Because of this, 85mm is regarded as a portrait lens, creating much more separation than 50mm, and creating less distortion, too. This lens has a cool f/2.8 aperture and decent optical stabilization. If you have a 100mm macro lens, by using a crop sensor, you effectively have a 160mm lens. I would absolutely recommend a Tamron 70-200mm f/2.8 as my first choice. And for those with deep pockets or who need maximum closeness, there’s always the venerable 105mm f/2.8, an FX lens that is compatible on crop-sensor My Nikon D90 has a 1.5x “crop” sensor. But when it comes to a full-frame camera, there are some questions, as 35mm is not wide enough to give strong perspective distortion, so it is suitable for the same situations as the 50mm model. A 50mm lens on a crop sensor is not the same as a 75mm lens on FF because the lens optics of those two focal lengths are different. Again, with just a little horizon-fixing or cloning in photoshop The Tokina 11-16mm isn’t the only DX crop sensor lens that can be used effectively on full-frame, either. This rule of thumb works. You will get something similar to using a 75mm lens on FF but the angle of view and amount of distortion is still that of a 50mm lens. My personal favorite portrait lens is the 135mm f2L on 35mm sensor cameras. 85 mm f/1.8 – Amazing telephoto prime lens for APS-C Canon. The 50mm lens on a full frame sensor is often a standard length becuase it roughly matches our eyes' angle of view and is good for a range of subjects and shooting styles. Crop sensor. 10-18mm – Most affordable ultra wide angle zoom (for landscapes and real estate). If you put a full frame lens on a crop sensor camera body, the focal length is multiplied (the same 50mm lens becomes like a 75mm lens on a crop sensor). And of course, a 50 mm; as well as a 60 mm macro lens. Nov 6, 2014 I currently have Canon 50mmf1.8 that I use as a portrait lens but I often find that for indoor portrait, the 80mm equivalent is too long for me to frame propery in my small living room (outdoor is no problem as I can just step back). I shoot with a crop sensor Canon camera (Rebel XTi) and am looking to buy a better portrait lens for it. At the center of the frame, the Tamron 10-24mm performs very well when wide open and improves when stopped down. For a portrait lens 35mm seems a bit short. However to get the same framing on a crop-sensor vs. a full-frame sensor, you'd need to change the distance if using the same lens on each camera. The Canon 50/1.8 isn't a very good lens however (quality-wise) and was considering upgrading to the 50mm f/1.4, otherwise I've been recommended an 85mm and 60mm lens. Take into account the 1.5x multiplier (or 'crop factor') of Nikon's APS-C models and with this lens you get an effective focal length of 52.5mm, which makes it pretty much perfect as a standard prime. If you’re shooting on a more entry-level, crop-sensor camera (like the Canon Rebel series, for example), a 50mm will act more like a 80mm lens. When you buy a car, you go to the dealer with an idea of what car you want, you test drive it, and if you like it you buy it, right? This means that my 50mm is really about a 75mm on my camera and my new 20mm is about a 30mm. When I'm at events I need the additional range that my crop sensor adds to my 70-200 2.8 a lot more than I need a wider angle of view or shallower depth of field. I have even used my older EF100-400L at 100mm for portraits, but my favorite portrait lens is the Tamron 70-200 f/2.8. Photography forums to discuss digital photography, film photography, photographers, techniques and cameras and equipment, along with advice on buying and using cameras. 17-55mm – Best walk around lens for crop sensor Canon DSLRs. One other crop-sensor lens that works fantastically well on full-frame is the Nikon 12-24 f/4 DX. So, help me out please; I’m trying to understand the crop sensor. Before you downvote, please read the whole answer. Portrait lens for crop sensor? To help you wade through the fray, we’ve picked the top zoom and prime EF-S lenses covering all the major categories from wide angle and portrait to telephoto. Sony a6000 Initially we were going to post these in random order and let you guess before we told you which was which… but the difference … I currently use the Sigma 30mm f/1.4 and occasionally the Canon 50mm f/1.8. I would recommend you buy... nothing right now. You should note, however, that this is a hobbyist’s lens–the Di II designation indicates that the lens will only work on crop-sensor cameras. Lens choice for portrait work crop sensor camera Discussion in 'Canon EOS' started by eric_eisenstein|2, Dec 28, 2008. eric_eisenstein|2 First, let me apologize in advance, I'm not 100% sure if this is the correct forum in which to post this question. Conclusion There is no easy way to decide whether a crop sensor or a full-frame The point behind a "portrait lens", per se, is that the slightly longer focal length is more flattering to the face, squashing big noses and rendering backgrounds out of focus, whilst providing narrow DOF. How to get the best footage with a crop sensor camera and to avoid the issues that come along with the crop. A good 50mm prime makes a nice portrait lens on aps-c as well, maybe the Sigma 50 f1.4 or the Canon 50 f1.2 if In other words, a 57mm focal length on a 1.5x crop sensor, should provide the same perspective and framing as an 85mm focal length on a full-frame sensor if shot from the same distance. 55-250mm – Best budget telephoto to complement your kit lens today. Standard zoom: Canon EF-S 17-55mm f/2.8 IS USM Portrait photographer Julia Trotti recently put together a useful comparison video for beginners where she captures portraits using a crop-sensor camera and her most-used prime lenses: a … I have a Nikon D500. But the sharpness and image quality are there, not to mention it can double as portrait lens for close-ups. 24mm lens at f5.6 on a full frame Canon 5D Mark III Short to Medium Telephoto Lenses (40-135mm) Shooting within the short to medium telephoto range is probably the most common choice among portrait photographers. 35mm on a crop sensor is ideal for 1/2 body portraits, imo, and if space allows there's no reason not to make a 3/4 or even full body portrait with it. For DX cameras, this is not just the best prime lens, it’s the absolute best lens you can put on a Nikon crop sensor camera. Keep in mind when shopping for portrait lenses that your camera’s body and sensor size will affect the focal length of your lens. This macro lens for portrait photography offers excellent performance and good focusing at close distances. 85mm – The best lens that could change your portrait photography If that hat seems familiar, yes, Elle was the model in the series of photographs for the Nikon Df review article.For some of the sequences of photos that we shot, I used the 85mm lens, wide open. Faces and features will be closer to what your eye sees naturally. The EF-S lens options for your Canon crop sensor DSLR are immense, from standard kit zooms to specialty primes and third-party options. I decided since I had such trouble visualizing the difference in the millimeters I would help you out :O) Here are three photos taken in the exact same place with a 20mm f2.8 , 35mm f1.8 , and a 50mm f1.8 . I also have a prime 80 mm lens — which I really like, but I have to be pretty far away. And with the DX crop factor, this lens comes in at 36mm, a negligible difference. On your crop-sensor camera, it will have a 35mm equivalent of 144mm, and would serve very well as a portrait lens on a full frame body, too. For crop it's hard to beat the price/performance of the Canon 85 f1.8. This gets you closer to the insects or flower you are photographing, all at no extra cost. Do I use my 80 mm And the smaller sensor cameras have portrait lens options that shoot at close to 100% sharpness wide open, and the latest ones have sensors that give 12 stops of DR at 32000. Of course, everybody has their opinion but I think its fair to say that for street photography you would want a lens that is wider than a 80mm equivalent, but for portraiture 80mm is a pretty good length. Therefore, the difference of crop sensor is more than obvious - 50mm (80mm) is a classic portrait lens, with a narrow viewing angle, and 35mm (56mm) is a regular one, suitable for most situations. Anything between 50ish and 135ish in FF equivalent makes for natural looking portraits from almost any distance. Editor’s note: The optics are not the same, but this is a generally accepted method of understanding crop sensors. The best lenses for crop sensor cameras! It can take a full-size picture onto a full-frame image sensor. You could try the Canon EF-S 24mm pancake lens, but by the time you take the crop factor into account, it's less 'wide-angle' and more 'standard'. I’m a huge fan of the 35mm focal length.
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