The Ultimate Chemistry Quiz & Trivia Think you know everything about chemistry? Sulfur is a nonmetal. Anion: Hydroxide ion. Geosmin can be smelt when it … Some fun, interesting, and sometimes weird chemistry facts. For webquest or practice, print a copy of this quiz at the Chemistry: Famous Chemists webquest print page. The Ultimate Mermaid Quiz! Ancient Greece Quiz! Being neither … Submitted by: Lester Matias. Similarly, if you mix half a liter of alcohol and half a liter of water, the total volume of the liquid will … Both proteins are strong and flexible. Bromine (Br), Mercury (Hg), Caesium (Cs), Rubidium (Rb), Francium (Fr) and Gallium (Ga) are the only 6 elements that are liquid at around room temperature. Geosmin has the chemical formula C12H22O, and its name is derived from the Greek words 'geo', meaning 'earth', and 'osmos', meaning 'smell'. What is the centre of an atom called? This has served you well so far, but think how much more you could learn! You may know some, but others will surprise you. Chlorine is not a noble gas. Who invented the Fahrenheit temperature scale? Water is good old H 2 O! When it melts, it becomes more dense. A periodic table is one of the basic things taught is Chemistry 101. Why should you care? 1. Sadly, there's no cash, but you can take comfort in knowing you're the one people turn to when they need answers. See if you can identify where these are from. Freeze. If you don’t want to read the whole page, be sure to download our PDF of printable trivia questions and answers to take with you to the trivia quiz party. What element is almost as light as hydrogen? From ditloids to dingbats, if you’re looking for the most fun (and definitely peculiar) quiz on the internet, you’ve come to the right place! 63) Write the name of an insulator. In a mixture of two fluids, the solute is present in lesser quantity compared with the solvent. I'm normally too thirsty to find out such things. Be careful you don't confuse the symbol with Sn for tin (a common tricky chemistry test question). It is an obvious thing without any doubt that the funny trivia questions and answers will always motivate the children to learn, other than this the funny random trivia questions motivate teachers to teach with more energy and understanding.. From here, you can hone your chemistry skills, try your hand at an experiment, or you may simply enjoy taking another quiz. If you want to improve your knowledge, grab a kid's science text or start learning chemistry online. Review high school chemistry to make sure you've covered all the bases or perform cool chemistry demonstrations to show others why the science is so amazing! hemistry any time soon. You could simply take another quiz! You can melt gallium in the palm of your hand. Submitted by: Marwan Omar - Philippines. Which gas, discovered in 1898, is used in car headlamps to produce adequate light immediately upon switching on? It is basically a plastic … You didn't miss this one, right? One fun way to learn about chemistry is to, The next step is learning fun ways to apply knowledge and delving deeper into your favorite subject. Deuterium is not radioactive and is the form of hydrogen found in heavy water. If an atom has more protons than electrons, it has a net positive charge. How Do Glow Sticks Glow? The periodic table is a tabular arrangement of chemical elements based on their chemical properties and atomic numbers etc. Check out these trivia periodic table quiz questions and answers to test your familiarity with chemical elements and have a … Food coloring dispersing in water is an example of diffusion. Hydrogen has one electron and one proton. Is Time Travel Really Possible? You'll find keratin primarily in your hair, nails, and skin, but the most abundant protein in humans is collagen, which is found in bone and cartilage. You've filled a glass with water and ice cubes. In the first chapter of basic chemistry of life we have been able to cover the Cellular foundation of life. A Lightning Strike Can Get as Hot as 54,000°F. Mendeleev's table grouped elements according to common properties and periodic trends. You know your stuff! How many forms of matter are there now? Choose the game quiz you like and play as many times as you want 2 . If you fill a glass to the brim with ice water and the ice melts, what will happen? And contain the questions and answers you need to have a fun trivia night. And also for lots of blog posts and articles about the science of christmas, like this one, and this one, and this one, and even this one (which is from last year, but it's jolly good). On the other hand, you're probably an expert in another field! Stibnum is the old name for antimony. ... Fun History Quiz & Trivia! Review, Chemistry Vocabulary Terms You Should Know, The Elemental Composition of the Human Body, Ph.D., Biomedical Sciences, University of Tennessee at Knoxville, B.A., Physics and Mathematics, Hastings College. The Ultimate Chicago Quiz! Then take this scientific quiz right now! Ideally suited readymade household quizzes, native individuals that end to the successful job hunting. Top Funny trivia questions in 2020. On the one hand, you won't be winning the Nobel Prize in chemistry any time soon. A comprehensive database of more than 10 10th grade chemistry quizzes online, test your knowledge with 10th grade chemistry quiz questions. Chemistry Facts & Trivia. One interesting property of water is that it achieves maximum density as a liquid, not as a solid. You even knew the answers to the tricky questions. A glow stick is a self-contained light source. Quizzes make learning fun! Some fun, interesting, and sometimes weird chemistry facts. Find out the answers in this quiz. About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found at Chemistry: Famous Chemists. So think again before you carry a lightning rod … It’s actually true, Mr. Short Answer: Based on the available theories, you can travel in … 61) The substance which conducts electricity with the help of the ions present in them is called what? That just shows you have other interests! 62) Write the name of an anion. Osmosis involves water, but there has to be a semipermeable membrane, too. 10 questions. 3. If you don't have enough salt, your body suffers an electrolyte imbalance called hyponatremia. Chemical elements and compounds often have 'meaningful' names such as hydrogen (begetter of water). Another reason to master chemistry is so you can do (and understand) cool science projects. Chemistry is a very interesting and important subject as it explains everything involved with compounds and elements around us. Chemistry Quiz Questions Electrochemical Reactions – Chemistry Questions 61- 90 . 20 Chemistry Questions You Should Be Able to Answer. One bucket full of water contains more atoms than there are bucketfuls of water in the Atlantic Ocean.
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