Today my dog was just looking at her curiously trying to figure this out and the cat walks up to her hisses and attacks her stomach. He's about three years old. She hisses at him. Too much of the water bottle can make them associate bad things with each other, possibly making them more aggressive. I highly doubt he's making the connection between the water bottle and knocking things over. The younger of the two girls, though, Hera is a very gentle natured cat and flat out refuses to stand up for herself, no matter what. This behavior is also known as inter-cat aggression. I adopted a female cat about 5 years ago. Question: I have three cats that have been together since they were six weeks old. Charlie is a 15lb black cat and Maggie is a much smaller (and older) tabby. For his 14 surgical procedures towards that goal, he held a world record for "most permanent transformations to look like an animal." My cat was given his own space in the master bedroom/bathroom area, a place my stepdaughter's cat has not been allowed to go. I am at my WIT'S end with my 5 year old female spayed cat! One of the resources that was the hardest to find in the wild was food. Some cats will barely tolerate each other, and some get along relatively quickly without much fuss. The 'baby' two cats are 4 years old. I got him from a shelter and he was aggressive and a sprayer (even though neutered). Outside, there is a male cat my boyfriend occasionally feeds. Answer: I think the only sure way is to keep them in the house. It just seems to be that some cats interact with others that way. He'll lay in the middle of the kitchen floor or the middle of the hallway or right in front of the bathroom door and attack their feet as they walk past. Question: We have two male cats, ages nine and eleven, and recently introduced a third (a stray male kitten). Answer: He may not be feeling well. Perhaps you could try a lower dose for the bully cat? He has his own bedroom with food, water and litter box. He's such a cute cat and I think he had a really rough start in life so I don't wanna get rid of him. You may just be causing him more stress which he is then using on the other cats. When we first brought him in, she surprised me. We took in a very young kitten. Just keep letting them be together for short periods of time. Their offspring, if not captured and socialized within a given window, will become fearful of humans as well. Now it’s everywhere it has increased ever since our one year old daughter has become mobile. I would guess he is a month younger than Baxter. The resident cat scared and timid, while the new cat is fearless and aggressive. Fearful cats will typically hiss, spit, growl, pilo-erect (fur stands up), flatten their ears against the head and show a low or crouched body position. I was totally surprised at the hossing and hiding from eachother. At that stage my two neutered males were 10 & 5. We live in a good-sized 3 bedroom house with multiple litter boxes, water bowls, toys, etc. Territorial Cat Behavior. If your cat displays sudden signs of territorial aggression, especially out-of-box elimination, consider a visit to your veterinarian to rule out any health issues which may be causing the behavior. As for feral cats, refer to your local Trap-Neuter-Release or TNR program. The sog yips, yelps and barks at the cat and the cat leaves, but minutes later the cat is back at it again. We thought about doing a catio, but in the meantime, we have no where to put him so we've created a space in our insulated garage until we can figure something out. Each cat has a role within the cat family and within a given place. I got him from the shelter when he was four and he had all kinds of issues. This article is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge. Squirt fighting cats with water or use a whistle to distract them. And some just know that that's how a particular cat acts. Question: I took in a two-year-old cat from a friend that was moving and could not take him. L C David (author) from Florida on February 06, 2017: They likely smell different from the groomers and cats do recognize each other. My 12 yo female accepted het after about a one week into phase and they became inseperable. The behavioral vet recommended prozac for Tigger which we did for 1 1/2 years! Although cat aggression is sometimes taken less seriously than dog aggressionperhaps because cats are smaller and dont pursue people to bite themaggressive cats can be formidable. On the other hand, if a stray cat is friendly and seemingly healthy, has a collar, or can be scanned for a microchip, consider reuniting the cat with its owner. 7 Hairless Cat Breeds - Cats Without Fur. When I was a little girl, we had a cat and a German Shepherd. All of them are fixed. I don't know what I should do to stop this kind of attitude. It sounds like they are not doing too badly, considering the circumstances. If you think they are battling for attention then I'd suggest having a plan to engage both of them when you are together. With cats you have to work with them, not expect them to conform to unrealistic expectations. Make your home more cat proof and remove things that would be problematic for him to knock over. Question: We have a cat that isn't even a year old, but very recently we got another kitten and our old cat won't stop hissing or growling at the new one. The boy cat looks so sad when his sister hisses because he doesnt know what he did wrong. Have you tried a quick squirt of water when he is bullying the dog? Another important component with helping a new cat to get established and to prevent bullying behavior is to have enough litter boxes. We don't want to get rid of him. Some cats are funny and just get fixated on things like that. So, I tried separating them. The key to having a harmonious, multiple-pet household is patience, love, and a little bit of training. Purina offers formulas designed for your cat's unique needs and products that fit within your lifestyle. I am also worried my cats will run away (we can't keep them in the house all the time). Lately, he's taken to staying in the laundry room and doesn't bother anyone. See more ideas about cats, stalking, crazy cats. I don't like it. I also have a big dogs that was bullied by a cat that since has passed away. He waits for her at the doorway of the bedroom and bathroom (after she goes potty) and attacks her. They have 2 female cats and I have 2 female cats. It is not meant to substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, or formal and individualized advice from a veterinary medical professional. Get some interesting cat toys and cat nip interactive toys to keep him occupied and interested. We have two seperate feeding sites and litterboxes for both cats in seperate places of the house. We don’t know what to do anymore. Please help, any recommendations would be so helpful. Maternal Aggression Its common for kittens and young cats to engage in rough, active play because all feline play consists of mock aggression. After the posturing, hissing, and fighting is over, the cat may discover that he or she has a new best friend. Dangling wand toys and tossing “scootable” toys to engage the kitten in play is a great way to expend his/her energy. Question: I adopted an eleven-year-old old female. Princess is even more non-threatening. Question: Can you suggest a strategy to deal with an aggressive older cat? Luna and Felix are bonded and love to sleep together. Territorial behavior in cats usually involves urine marking (spraying), hissing, stalking, or attacking another cat. multicat mom needs help on October 23, 2018: Three years ago we got a female cat, then two brothers a couple months later. We bathed the tabby apart from his face, and it has made no difference. He loves nothing more than prowling around the house waiting for the chance to pounce on one of his older 'sisters' (nobody's related though). Either put the newer cat in a room or give her a place where she can go and sleep and relax. If you are establishing a dog-to-cat relationship, some of the advice mentioned above applies: As always, multi-cat and multi-pet households make for an interesting dynamic. The male cat also often will sit on her while she's just lying down and she'll quietly try to leave and get away and he takes her spot. Maybe start getting them together again by creating pleasant experiences such as giving everyone treats when they are together. Adult cats with territorial issues should be taken seriously as these behaviors can turn to aggression. L C David (author) from Florida on December 18, 2016: Are you sure it's not playing? I guess my question is whether or not The fact that my 5 month old kitten is not neutered yet might be playing a major role in this laser focused aggression. I have a dog who has always been here. What else can I do? In this case, an aggressive dog meets a bully cat, and the result is wonderful. My dog is still trying to figure out what's happening so she tries to smell her face A LOT well the cat scratches her face every time and I understand that. L C David (author) from Florida on January 22, 2017: He looks different and smells funny from the groomer's powders and perfumes. Question: I have a newer senior cat addition and performed all the steps. Remember that often in cat groups or even in pairs, they do establish dominant and submissive. Make sure she has time away from him to nap as older cats need lots of rest. Answer: It actually sounds like they are on the right track. Supervise them when they are together and try to redirect his energy to a toy or treat so that he will give her a break. Punishing the aggressive cat will only make it more aggressive so I don't recommend that. He's got fixed a few months after that.. A year or two later I took in another cat who is a girl from outside and it seems like she's fixed as well being as though she's never in heat?? I work a lot and when I'm not here I believe the behavior goes unpunished and is not redirected in any way. Cats can get more aggressive and grouchy when they are in heat. About a month after she got them the kitten started attacking the older cat when she walks around or even just laying on the couch sometimes. I can't envision how it will, if the timid one continues to live in hiding. What should I do? Harry is 13 yrs old, also a neutered male. Do you have any tips on teaching him to stop trying to steal food? I started noticing more fighting amongst all of them and Thrax even got herself a nice little bite mark above her eye. Now my older cat has passed away and she's bullying the other one. We have done practically everything .... right from the start with slow introduction etc. In the meantime, if it gets to be too much, just pick one of them up and move them to another room for a quiet period away from each other. A large part of the day she is in my bedroom, but I have been giving her times of the day to be out upstairs, while I keep th kitten downstairs. She was.fine with the other adults before and with the kittens up until about a month ago. She feeds all three of the now cats in slightly different locations. But at what cost? Separating the aggressive cat from the other cat. I put the bowl far away from each other but he runs towards his moms food to steal it :/ when i play with them i try to play a bit with mom also but he shoves her aside and she goes to a corner. We have tried the spray bottle, chastising, we've tried locking the whole family (with us) in a room together for a few hours so they can have some peaceful time together...but it doesn't seem to help. Even just putting her in a bathroom to eat will allow you to make sure she is getting enough food during this transition time. It took about a year for her to get where she would tolerate them being around and they would tolerate her. I'm not sure we can live like this, where everyone has to be confined in a particular room, and half of our sweet babies are miserable. Answer: Siamese cats often have dominant personalities, so your older cat is likely just establishing her dominance. Any tips on how to get Felix to stop being so mean? Cats can have personality changes when they are ill. I strongly say no, but he continues to attack on a daily basis. She was making her life miserable and kept attacking her. Here are some of the reasons why this happens, and what you can do to help. Answer: It needs time. I brought my cat to my moms and made my cat stay in her bag for about an hour before I left her out. It will take several months after the neutering for him to work out all the hormones. I know cow's milk is harmful, so I was wondering how much kitten milk he is allowed per day, if any? The rest of my cats are younger and have adjusted. I don't think he intends to hurt her; I think that he thinks it is a game. We do not have cat litter and they all have their own plates. So two days ago we brought home a cat. Cats are more territorial than dogs by nature, and they can also be more solitary. Cats can bit… Even friendly, social kittens may become territorial when they mature. In this case, the best action is rewarding the hero with some treats, a new scratching post with catnip, and lots of pets and snuggles. Problem is he loves to bully the weak 3yr old female all the time where even interactive toys, water bottle spraying, firm tones of "no" have not worked. You can also feed the cats in two separate rooms once or twice a day to help curb this behavior. Pet them and talk to them. I think we know at this point they will never be buddies again like they were :-(. So, how do you choose the right cat for your household? However, if I were guessing it sounds like she needs some help learning how to clam down. Gradually increase that time. This has reduced since we got Luna but not completely stopped. Similar results whenever we try locking up a different cat to give them a break from each other. He was semi-feral at the time. Help?? As the dog pulled the child off his riding toy, the cat bravely chased the dog away. The kitten and my male use to play and now he pounces on both of them. Meanwhile, try bringing her out in a crate and letting her be in the same room as the others but safe in the closed crate. (there are other Feliway products as well) They are similar to the ones used for air fresheners. They used to be living in harmony even when they were territorial (the teams up used to be 2 males, 2 females and 1 female). This doesn't have to be a permanent thing but does need to happen for a few weeks. First and foremost, if you notice a bully cat lingering near your home and you have indoor-outdoor cats, make sure your cats are properly vaccinated. Hello, i have 2 cats, mother and son, rescued from the street, i notice the son is very egoist, he pushes his mother, even thou there is 2 bowls with food 1 for each. I love how cats, even though they are small compared to most dogs, can really hold their own---especially if they have claws. As long as both have their claws and are on equal ground, they will likely figure it out. Aggression is the second most common feline behavior problem seen by animal behaviorists. L C David (author) from Florida on October 23, 2016: Some cats will always be bullies. I have never wanted to hurt an animal in my life but I'm almost at my breaking point with these 2. Spay or neuter any intact pets in your home. She's got baby in her that still wants to come out. This would protect her and it might also allow the other cats to begin to get used to her without being able to attack. I have two 2 year old cats they came from the same liter and they are both fixed. The two cats hiss and slap at each other, but the kitten is the one who hisses more. Even then, sometimes scuffles would break out. Bullying is, unfortunately, a symptom of the feline world. I also do want to mention that it's possible that her stress and weight loss are due to something else (some kind of illness) and that the tom cat's aggression just makes it worse. He's pulling his hair out and prefers to stay in our bedroom . This will likely cut down on the tension, and also help control the surplus pet population. Ever since i got him groomed his sister wont go near him and when she does shes growls and hisses at him. Shauna L Bowling from Central Florida on May 22, 2014: L.C. he started to swat at her today and now she doesn't want to walk past him i love both of them equally and i don't know if i want him with me or my dog with me. They seem ok with each other until the instant that the food or play distraction goes away. How do I stop the spraying? We have three cats, our latest addition is a 3 year old male (Nibbler) that we got about 4 months ago. My worry is this: now my cat is hiding under the bed in the master bedroom, pretty uninterested in coming out to the main part of the house....and the oneupmanship of who gets the 'best' space in shared areas continues. I suggest that 1. We've had a dog for about 4 years now, there's nothing wrong with her, she's the best dog we've ever had. We are trying to take things slow. This is okay. Question: My eight-year-old Siamese cat attacks and chases my two kittens. Once one cat is done, it's like the other cat comes running for more. Answer: My sister adopted three sibling kittens, and one of the siblings had that issue. Feliway is a cat pheromone that is released into the air via a wall plug heater.
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