Like. He has worked as an English instructor, editor and writer for the past 10 years. credit-by-exam regardless of age or education level. ... Related Questions and Answers for Quotes in Much Ado About Nothing. Later in play, some tricksters tell Claudio that Hero is going to marry Claudio's military leader, Don Pedro. Although he stole the Hero and Claudio relationship from classic stories of the time, the BeatriceBenedick romance was entirely his own. Select a subject to preview related courses: After the fiasco at the wedding, Claudio eventually discovers the truth - that Hero was never unfaithful and she was a victim of fake slander. OPTIONS: Show cue speeches • Show full speeches # Act, Scene, Line (Click to see in context) Speech text: 1. nothing handsome about him. In other words, he hopes they are happy together. When Benedick makes fun of Claudio’s confession of love for Hero, Claudio begs his friend to take the matter seriously and give him advice. Tags: Question 7 . Although he stole the Hero and Claudio relationship from classic stories of the time, the BeatriceBenedick romance was entirely his own. Get the unbiased info you need to find the right school. Important quotes by Benedick in Much Ado About Nothing. © copyright 2003-2020 Learn the important quotes in Much Ado About Nothing and the chapters they're from, including why they're important and what they mean in the context of the book. 10 chapters | and career path that can help you find the school that's right for you. In this passage, he is asking his buddy, Benedick, if he saw Leonato's daughter, Hero. answer choices . Next Post The Tempest important quotes. Here are a few quotes … 29, 30. You are almost come to part almost a fray. has thousands of articles about every In fact, his first words are asking his friend, Benedick, if he saw her. Benedick and Beatrice fight their merry war of words. In this moment, he doesnât mock or tease or evade, but simply expresses his wonder at how much he loves her. Learn. The romantic interludes between the main characters of the play, Claudio and Hero, are offset by the love-hate relationship between the other pair, Beatrice and Benedick. Throughout the story, characters push the plot along by creating schemes and ploys aimed at tricking one another. Much Ado About Nothing 18/19), especially between Hero and Beatrice in Much Ado. Table of Contents ... Claudio renounces his claim to Hero based on Don Johnâs deception. Benedick: Yea, and a case to put it into. Let's take a look at his quotes and how they reflect his infatuation. Flashcards. cc | subs | Much Ado About Nothing (1993) [There's a double meaning in that!] The Much Ado About Nothing quiz. Read More STUDY. Beatrice: I love you with so much of my heart that none is left to protest. Claudio - Let get you up to speed on key information and facts on Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare. Services. Play … Important quotes by Claudio in Much Ado About Nothing. Gravity. Thought: Love in this play is also the love between friends – Don Pedro is loyal to Claudio and cares for him. Much Ado About Nothing - Claudio StudyMode - Premium and Free Essays, Term Papers & Book Notes Messenger He is very near by this: he was not three leagues off when I left him. Test. Love, in Much Ado About Nothing, is always involved with tricks, games and disguises. You must not, sir, mistake my niece. Instead of standing up for the woman he claims to love, Claudio says ''But fare thee well, most foul, most fair! I find here that Don Pedro hath bestowed much honour on a young Florentine called Claudio. I do embrace your offer.'' Done to death by slanderous tongues Was the Hero that here lies: Death, in guerdon of her wrongs, Gives her fame which never dies . The fact that Claudio gets upset enough to run away reveals the intensity of his feelings about losing Hero. Claudio: We had like to have our two noses snapped off with two old men without teeth. Benedick: Yea, and a case to put it into. I learn in this letter that Don Pedro of Aragon comes thisnight to Messina. A selection of well-known quotes from Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing Ursula (Rachel Kempson), Hero (Geraldine McEwan) and Margaret (Zoe Caldwell) in Much Ado About Nothing, 1958, directed by Douglas Seale. I,1,159. He tricks Don Pedro into believing that Hero has been unfaithful. After Don John tells Claudio that Don Pedro intends to steal Hero’s affections, Claudio instantly loses all trust, exclaiming that in matters of love every man is for himself. Visit the Much Ado About Nothing Study Guide page to learn more. The play has wit, twists, turns — it's a comedy. Shakespeareâs romantic comedy Much Ado About Nothing provides all manner of enduring and memorable quotes. Send. LEONATO No, that you shall not, till you take her hand Before this friar and swear to marry her. To put it another way, he is happy to marry some random woman he doesn't even know. Much Ado About Nothing Shakespeare homepage | Much Ado About Nothing | Entire play ACT I SCENE I. by lwinslett. My Preferences; My Reading List; Literature Notes Test Prep Study Guides Much Ado About Nothing William Shakespeare. Although they are not characters of the main plot, which actually is about the relationship between the two lovers Hero and Claudio, their dialogues belong to the most entertaining elements of the play, evoking most of the acting interest. 11 If either of you, &c. A partial quotation, obviously, from the Liturgy of the Church. SCENE I. Claudio Quotes: Claudio: Can the world buy such a jewel? Sweet, let me see your face. I jest not. ... Is very much unto the prince and Claudio, Yet, by mine honour, I will deal in this As secretly and justly as your soul The primary plot of Much Ado About Nothing turns on the courtship and scandal involving young Hero and her suitor, Claudio, but… Act 1, scene 1 The army of Don Pedro of Aragon arrives in Messina and is welcomed by Leonato, Messina’s governor. Directed by Stuart Burge. Much Ado About Nothing Kenneth Branagh's 1993 production of Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing is a vigorous and imaginative work, cheerful and accessible for everyone. Quotes tagged as "much-ado-about-nothing" Showing 1-17 of 17 âSome Cupid kills with arrows, some with traps.â â William Shakespeare, Much Ado About Nothing Unfortunately for Claudio and Hero, another character named Don John manipulates and lies about Hero. Much Ado About Nothing Quotations. Also, several of the characters are lied to and believe these lies. Here's a collection of quick-witted quotes … Much Ado about Nothing - thematic quotes. Although arduous situations occur, these individuals are loyal to their love interests. Created by. flashcard sets, {{courseNav.course.topics.length}} chapters | Millions of books are just a click away on and through our FREE NOOK reading apps. In brief, since I do purpose to marry, I will think nothing to any purpose that the world can say against it; and therefore never flout at me for what I have said against it; for man is a giddy thing, and this is my conclusion. Tweet +1. The Much Ado About Nothing quotes below are all either spoken by Claudio or refer to Claudio. Updated: 11/28/2020. For thy part, Claudio, I did think to have beaten thee, but in that thou art like to be my Next: Much Ado About Nothing, Act 4, Scene 2 _____ Explanatory Notes for Act 4, Scene 1 From Much Ado About Nothing. Flashcards. London: Rivingtons. Much Ado About Nothing Quotes study guide by neustl includes 51 questions covering vocabulary, terms and more. LEONATO How many gentlemen have … Quotes from William Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing. I,1,152 . Benedick hides in the bushes in the 2006 production of Much Ado About Nothing. study There is no measure in the occasion that breeds; therefore the sadness is without limit. | {{course.flashcardSetCount}} To learn more, visit our Earning Credit Page. While some of the schemes are meant to creat⦠Match. courses that prepare you to earn CLAUDIO Give me your hand: before this holy friar, I am your husband, if you like of me. Much Ado About Nothing Kenneth Branagh's 1993 production of Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing is a vigorous and imaginative work, cheerful and accessible for everyone. Earn Transferable Credit & Get your Degree. Get an answer for 'In Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing, why does Don John not want Claudio to marry Hero and sabotage the wedding?' Contents. He says that she is a jewel that is beyond value. Read on to learn more. Before LEONATO'S house. Share. Create your account, Already registered? Despite being a bit of a drama king, Claudio and Hero end up together and they make plans for their wedding. This storyboard was created with He hath borne himself beyond the promise ofhis age, doing in the figure of a lamb the feats of a lion. In response, he calls her a sinner who broke his heart. Previous Post As You Like It. Every step in romance takes place by way of masquerade. SparkNotes is brought to you by Barnes & Noble. Much ado about nothing quotes. Manipulation is an important recurring theme in Much Ado About Nothing and is clearly illustrated in this scene. Claudio hasn’t yet seen any evidence, but mimics the fervor of his peers, appearing almost excited by the “noble” idea of punishing his betrothed. Learn the important quotes in Much Ado About Nothing and the chapters they're from, including why they're important and what they mean in the context of the book. Not sure what college you want to attend yet? Next: Much Ado About Nothing, Act 4, Scene 2 _____ Explanatory Notes for Act 4, Scene 1 From Much Ado About Nothing. Much Ado About Nothing is one of Shakespeare's comedies, with one of the most popular romantic duos of all time. Take the Quiz: Much Ado About Nothing Quotes. They write a note and slip it through his window. STUDY. Claudio and Hero struggle for their union, while Beatrice and Benedick get into intellectual brawls. Anyone can earn | 2 Hero is won for Claudio by Don Pedro in disguise. Claudio can be reconciled with Hero only after her faked death. Start your 48-hour free trial to unlock this Much Ado About Nothing study guide. They embarrass him by announcing it at the party. The romantic interludes between the main characters of the play, Claudio and Hero, are offset by the love-hate relationship between the other pair, Beatrice and Benedick. When Benedick says that he didn't really notice her, Claudio rambles on and asks so many questions about her that Benedick finally asks if he is planning on buying her since he seems to be assessing her value. I,1,146. Despite this high ground, he does throw a bit of a hissy fit. As with so many of his plays, Shakespeare brings the characters to life with sharp dialogue and some fantastic one-liners about love and life⦠and also brings the phrase ânot in your good booksâ into the English lexicon . When Claudio is tricked into believing that Hero has decided to be with another man, Claudio takes the high road and says that he wishes the couple well, even though he storms away moments later. Pin. Leonato then offers him another girl from his family to marry, saying that she looks just like Hero. The setting of the play is Leonato's estate in Messina, Italy. No; I pray thee speak in sober judgment. I,3,335. Much Ado About Nothing Quotes Showing 1-30 of 120 âSigh no more, ladies, sigh no more, Men were deceivers ever,-One foot in sea and one on shore, To one thing constant never.â â William Shakespeare, Much Ado About Nothing. Q. Compare v. 4. by William Shakespeare. Claudio in Much Ado About Nothing. Notable Quotes from Much Ado About Nothing [Click on the quote to find it in the text.] Every step in romance takes place by way of masquerade. Create an account to start this course today. 3. For example, Beatrice is told by her friends that Benedick loves her, and Benedick is told by his friends that Beatrice loves him. There is a kind of merry war betwixt Signior Benedick and her: they never meet but there's a skirmish of wit between them. -- Claudio . Claudio is less of a foil for Benedick than Hero is for Beatrice, but Claudio's conventionality, his immaturity, and his compliant behavior contrast sharply with Benedick's independent spirit, his jaded opinions about women, and his sense of humor. 'Much Ado About Nothing' by William Shakespeare is full of twists and turns. A very long quiz on quotes and trivia from the play! Photo by Simon Annand Browse and license our images Benedick hides in the garden so he can listen in during the 1950 production of Much Ado About Nothing. Sciences, Culinary Arts and Personal OPTIONS: Show cue speeches • Show full speeches # Act, Scene, Line (Click to see in context) Speech text: 1. Farewell, Thou pure impiety and impious purity. Eventually, Claudio learns that he was tricked into believing Hero was unfaithful, so he apologizes to Hero's father who offers his forgiveness as well as the promise that he could marry another woman from the family who looks like Hero. PLAY. 29, 30. Claudio and Hero struggle for their union, while Beatrice and Benedick get into intellectual brawls. Much Ado About Nothing is a play of comic capers with a touch of romance. 4. Write. PLAY. Claudio: Silence is the perfectest herald of joy. Share. in "Much Ado about Nothing" Total: 40. print/save view. Said by: Claudio Reference information: Act V, Scene III A church. HERO And when I lived, I was your other wife: Unmasking. Claudio accepts the offer despite believing that Hero has died. cc | subs | Much Ado About Nothing (1993) [There's a double meaning in that!] One of Shakespeare's best known comedies, Much Ado About Nothingis a play based on deception, disguise, and manipulation. Claudio's main focus throughout the play is on a woman named Hero. Removes veil, clears throat] I answer to that name. For thee I'll lock up all the gates of love, And on my eyelids shall conjecture hang,' In other words, he is saying goodbye to Hero, calling her a sinner and whining that he will never be able to love again because of her unfaithfulness. Much Ado About Nothing Quotes. The main ideas or issues present in a text are called themes. Much Ado About Nothing – Quotes Meaning Don Pedro to Claudio; shows Claudio’s shyness and it relates to the theme of deception, End of Act I, scene 1 “what need the bridge much broader than the flood” The fairest grant is the necessity….In practice let us put… Much Ado About Nothing is a comedy by William Shakespeare. In this case, it is Claudio and Don Jon in cahoots with Leonato who are manipulating Benedick into falling in love with Beatrice. Compare v. 4. Designed by GonThemes. Much Ado About Nothing is a play of comic capers with a touch of romance. In William Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing, Claudio falls in love with a character named Hero. View This Storyboard as a Slide Show! Claudio: Now, signior, what news? snorko. first two years of college and save thousands off your degree. Hero is won for Claudio by Don Pedro in disguise. Which is Beatrice? All rights reserved. Claudio can be reconciled with Hero only after her faked death. Speeches (Lines) for Claudio in "Much Ado about Nothing" Total: 125. print/save view. Take the Quiz: Much Ado About Nothing Quotes. BUY BUY ! At this point, we question whether Claudio truly has any convictions: First he allowed a friend to court his wife for him, then he allowed a different friend to convince him to condemn his wife, and now he blindly marches into a different arranged marriage without protest. The character, Claudio, gets caught up in many of those turns. SURVEY . Here are a few quotes ⦠âGive her to young Claudioâ Honour âBestowed much honour on a young florentine called Claudioâ ... Much Ado About Nothing Quotes Test Prep July 8, 2019. Aware now of his mistake, but still at the mercy of the nearest authority figure, Claudio dutifully carries out his punishment like a schoolboy in detention. Share. Created by. All Subjects. Quiz & Worksheet - Claudio Quotations in Much Ado About Nothing, Over 83,000 lessons in all major subjects, {{courseNav.course.mDynamicIntFields.lessonCount}}, Beatrice Quotes in Much Ado About Nothing, Benedick Quotes in Much Ado About Nothing, Quotes About Hero in Much Ado About Nothing, Don Pedro Quotes in Much Ado About Nothing, Don John Quotes in Much Ado About Nothing, Borachio Quotes in Much Ado About Nothing, Dogberry Quotes in Much Ado About Nothing, Friar Francis Quotes in Much Ado About Nothing, Biological and Biomedical Create your own! -- Claudio . Instead of insisting that Hero is the only woman he will ever love, he says ''O noble sir. Benedick: Good day, my lord. Although Don Pedro is Claudio’s superior in age and status, he’s willing to do what he can in Claudio’s service. Like What You See? They consistently illustrate their feelings and this factor allows the characters to flourish. Learn. Don Pedro: Welcome, signior. Match. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one: ). A quiz on who said what in one of Shakespeares best comedies. 109 lessons Claudio Quotes: Claudio: Can the world buy such a jewel? Much Ado About Nothing Act 4 Scene 1 (Wedding Scene) Lyrics. Claudio is so easily swayed that he believes Don John’s lie without question, displaying a troubling inability to think for himself, as well as an inherent suspicion of even his closest friends. Created by. 30 seconds . MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING Review July 18, 2019. The very first words spoken by Claudio are ''Benedick, didst thou note the daughter of Signior Leonato.'' Spell. Characters within Shakespeare’s, Much Ado About Nothing display love in a complementary manner to the love written in Sonnet 116. Don John has made Claudio believe that the prince, Don Pedro, is betraying Claudioâs friendship and wooing Hero for himself. {{courseNav.course.mDynamicIntFields.lessonCount}} lessons Hero is way more conventional regarding gender norms and almost a tragic figure until the end of the play, when she eventually marries Claudio, which is considered a happy ending for her. The character, Claudio, gets caught up in many of those turns. Once he discovers that Hero was not unfaithful, Claudio apologizes to Leonato, and Leonato forgives him. 3. And when I have heard it, what blessing brings it? Claudio Quotes in Much Ado About Nothing (1993) Share. Test. Claudio's response is ''Can the world buy such a jewel?'' Hero’s father Leonato mandated the reading as punishment for Claudio’s treatment of his daughter, and here we see Claudio at his most embarrassingly boyish. Like. Who is Claudio in Much Ado About Nothing? Speeches (Lines) for Claudio in "Much Ado about Nothing" Total: 125. print/save view. Log in or sign up to add this lesson to a Custom Course. Because of this, Hero fakes her own death and Claudio believes that she has passed away. Test. Benedick, didst thou note the daughter of Signior Leonato? Gravity. When Claudio believes this, he mopes and sulks to himself until Benedick comes along, basically saying, I told you so. Did you know… We have over 220 college Claudio in Much Ado About Nothing. Benedick: Soft and fair, friar. Quotes from William Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing. Claudio is less of a foil for Benedick than Hero is for Beatrice, but Claudio's conventionality, his immaturity, and his compliant behavior contrast sharply wit . flashcard set{{course.flashcardSetCoun > 1 ? 2. In Much Ado About Nothing, Claudio believes that his girlfriend, Hero, is dead, so he certainly doesn’t expect her to turn up at his wedding as his bride. Home; Literature Notes; Much Ado About Nothing; Claudio; Table of Contents . Claudio offers his hand in marriage to a new bride who is essentially a replacement Hero. When Benedick does not buzz off, Claudio finally says ''If it will not be, I'll leave you,'' and then he storms away. Student Diary: All's Well That Ends Well? Love, in Much Ado About Nothing, is always involved with tricks, games and disguises. Get access risk-free for 30 days, Enrolling in a course lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams. At the wedding, Claudio is happy to find that it is actually Hero that he is marrying. Benedick and Beatrice are brought together through an elaborate prank. Powered by WordPress. Obviously, Claudio is heartbroken, but the fact that he manages to remain polite reflects a moral high ground. But unknown to all, Claudio's been tricked by the bastard Don John, and (unfortunately), it's up to ⦠Claudio is an honourable soldier and friend to Benedick and Don Pedro. The eventual reveal that the new bride is actually Hero in disguise is barely a happy ending, given what we now know about Claudio’s moral makeup. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. If you can remember your first serious crush, you will definitely be able to relate to Claudio from William Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing. How do Don Pedro, Leonato, and Claudio tell Benedick that Beatrice loves him? 11 If either of you, &c. A partial quotation, obviously, from the Liturgy of the Church. Eventually, Claudio and Hero end up together, but Claudio is told that Hero cheated on him. With Lee Montague, Tim Faulkner, Cherie Lunghi, Katharine Levy. Much ado about nothing. Bryan is a freelance writer who specializes in literature. I,1,148. Ed. Claudio is an honourable soldier and friend to Benedick and Don Pedro. - Beliefs, History & Symbol, Quiz & Worksheet - World Literature & Social Issues, Quiz & Worksheet - Reducing Negative Fractions, Quiz & Worksheet - Hassan in The Kite Runner, Flashcards - Real Estate Marketing Basics, Flashcards - Promotional Marketing in Real Estate, Elementary Science Worksheets and Printables, Ohio Assessments for Educators - Mathematics (027): Practice & Study Guide, MTEL Biology (13): Practice & Study Guide, DSST Principles of Statistics: Study Guide & Test Prep, English 101 Syllabus Resource & Lesson Plans, Training and Development in Organizations, Praxis English: Strategic Approaches to Teaching Reading, Quiz & Worksheet - Characteristics of Authoritarian Leaders, Quiz & Worksheet - Logical Equivalence in Math, Quiz & Worksheet - Mental Retardation Characteristics & Treatment, Quiz & Worksheet - Characteristics of Desire Disorders, Depression & Long-Term Effects of Traumatic Brain Injury, Georgia Common Core Performance Standards, Speaking & Listening Rubrics for the Classroom, Tech and Engineering - Questions & Answers, Health and Medicine - Questions & Answers. Have you ever seen a reality TV show where everyone is trying to create drama in order to keep themselves entertained at the expense of others? [Grabs Claudio and holds against wall] Benedick: You are a villain. Use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. Student Diary: Shakespeare's Subconscious? In this paper we focus on two characters of Much Ado About Nothing that represent these elements best, namely Beatrice and Benedick. They have a conversation about it in front of Benedick and pretend they don’t know he is there. STUDY. Famous quotes A selection of well-known quotes from Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing Ursula (Rachel Kempson), Hero (Geraldine McEwan) and Margaret (Zoe Caldwell) in Much Ado About Nothing, 1958, directed by Douglas Seale. A. Wilson Verity. At their wedding, Don Pedro tells Claudio that he saw Hero with another man. Spell. The play begins how? Much Ado About Nothing Act 4 Scene 1 (Wedding Scene) Lyrics. When Benedick continue to tease him about losing Hero, he says '' I pray you, leave me.'' To unlock this lesson you must be a Member. Share. Claudio here reveals his youthful timidity, showing none of the bluster or confidence one might expect of a decorated soldier. just create an account. MESSENGER Much deserved on his part and equally remembered by ... Much Ado About Nothing Act 4 ⦠Storyboard Text . Claudio is falling in love with Hero, who he thinks is the greatest "jewel," the "sweetest lady that ever (he) looked on." Gravity. But when Beatrice's friend, Hero, is humiliatingly jilted by Benedick's best friend, Claudio, Benedick has to choose which side he's on. 'Much Ado About Nothing' by William Shakespeare is full of twists and turns. Charlotte_-Terms in this set (5) She is the sweetest lady I have ever looked upon (Claudio 1.1 139) Shakespeares use of imagery of seeing to suggest superficiality of Claudio's love and to set the scene for the later manipulations of appearance. Learn. Where and when was "Much Ado About Nothing" set? First published in 1600, it was likely first performed in the winter of 1598-1599. From Shmoop Lit/Quotes and Thoughts on Love/Much Ado About Nothing Is she not a modest young lady? A quiz on who said what in one of Shakespeares best comedies. Pin. Tomorrow 'Tis Talk Like Shakespeare Day, Methinks, Student Diary: The Final Entry, Student Diary: Tragedy - Print, Not IRL. 1 Act I; 2 Act II; 3 Act III; 4 Act IV; 5 Act V; 6 External links; Act I . I,3,332. The fact that these are his first words are about Hero show how important the relationship is. Spell. London: Rivingtons. The best quotes from Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare - organized by theme, including book location and character - with an explanation to help you understand! Match. Copy. much ado about nothing, beatrice, benedick, shakespeare, shakespeare quote, medieval, literature, literature quotes, eat his heart, i would eat his heart, much ado about noting, shakespeare, i had rather hear my dog, bark at a crow, than a man swear he loves me, claudio, kill claudio… BEATRICE. Beatrice: [Pushed out of crowd by Antonio. Enter LEONATO, HERO, and BEATRICE, with a Messenger LEONATO I learn in this letter that Don Peter of Arragon comes this night to Messina. I thank you: I am not of many words, but I thank you. In other words, buzz off, Benedick. In this lesson, we will take a look at what Claudio says in response to these events. A victory is twice itself when the achiever brings home full numbers. In Much Ado About Nothing …a contrast between the conventional Claudio and Hero, who have the usual expectations of each other, and Beatrice and Benedick, who are highly skeptical of romance and courtship and, seemingly, each other.Claudio is deceived by the jealous Don John into believing that Hero is prepared to abandon him for…. Flashcards. Quizzes | Create a quiz Progress: 1 of 30 questions . When Benedick makes fun of Claudioâs confession of love for Hero, Claudio begs his friend to take the matter seriously and give him advice. These first words show the depth and speed of Claudio's love. A. Wilson Verity. Benedick: Soft and fair, friar. Claudio reads an apologetic epitaph at Hero’s funeral. Much of the drama in Shakespeare's comedy ''Much Ado About Nothing'' concerns Hero, who is an innocent woman falsely accused of being unfaithful to Claudio. This Study Guide consists of approximately 20 pages of chapter summaries, quotes, character analysis, themes, and more - everything you need to sharpen your knowledge of Much Ado about Nothing. Much Ado About Nothing is one of Shakespeare's comedies, with one of the most popular romantic duos of all time. Quizlet flashcards, activities and games help you improve your grades. In Much Ado About Nothing, these include the themes of love, appearance and reality and the ideas of ‘nothing’ and ‘noting’. Your over-kindness doth wring tears from me. Working Scholars® Bringing Tuition-Free College to the Community. Claudio Quotes in Much Ado About Nothing (1993) Share. You can test out of the credit by exam that is accepted by over 1,500 colleges and universities. ⦠Much Ado About Nothing > Key Quotes; Much Ado About Nothing. The play has wit, twists, turns â it's a comedy. Tweet +1. Much Ado about Nothing - thematic quotes. Write. 's' : ''}}. Ed. Write. Terms in this set (35) LEONATO. Which is Beatrice? Benedick at last confesses his deep love for Beatrice. Claudio constantly defers to the advice and approval of others, which ultimately makes him a pawn in the story’s romantic chess game. CLAUDIO Why, then she's mine. PLAY. Claudio is able maintain some composure and speaks of Don Pedro, saying ''I wish him joy of her.'' Send. This susceptibility to manipulation casts doubt on the quality of Claudio’s moral compass. 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