Captain Curtis. Corporal Sterling, member first recon team, has this Cowboy Repeater. So you better believe the first thing I checked when I got back was the safe. It's a free roam unmarked quest, to do it you have to go to Loyal in Nellis, Corporal Sterling in Camp Mcarran, and Ranger Andy at Novac. With 3 every quest gave you an achievement, and they didn't add up to much. 3. Little Buster's tent. Speak with Corporal Sterling. | | 5. ... La Longue Carabine Location: Camp McCarran You will need to kill Corporal Sterling in order to acquire this sniper rifle from him. Raul Companion Quest - Sterling Dead/Gone - posted in New Vegas Discussion: Hi! In the beginning of the game Corporal Sterling is located in Camp McCarran. Fallout: New Vegas > General Discussions > Topic Details. Cowboy Repeater - La Longue Carabine In Camp McCarran, carried by Corporal Sterling. Every companion in Fallout: New Vegas has a quest associated with him/her. Posted on November 16, 2010, Ben Richardson Fallout: New Vegas Quest Bugs For all their masterful efforts in bringing the Mojave Wasteland to life, Obsidian shipped out Fallout: New Vegas with a number of bugs still extant. Thomas Hildern. 4. Recently added 40 View all 1,139. He couldn't bring himself to part with this weapon due to … chevron_left. Displacer Glove - Pushy: Inside the Ruby Hill Mine, on the body of a Jackal Gang member. FIRE FIGHTER SUIT step 1. You can go to the minor factions and ask for their help in creating a free Vegas or you can wipe them all off the face of the earth! Head there and you will find the Corporal Sterling not too far away. This is not my first playthrough of Fallout NV (i have 220+ hours), but it is the first where i have played siding with the Legion. Before entering the Sierra Madre I put all of my items in a safe near Father Elijah’s room. Fallout: New Vegas (Video Game 2010) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. ... Gorobets the good news then deliver the message to Doctor Usanagi at the New Vegas Medical Clinic. (3) Deliver Gorobets' message to Doctor Usanagi at the New Vegas Medical Clinic. Log in to view your list of favourite games. Take it to the bathroom and then put it in your inventory. Displacer Glove - Pushy: Inside the Ruby Hill Mine, on the body of a Jackal Gang member. Cowboy Repeater - La Longue Carabine: In Camp McCarran, carried by Corporal Sterling, whom you must kill to get it. You can loot a sniper from one of the top bunks without stealing it, so do that. quest. I know you can get this gun without killing Corporal Sterling but I cant trigger the quest to get the gun and I cant seam to find a guide to do it. In addition, Corporal Sterling and Ranger Milo call their repeaters 'la Longue Carabine' and 'Carmine' respectively. Displacer Glove - Pushy: Inside the … chevron_right. Cowboy Repeater - La Longue Carabine: In Camp McCarran, carried by Corporal Sterling, whom you must kill to get it. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. New Vegas Question: 1st Recon got relocated to the top of a mountain instead of Camp Forlorn Hope So I'm doing Raul's companion quest and was looking for Corporal Sterling. 6. After completing all the DLCs, i now decided to complete the companion quests. See More by wwelkrulez. I really want to join this faction. The first recon sniper hangs out in the first tent on the right. ok so when i went to Camp Forlorn Hope so when i saw 1st recon i talked to corporal sterling he told me he saw unusual stuff at the some control tower i think like at 1:00 am every time so were can i go to find out or tell me what is the keeps on turning on the lights I had already done 3 Card Bounty so I looked around Camp Forlorn hope and he was nowhere to be seen. You will need to kill Corporal Sterling in order to acquire this sniper rifle from him. Corporal Betsy is an NPC in Fallout: New Vegas, who can be found at Camp McCarran or Camp Forlorn Hope.According to Lt. Gorobets (Betsy’s commanding officer), ever since Betsy was raped by a nearby fiend leader (Cook-Cook): “Betsy’s shrugged it off like it was nothing, but her behavior keeps getting worse – always making passes at every woman who wanders by. Tell Corporal Betsy that the rest of First Recon agrees she needs help. Lieutenant Boyd. yes. 1. 2. Cheatbook is the resource for the latest Cheats, tips, cheat codes, unlockables, hints and secrets to get the edge to win. 7. Zawad Iftikhar. Colonel James Hsu. DogTag Fist - Recompense Of The Fallen: In Aurelius' desk, on the upper floor of the main building in Cottonwood Cove. This guide cover’s Raul’s (unmarked!) I really don't wanna kill Corporal Sterling for his unique cowboy repeater but I wanna do a 100% cowboy weapon run and everyone knows what that means in a fallout game. Some of these glitches will make it difficult to complete quests — always a frustrating experience. Fallout - New Vegas - All Unique Weapons Locations. Check our Fallout New Vegas Guides for more info. Games. You will not get caught and you can get all the guns you want. (2) Tell Lieutenant Gorobets that Corporal Betsy will start receiving treatment. Cowboy Repeater - La Longue Carabine: In Camp McCarran, carried by Corporal Sterling, whom you must kill to get it. Fallout: New Vegas, The Mojave Wasteland, Interactive map. Fallout New Vegas. DogTag Fist - Recompense Of The Fallen: In Aurelius' desk, on the upper floor of the main building in Cottonwood Cove. 4. 1, & 2. "the axe" north of good springs turn left when a opening comes. 9/11. Deliver Gorobets' message to Doctor Usanagi at the New Vegas Medical Clinic. step 3. He heard the "interesting" radio (1) Speak with Corporal Betsy about getting medical help for her trauma. Go through the unlocked door and then go and get a gun off of the table. Fall Hands. ... New Vegas … Mods. 5. The New California Republic plays a major part in the game's story, being in a three-way struggle amongst the Caesar's Legion slavers, and the mysterious Mr. House. "the suit" go to lake Las Vegas and get the veteran rangers out fit. The game takes place in 2281, four years after the events of Fallout 3. Raul Tejada is a ghoul mechanic enslaved as a radio technician on top of the Super Mutant stronghold Black Mountain. 0 0 1 ... No, you cannot continue after the main quest completion of New Vegas. "the hat" go in the train tunnel between BoS safe-house and blood borne cave. Corporal Sterling - ask him what he thinks about you idea to send Betsy to a doctor. Tell Lieutenant Gorobets that Corporal Betsy will start receiving treatment. M25A Camp McCarran Terminal building. and talked to Loyal and Corporal Sterling. Talk to Ranger Andy in Novac, Corporal Sterling in Camp McCarran, and Loyal in Nellis Air Force Base, but for Ranger Andy he won't talk unless you get a mod, and it works only for PC version, here's the link ... New Vegas had a lot more. This Machine Location. A modder by the name of nvm_corporal has helped create NV: Multiplayer, the first-ever co-op mod for Fallout: New Vegas that lets gamers team up … step 2. Stealth-Kill Corporal Sterling. Go to New Vegas, then go to the Silver Rush (there is a big sign that says "Silver Rush") There is a bathroom in the back of the shop. videogame_asset My games. close. 5. Can't talk with Corporal Sterling or Betsy in Camp Forlorn - posted in New Vegas Technical Support: So, basically, I am trying to finish Raul's quest. Iv'e been playing Fallout New Vegas and I haven't gotten very far but I was wondering how I could join the NCR. I just finished the Dead Money DLC for New Vegas. I've completed Volare! When I got back from the Sierra Madre, I was excited to get all of my weapons back. Prerequisites You will be speaking with the following three NPCs: Ranger Andy, Novac NCR Corporal Sterling, Camp McCarran (or Camp Forlorn Hope, but see Issues section) Loyal, Boomers If any of these three are dead the quest […] After completing the quest: Three Card Bounty, Corporal Sterling changes locations to Camp Forlorn Hope Requirements: Fallout New Vegas Author: Ogramirad Description ===== Adds two La Longue Carabine 44 Caliber rifles to the game replacing the original, one with Corporal Sterling the other in the NCR Safe House. Speak with Sergeant Bitter-Root. Upon entering camp McCarran, you will see a line of tents. Is there any specific place to go or any specific person that I have to meet in order to join the NCR? I … talk to corporal sterling loyel and ranger Andy in any order and he'll tell you a story for each 1 you talk to. Displacer Glove - Pushy Inside the Ruby Hill Mine, on the body of a Jackal Gang member. 8. Here's the deal, to finish the quest, you have to go talk to each of them and then randomly Raul goes to you after you speak to … I Can Rule Alone: The Wild Card line of quests provides this option. View all games. New Vegas, between salon and new Vegas. 5. Sep 12, 2013. La Longue Carabine is a unique weapon in Fallout: New Vegas. Speak with Corporal Sterling. Corporal Sterling. ... His shack is to the northwest of the Vegas Strip North Gate, North of Vegas and right down the street from H&H Tools Factory. Dec 7, 2013 @ 4:37pm Old School Ghoul console commands not recognized? 1 Background 2 Characteristics 3 Variant 3.1 Comparison 4 Locations 5 Behind the scenes 6 Bugs 7 Gallery 8 References La Longue Carabine is the customized personal weapon of Corporal Sterling of the New California Republic's elite 1st Reconnaissance Battalion. ... Can't wait for the New Vegas add-ons.
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