "dealing" and the two ways of completing the mission (through his shady dealings or by dealing with him.). There is no real way to end this other than to kill Keller. Choose from the options below. Attack Keller then leave the shop. Fallout: New Vegas Side Quest 31 - 40 ... Take care of the drug dealer. Camp McCarran is the NCR Base located on the edge of New Vegas. This Machine: At the end of the "Dealing With Contreras" quest, it will be a reward from Contreras for not turning him in. Return to Contreras and inform him that Price is being held by the NCR and a Ranger has taken his place. For Fallout: New Vegas on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Dealing with Contreras...is he worth keeping around? Note: One may find that there is no dialogue option to initiate this quest when speaking with Contreras, and that the only two dialogue options are to either buy his merchandise or say goodbye. Go inside to find a man named Keller sitting at Priceâs spot in back. If Isaac isnât by the reloading bench, follow the road to the east. One could return and kill Keller, in which case consult the "Siding with Contreras" section above. Contreras (In some cases this can be easily solved by selecting the dialogue option to view his merchandise, exiting his inventory, then selecting the new dialogue option). Keller will not know the correct response. Though the reason for this is unconfirmed, it is believed that completing previous quests with Lieutenant Carrie Boyd or Colonel Hsu may bar one from completing this quest through Sgt. The supply shack is at the back of the terminal building via the Camp McCarran concourse. The player character will still get This Machine and the NCR fame, just as if they had reported him in the first place. Speak to Isaac and one will either have to pass a Speech/Barter check of 80 or give him 100 pieces of junk metal (tin cans, hot plates, metal pots, pots, pans and scrap metal). The supply shack is located in the back of the terminal building via the Camp McCarran concourse; enter the terminal and go up the escalators then down the hallway to the concourse. Daniel Contreras Inventory bug - posted in New Vegas Technical Support: I completed Dealing With Contreras. Dealing with Contreras[1] is an unmarked quest in Fallout: New Vegas. Contreras' next errand will be to obtain medical supplies from Blake in the Crimson Caravan Company. All Rights Reserved. Supply shack, Camp McCarran If you want a reward you'll have to either turn Contreras in to one Lt. Boyd who is wandering around inside the terminal area or go back and kill the Ranger for Contreras. Fallout: New Vegas Walkthrough - How Little We Know, Fallout: New Vegas Guide - Raising Your Reputation with the Boomers. Lure him somewhere where there will be no witnesses to his death. This page lists all quests in Fallout: New Vegas. Version. Zap Glove - Paladin Toaster In Black Rock Cave, near the body of the dead prospector. The "Bent tin can" can be turned in as part of the unmarked "Dealing with Contreras" quest. Once Keller has the package, he exposes himself as an undercover NCR ranger attempting to shut down Contreras' operation and threatens to place the player character under arrest. Here you will find Private Workaround: This can be fixed by entering. At this point the player character can leave, which will get Contreras arrested and one will lose access to his expanded inventory. Page 9 of 9: Page 9 Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Location: Novac, Dino-Bites Gift Shop. With an additional Speech check of 80 or a Barter of 70 (and 250 caps), one can convince Keller to work with Contreras to take down the drug ring. Boyd is getting too suspicious. 1. You have the option to help the smuggler Contreras and gain access to his special weapon, This Machine. I got thrown off a couple times going through that list, as some of those items had a use in Fallout 3, but no longer do in New Vegas. Dealing With Contreras Quest Fix; Dealing With Contreras Quest Fix. Anyways, I got This Rifle, and he said his inventory would be updated and expanded. zyenapz Enter the terminal, go up the escalators, down the hallway to the concourse. If one wants access to Contreras' inventory or This Machine, the only option now is to kill Keller. 55. In actuality, Contreras will not give the quest unless the player character meets a minimum level requirement of 12; otherwise he will simply state that they are too inexperienced to handle his jobs. Daniel is a business man who deals more on the dark side of things, and makes chems as a side business. Nevermind." The weapon is rewarded for completing the quest "Dealing with Contreras". This quest is started by either speaking to Lt. Boyd in the Camp McCarran terminal building or by proceeding directly to Sgt. Keller will be pleased that his suspicions of Contreras have been confirmed. As long as youâre hidden when you use the detonator, you wonât get caught. Board index ‹ Fallout ‹ Fallout: New Vegas; Change font size; Print view; FAQ; 8 posts • Page 1 of 1 "Dealing with Contreras" Bug » Tue Dec 06, 2011 11:12 pm . 000e7363. Fallout: New Vegas, The Mojave Wasteland, Interactive map. 1 Background 2 Interactions with the player character 2.1 interactions overview 2.2 Merchant= 2.3 Quests 3 Inventory 4 Appearances 5 … The Military Police is aching for an excuse to put him before a court martial, but so far he has been staying ahead of Lieutenant Carrie Boyd. Isaac should be located near or at the reloading bench to the right of the Vendortron at the Gun Runners storefront (If not there, he may be in his house directly to the east of Gun Runners, behind the Hostetler home. Youâll have to steal them, but this shouldnât be a problem. Kill Keller before returning to Contreras. videogame_asset My games. The only real exception to the rule is The Legion, but I bet if the game had … https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Dealing_with_Contreras?oldid=3335558, Speak to either Lt. Boyd or Sgt. Fallout New Vegas. Daniel is the only person in the entire Mojave Wasteland that will sell the player Ultrajet. If one chooses to scavenge the metal pieces, the Aerotech Office Park (suite 200) has over 100 tin cans (bent and regular). If you give him the passphrase, he wonât know the answer. ". VFreeformMcCarran Convincing Keller will complete the quest, awarding one 80 XP but not This Machine; Contreras will still deal with the player character, but it appears that they do not gain access to his special stock. Fallout Who Vegas Quests Starter Cable Triumph Tiger 1050 Vlc Export Cropped Video Download Hearts Of Iron 4 Glitch On Clash Of Clans Script Auto Followers Instagram 2018 What Is Wps Mode? Fallout: New Vegas unmarked quest Regardless of how you get him to show up, talk to Isaac and give him the new order. If youâre a friend of the NCR, then youâll definitely want to swing by. form id Varmint Rifle - Ratslayer: Inside the Broc Flower Cave, propped up against the desk. 9/11. Apparently you can do this somewhat reliably with a silenced weapon from light cover. This MachineNCR fame or caps This includes things like pots and tin cans, and I believe that the nearby Aerotech Office Park should have enough all by itself inside the suits. I managed to do this by resisting arrest. He needs 100 pieces of scrap metal to make the guns. Contreras' computer, SetSPECIALPoints Perception {or} Intelligence 7. Contreras will ask one to speak to Keller once again; a Speech or Barter check of 80 is required to get Keller on board; otherwise, the only dialogue option left is to attack him. Youâll find two houses that you can go into at the end of the road. The first is the Hostetler home. given by See More by wwelkrulez. Contreras will wind up in a prison cell as a result, and he will still act as a merchant though he will not restock like other merchants. Contreras will then ask the player character to speak to Isaac outside of Gun Runners. If you want to help Contreras and get "This Machine" just look here. Workaround: If all else fails (and the goal is to get Contreras' expanded inventory, but Keller has been killed and there is no special dialogue options with Contreras), the following sequence will allow for the quest to complete the quest. The head of the Camp McCarran supply shack, Contreras is about as shady as they come, without being found behind bars. 10,985. Daniel Contreras is a merchant for the NCR who resides in Camp McCarran. — Camp McCarran Weapons Manifest, Sgt. Contreras will then ask one to deliver the medical supplies to a man named Price in Miguel's Pawn Shop. He will still end up in jail though. Fallout New Vegas Unarmed Or Melee Weapons These Unique Weapons have better stats than those of the regular versions of these weapons, if there is one, that you would find in the game. You need to go talk to Price at Miguelâs Pawn Shop in Westside. After you drop the package off, you will need to wait for at least 24 hours to advance the quest. I drew my weapon and immediately went into VATS and shot Keller in the head three times with That Gun. If Contreras's manifest has been downloaded it can be brought to Lt. Boyd at any time to complete the quest and receive This Machine. Dealing With Contreras Bug Fix-60015-1-00.zip (Dealing With Contreras Bug Fix) folder 1KB. If talking to Contreras does not initiate the quest, the weapons manifest can still be downloaded from his terminal to report his activity to Lt. Boyd, who in turn, will give "This Machine" as a reward. If one ran his errands and noticed that his "medical supplies" could be used to make chems (Medicine 25 with Blake), then they can be turned over to Lt. Boyd rather than brought back to Contreras to complete the quest as well. Daniel is a business man who deals more on the dark side of things, and makes chems as a side business. Speak to Sgt. I most definitely did not convince the Ranger of anything. Dealing with Contreras; Inventory. He can be killed stealthily without gaining NCR infamy. One must kill him to complete the quest. Sneak while behind him and reverse pick-pocket a grenade or mine into his inventory. Itâs a long walk to get to him though. To avoid this: Return to Contreras after killing or making a deal with Keller. He has a very nice selection of ammo and weapons and will give you a bit of a discount after the quest is done. You can just say goodbye and report the problem to Contreras, although it ends up playing out the same. Inform Keller he said the wrong response. It is possible to turn on Contreras, but that will just result in the same quest as âInvestigating Contreras.â You still have to hack the terminal and you wonât be any better off than if you had just turned him in normally. She will reward the player character with This Machine and grant NCR fame. For an overview of Fallout: New Vegas content, please refer to 'Portal:Fallout: New Vegas'. helping Contreras - Meeting with Issac at the Gun Runners, This post is part of the series: Fallout: New Vegas Walkthrough - Camp McCarran, Fallout: New Vegas Walkthrough - Three-Card Bounty, âI Put a Spell on Youâ Walkthrough for New Vegas (NCR-Side), Fallout: New Vegas Walkthrough - Investigating Contreras, Fallout: New Vegas Walkthrough - Helping Contreras, New Vegas Guide to âThere Stands the Grassâ, Walkthrough Guide to Fallout: New Vegas Side Quests, Fallout: New Vegas: Old World Blues Walkthrough - Finding the Personality Tapes for The Sink, Fallout: New Vegas - Old World Blues Walkthrough - Convincing the Think Tank, Exploring X-8 - The Fallout: New Vegas - Old World Blues Walkthrough, Fallout: New Vegas - Old World Blues Walkthrough - Lab X-2, Fallout: New Vegas - Old World Blues Walkthrough - X-13 Stealth Suit, Advanced Fallout New Vegas Perks - Levels 16-28, Bye Bye Love - Fallout: New Vegas Walkthrough, Fallout: New Vegas Guide - You Can Depend on Me, Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II, WOW Wrath of the Lich King Expansion Pack. Increase Gun Runners weapons shipment and modify manifests to make these numbers match the earlier totals. Quests. Doing this allows you to get a 100 cap bribe from Contreras as extra payment for being involved with his drug running operations. Contreras's computer will be on the upper level of the supply shack. Regardless of which he is told, Contreras will tell the player character to kill Keller and he will take back the medical supplies (which the player character would not otherwise be able to remove from their inventory as they are marked as a quest item). I killed Keller, went back, and my dialog option was I convinced the Ranger to work with us. Varmint Rifle - Ratslayer Inside the Broc Flower Cave, propped up against the desk. Enter the console, click on Keller and type. Or, with Barter, he can be bribed with 250 caps to throw his lot in with Contreras - despite the bribe, the plan remains him becoming an informant. Track down all of the Unique Weapons in Fallout: New Vegas.
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