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Although it may be argued that we have the clients’ best interests at heart, we are also protecting ourselves from unnecessary litigation by … The counselor considers himself only bound by the mandatory laws and will not give any further assistance beyond that stipulated by law even if the patient needs it. 0000016748 00000 n Topic: Ethical Principles in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, By clicking "Send Message", you agree to our, How Stigma Interferes With Mental Health Care, In Kansas we are seeing a growing rate of mental health issues, Community mental health act 1963 Essay Example, John 17 has become isolated and withdrawn due to mental health issues, Healthy place A consumer mental health site described emotional, https://paperap.com/paper-on-ethical-principles-in-clinical-mental-health-counseling/, terms Therefore, is possible to find that the poor often end up in asylums while the rich are accorded the best mental health care to ensure they are well. The second is social justice. Any form of discrimination, harassment or sexual behavior with the supervisee is not allowed in the counseling profession. The ethical principles above represent what is best for both client and counselor and must be exercised by all mental health clients regardless of the cultural factors surrounding therapy. Mental health counselors are therefore guided by a set of principles which if followed will enable them to provide the best service to the client. endstream endobj 622 0 obj<>/Outlines 83 0 R/Metadata 126 0 R/PieceInfo<>>>/Pages 121 0 R/PageLayout/SinglePage/OCProperties<>/StructTreeRoot 128 0 R/Type/Catalog/LastModified(D:20100802152055)/PageLabels 119 0 R>> endobj 623 0 obj<>/PageElement<>>>/Name(Background)/Type/OCG>> endobj 624 0 obj<>/ColorSpace<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC/ImageI]/Properties<>/ExtGState<>>>/Type/Page>> endobj 625 0 obj[/ICCBased 651 0 R] endobj 626 0 obj[/Indexed 625 0 R 255 652 0 R] endobj 627 0 obj[/Indexed 625 0 R 255 653 0 R] endobj 628 0 obj[/Indexed 625 0 R 255 654 0 R] endobj 629 0 obj[/Indexed 625 0 R 255 655 0 R] endobj 630 0 obj[/Indexed 625 0 R 255 656 0 R] endobj 631 0 obj<> endobj 632 0 obj<>stream <<8C02522D9C895F4682AB55B4B06A4F16>]>> Principles of the Mental Health Act. Such sour relationships across ethnic groups or races may cause a breach of loyalty between patient and counselor. %%EOF This was a form of injustice because the resources meant for health were not equitably distributed because of race conflicts and issues. Lakeman (2009) points out that an ethical dilemma occurs when there are a multitude of alternative courses of action to deal with a particular situation. Mandatory ethics is the primary level of ethical functioning it indicates an individual’s effort to adhere to the law and to follow the ethical codes of practice. Received 2 May 1997; accepted 17 April 1998. 0000016273 00000 n Within the educational, medical, and mental health professions that most often work with special education populations, ethics is more often discussed in terms of ethical principles and the formal ethical codes of the various professions, which provide standards and guidelines by which professionals can guide their practice. Hi there, would you like to get such a paper? ... A cross‐cultural qualitative study of the ethical aspects in the transition from child mental health services to adult mental health services. Get Your Custom Essay on Ethical Principles in Clinical Mental Health Counseling Just from $13,9/Page, We will write a custom essay sample on Ethical Principles in Clinical Mental Health Counseling specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page. The ethical complexity derives in part from the ways in which psychiatric disorders affect a person’s experiences and sense of self. Subject: Health, Parent topic: 0000000016 00000 n Stay up-to-date on the ethical and legal issues that affect your clinical and professional decisions! People receiving mental health services should be provided assessment and treatment in the least restrictive way possible with voluntary assessment and treatment preferred. Moreover, the system can be acquired by passage through a thought process of superordinate abstract thought or collective intelligence [52] . Upper Saddle River, N.J: Pearson Education. Time for a unified approach to medical ethics. The author outlines that any ethical problems be identified at an early stage so that such problems do not rise to the point of having harmful impacts… 0000016139 00000 n To begin with, veracity is about being truthful to the persons who deserve to understand what is happening to them with regard to their health issues. In 2013 and 2014, 20 focus group interviews with 127 participants were conducted. Counselors may at times rush to help patients without considering the impacts that may arise because of such treatment (Koocher, & Keith-Spiege, 2008). Inclusion in medical terms refers to putting into practice all the principles of clinical mental health counseling. It is not enough to know that one is not supposed to do any harm, but also knowing that treatment may be harmful to a patient is also very important. For these reasons, a major ethical challenge for psychiatrists and other professionals engaged in mental illness research is to develop ethical principles and practices for selecting research participants that ensure proper respect and protection without reinforcing incorrect assumptions about individuals with mental disorders. In the principle of non-malfeasance, the counselor opts not to cause harm to the patient. 0000007442 00000 n 0000002522 00000 n (For example, a mental health counselor converses with a patient suffering from depression in order to find out their expectations. 0000077935 00000 n Ethical Principles in Nursing Pages: 3 (721 words) Legal and Ethical Issues for Mental Health Professionals Pages: 11 (2560 words) Legal and Ethical issues in nursing Pages: 13 (3092 words) Applying ethical principles in nursing management Pages: 5 (1190 words) � C>�u �5��3�a+c�-&�c̳�0Ofd�ɸ�ˋ!���!���q~FK�{�c�0���%/2�1\W��0��7C,�d���11z! Counselors should also be aware of the multicultural issues that affect therapy and avoid them if possible. The course will also describe ethical principles and skills required in the delivery of mental health services. It is the duty of the counselor to provide the client with a safe environment and an open mind, in order to foster a healthy therapeutic relationship. Legal And Ethical Issues In Mental Health Nursing Nursing Essay. 0000044002 00000 n Mental illness influences beliefs, feelings, perceptions, behaviors, and motivations across time. Ethical Decision-Making in Mental Health Marna S. Barrett, Ph.D. Department of Psychiatry University ), 2. Non-malfeasance requires that the patient be given treatment that is not harmful. It seems that what is right or wrong differs with different cultures (Lakhan, Hamlat, McNamee, & Laird, 2009). A combination of these principles will serve to achieve the greater good and elicit the best results in all the patient-counselor interactions. Fidelity may also vary across diverse cultures; a counselor, for example, may not see the need to maintain some level of loyalty with someone from another race or creed. This Code of Conduct provides a framework of ethical principles, obligations and standards that guide work performance, professional standards, and the conduct of relationships with others. The impact of these principles into a counselors practice is very significant, since a counselor is more capable of taking care of his or her patients when the principles are taken into serious consideration (Gerig, 2007). In health care, autonomy is a principle that recognizes an individual’s right to self-determination or self-governance (Barker, 2011). Lakeman (2009) points out that an ethical dilemma occurs when there are a multitude of alternative courses of action to deal with a particular situation. Mental health nurses face ethically‐difficult situations when administering these medications. This chapter explores mental health nursing practice within an ethics context. This must be done bearing in mind the six principles. Gladding, S. T., Newsome, D. W., & Gladding, S. T. (2010). A patient may refuse to allow information to be given to family members. How about receiving a customized one? It entails incorporating the virtues of trust, loyalty, equality, truthfulness and all the other principles in treatment. The role of the supervisor is to ensure the client receives the best from the counselor. It pertains to equality, fairness and impartiality (Gerig, 2007). Clinical counselors have an obligation to prevent harm to a patient and apply correction treatment to situations that threaten the patient’s wellbeing. These principles act as a guide to how we should treat clients and one another. Failure to do so may have serious implications on the future practice of the counselor. Ethical Decision-Making in Mental Health Marna S. Barrett, Ph.D. Department of Psychiatry University Gerig, M. S. (2007). 6. In 2013 and 2014, 20 focus group interviews with 127 participants were conducted. At Paperap.com you will find a wide variety of top-notch essay and term paper samples on any possible topics absolutely for free. The main reasons for mass displacement were the recently concluded civil conflict that raged for three decades and the 2004 Tsunami. given principles into outcome measures for mental health service research. words(double A nurse must be able to face ethical quandaries and make decisions based on experience and key principles learnt in higher education or through training, while also following legislative procedure. 0000003159 00000 n Justice can be considered a complex principle. Other cyclic natural disasters (floods, cyclones, landslides), rural poverty, economic difficulties and political upheavals also act as push factors for inter… Counselors are also able to disengage themselves from discrimination that may otherwise affect the way they perform their duties. 0000006117 00000 n In cases where it would be hard to avoid such ethical issues between a counselor and clients, the counselor should be ready to refer the client to another counselor to ensure ethical issues are kept at check. This course applies to continuing education ethical requirements. 621 0 obj <> endobj Ethical principles are the framework that guides a mental health counselor’s practice. This may be brought about by historical and cultural differences that brought about some level of animosity and mistrust between particular people or ethnic groups. Lakeman (2009) points out that an ethical dilemma occurs when there are a multitude of alternative courses of action to deal with a particular situation. Book. 0000013469 00000 n View Ethical Decision Making in Mental Health.pdf from PYCL 0570 at Nova Southeastern University. Ethical dilemmas can affect both nurse and patient, none more so than issues of mental health. Beneficence is a term that refers to any action that is meant to help others. Dementia has a large psychological component, which requires mental health … In this regard, the issue of confidentiality plays a major role in this (Gladding, Newsome, & Gladding, 2010). Lakhan, S. E., Hamlat, E., McNamee, T., & Laird, C. (January 01, 2009). Counselors who consider some practices as taboo and unacceptable will only give the minimum effort in such cases. Want to add some juice to your work? Caring for people living with mental illness is ethically complex, ethically committed work. Koocher, G. P., & Keith-Spiegel, P. (2008). Counselors are indebted to clients, supervisors, supervisees and other professional groups that complement their work. All the content of this paper is her own research and point of view on Ethical Principles in Clinical Mental Health Counseling and can be used only as an alternative perspective. 0000001875 00000 n �%�]L�~��4tѫ���;����. Discussions of key ethical dilemmas in mental health care, including consent, trauma and violence, addiction, confidentiality, and therapeutic boundaries. Ethical nursing principles include ensuring confidentiality, obtaining consent, veracity and honesty, always acting in a fair manner and ensuring justice, and the intention of always doing good and not causing harm. Introduction Ethical and economic standpoints in mental health care ANA’s Code of Ethics consists of 9 provisions to serve the following purposes: provide a succinct statement of the ethical values, obligations, and duties of every individual who enters the nursing profession; serves as the profession’s nonnegotiable ethical standard; and expresses nurses’ own understanding of our commitment to society: Mental health counselors must ensure that, in the course of practice, they act with in compliance with the wishes of their colleagues and their respective institutions. Ethical Principles of Nursing. 0000005094 00000 n endstream endobj 661 0 obj<>/Size 621/Type/XRef>>stream 0000003377 00000 n Counselors must keep ACA Code of Ethics A.11 Termination and Referral in mind. 0000010381 00000 n Social justice ensures that the resources available to one person should be available to everyone else when it comes to healthcare. In confidentiality, one is expected to keep secrets and remain loyal to the patient’s requests about remaining mum about medical issues. Best practice entails that whatever information is divulged to family members and others be information that is acceptable to the patient. (A mental health counselor who attends to a patient suffering from stress in the spirit of beneficence will advise them to try quitting their drinking and smoking. The counselor also has the option or referring treatment that is less invasive to the patient in the spirit of non-malfeasance and achieving the greatest good. Identifying ethical principles Ethical principles in youth and community work Reflection on the ethical principles of your organisation There are very widespread implications if ethical issues are ignored in mental health. The principles of autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and justice can guide clinicians in finding ethical approaches to the treatment of women who have psychiatric disorders during preconception, pregnancy, and postpartum. There are very widespread implications if ethical issues are ignored in mental health. The APA first published their ethics code in 1953 and has been continuously evolving the code ever since. 0000011588 00000 n The field of clinical mental health is one of great reward, but also one of grave responsibility. For example, the principle of autonomy can be affected in cultures where women are viewed as lesser beings and are therefore subject to male domination. Respect for basic human rights Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine: Pehm, 4. Any professional working within a helping profession such as mental health or other similar therapeutic professions is bound to encounter several ethical issues within his or her work. The principles present certain limitations as a practicing counselor. 0000008383 00000 n In the last two hundred years, the application of physical restraints in mental health services has resulted in the clinical and ethical controversy encompassing the requisites and abuse of physical restraints .This article focuses on the ethical issue of physical restraints in China. The present article will propose a similar procedure.
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