FoliMAX KelMAX derived from Ecklonia maxima seaweed, is a premium quality natural kelp product developed specifically for turfgrass. Natural liquid extract of Ecklonia maxima Ecklomar is a newly formulated biostimulant based on the activity of extract of kelp ( Ecklonia maxima ), obtained by aqueous extraction at low temperature. This page was last edited on 30 October 2014, at 16:31. Ecklonia maxima. COMPOSITION AND INFORMATION ON … Multi Kelp seaweed concentrate consists of three types of kelp – Laminaria digitate, Ascophyllum nodosum, Ecklonia maxima For indoor/outdoor use on flowers, vegetables and ornamentals Use only as a supplement to normal Ecklonia Maxima dried Kelp also greatly improves the properties and efficiency of compost tea. Quest'alga, raccolta dal produttore nelle acque della costa occidentale del Sudafrica, viene sottoposta, non appena raccolta, ad un processo di estrazione a freddo innovativo - senza l'impiego di solventi chimici o Rothman et al. Suitable for all plant species. Production We offer our Ecklonia Maxima kelp extract manufacturing services to bulk users with a wide range of Free IAA, pH and Micro element compositions. KELPSTAR è un estratto liquido di ECKLONIA MAXIMA, contenente 11 mg/l di auxine e 0,03 mg/l di citochinine. Ecklonia maxima (Osbeck) Papenfuss and other genera and species of seaweed (“seebamboes”) are used as a source of iodine in the Cape Dutch medical botany (Pappe, 1847, 1850, 1857). Kelpak ® Biostimulant est un stimulateur de la croissance à base d’Ecklonia maxima destiné à maximiser le développement de la plante et à améliorer la résistance aux … Harvesting of the Kelp Ecklonia Maxima in South Africa Affects Its Three Obligate, Red Algal Epiphytes October 2006 Journal of Applied Phycology 18(3):343-349 … There are nine species: Ecklonia biruncinata Ecklonia brevipes Ecklonia cava Ecklonia fastigiata Ecklonia kurome Ecklonia maxima Ecklonia muratii Ecklonia radiata Ecklonia stolonifera Ecklonia radicosa Ecklonia species produce eckol-type phlorotannins. All structured data from the file and property namespaces is available under the Creative Commons CC0 License; all unstructured text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. xCape Seaweed Bio Growth Stimulator has been made from fresh, hand harvested Ecklonia Maxima kelp fronds from the West Coast of South Africa. Basfoliar ® Kelp SL ist ein Extrakt mit Wasser aus der Alge Ecklonia maxima.Vorgesehene Zweckbestimmung: Zur Anregung des Wurzel- und Pflanzenwachstums und Erhöhung der Pflanzenstabilität gegen abiotischen Stress. Quest’alga, raccolta dal produttore nelle acque della costa occidentale del Sudafrica, viene sottoposta, ad un innovativo processo di estrazione a freddo il “ Cold Cellular Burst Technology” , basato su azioni fisiche che permettono di conservare intatte le caratteristiche dell’alga. It is typically found along the southern Atlantic coast of Africa, from the very … Our Seaweed product is highly concentrated with 375 micro grams of free IAA. Kelpak est une solution stimulante spécialement formulée pour maximiser le développement de vos cultures en provoquant un développent équilibré des plantes : d'abord le système racinaire puis les parties aériennes. Basfoliar Kelp Bio de Compo es un bioestimulante derivado del extracto de la alga Ecklonia maxima enriquecido con un 2% de micronutrientes. Distribution and biomass of epiphytic seaweeds on the kelp Ecklonia maxima (Osbeck) Papenfuss, and the potential effects of two kelp-harvesting methods in the Western Cape Login All of OpenUCT Open Education Resources Other Publications Research Outputs Theses / Dissertations Search Biodegradation and Carbon Flow Based on Kelp (Ecklonia maxima) Debris in a Sandy Beach Microcosm K. Koop, R. C. Newell*, M. I. Lucas* Zoology Department, University … Our Liquid Seaweed Concentrate is derived from freshly harvested South African Brown Algae Ecklonia Maxima is known to have a very high content of the plant hormone group Auxins, thus promoting root development and growth balance. Chemical name: Ecklonia maxima seaweed extract Manufacturer: Kelp Products (Pty) Ltd. P O Box 325 Simon’s Town South Africa (021) 786 2090 2. Ecklonia maxima thus possesses a larger thermal tolerance range in comparison with M. pyrifera, with temperatures between 20 and 22.5 C representing the upper limit of thermal tolerance for this species. Attraverso un particolare processo meccanico ( micronizzazione a freddo ), che non impiega ne calore ne sostanze chimiche, viene estratto il liquido concentrato di … With a rich history, ranging almost 50 years, Afrikelp is committed to continuously provide trusted seaweed solutions. Later to become known as the Cold Cellular-burst technology, thus unlocking the precious useable elements found in the Ecklonia maxima kelp Worldwide patents registered In 1978 Cellburst patents are registered worldwide and the Kelpak story begins, with an initial focus on distribution into the South African agricultural and home garden markets This unique extract contains essential natural components that increase yield, enhance the Basfoliar® Kelp est issu d’une algue marine, Ecklonia maxima, naturellement riche en molécules dont l’activité est équivalente aux auxines. Kelp … Four species of kelp are found around the South African coast, with Ecklonia maxima being the most familiar, often being washed up on beaches following heavy storms. It grows in parts of Asia. Our liquid seaweed is extracted from the unique brown kelp, Ecklonia maxima, which can only be found on the south-west coast of South Africa. Two other kelp species belonging to the genus Ecklonia (i.e., E. cava and E. stolonifera FICHA TÉCNICA Papas 2 L/ha 1 a 2 28 días post-emergencia (3 a 4 hojas), repetir a los 15 días en caso de emergencias muy des uniformes. The findings of this Files are available under licenses specified on their description page. Ecklonia sensu lato is thus the most globally widespread kelp genus and grows in all oceans. Three of these species, namely sea bamboo ( Ecklonia maxima ), split-fan kelp ( Laminaria pallida ) and bladder kelp ( Macrocystis pyrifera ) can be seen in the Kelp Forest Exhibit at the Two Oceans Aquarium. Ajo 2,5 L/100L agua 1 Sumergir la semilla por 3 horas junto al fungicida y nematicida. While the sea bamboo, Ecklonia maxima, is the dominant kelp in inshore waters of the southern west coast, it becomes progressively replaced by another kelp species the split fan kelp, Laminaria pallida -in deeper waters and also further north up Basfoliar® Kelp crée un choc auxinique sur la plante qui réagit en émettant de jeunes (2010) estimated the biomass of Ecklonia maxima found in deep waters of some areas in South Africa at ∼16.1 kg wet wt/m 2. Ecklonia maxima, or sea bamboo, is a species of kelp native to the southern oceans. Description Sea-Rock Kelp Liquid is made from wet Ecklonia Maxima Kelp (Sea Bamboo). Adriaan F Lourens1 and Giuseppe Tornello2* 1. It is also the most warm-tolerant genus of the Laminariales (tom Dieck 1993, Terada et al. Ecklonia maxima kelp which flourishes on rocky reefs off the coast of the western peninsula, where the pristine, icy Benguela current sweeps up from Antarctica, has been of particular interest to the South African agricultural and La soberana del reino de la costa occidental es la Ecklonia maxima, la mayor especie de kelp de Sudáfrica. Kelpak® è un estratto di alga ottenuto esclusivamente da alghe brune della specie Ecklonia Maxima. The mode of administration varied in the form of kelp pills, ash, charcoal, or infusion ( Table 11.1 ). Ecklomar naturally contains a high proportion of auxins and other active substances which endow this extract with a great stimulanting potential. Effects of kelp {Macrocystis integrifolia and Ecklonia maxima ) foliar applications on bean crop growth and nitrogen nutrition under varying soil moisture regimes W. … The kelp goes through a milling process to produce a smooth green suspension which is compatible with most fertilizer regimes. Overview Information Ecklonia cava is a type of algae that is used as food and medicine. Kelpak are World Leaders in biostimulants made from the giant Kelp Species Ecklonia maxima. 2016, as E. radicosa ). Increase in crop yield. El efecto bioestimulante de Basfoliar Kelp Bio se consigue gracias al conjunto de polisacáridos, vitaminas, esteroles, aminoácidos y fitohormonas que contiene de forma natural Ecklonia maxima. Una “especie clave”, como dicen los ecólogos, imprescindible para el biotopo en varios sentidos. Ecklonia is a genus of kelp (brown algae) belonging to the family Lessoniaceae. EFFECTS OF KELPAK® Ecklonia maxima SEAWEED PRODUCT ON QUALITY AND YIELD OF RED GLOBE TABLE GRAPES IN SICILY, ITALY.
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