This begonia gets its name from the dark almost purple cross in the centre of its green leaves which is edged in the same purpley colour. Other common names Iron Cross begonia . ... Begonia Species (Begonia masoniana) Iron Cross was a big surprise success outdoors as a ... read more. maculata to B. variegata a few years ago. ... Mountain Orchids & Select Begonias. #begonias hashtag on Instagram • begonia masoniana. Begonia Leaf Menagerie ♥ Great for adding color to shade to part shade gardens or containers. Great Savings & Free Delivery / Collection on many items 99 Add to wishlist More info Begonia masoniana 'Hungry Jungle' Out of Stock Quick view £ 9 . Wildflower is a plant and flower shop based in the heart of the Ouseburn, Newcastle. Buy Begonia Seeds and get the best deals at the lowest prices on eBay! The green leaves have a deep red pattern in the centre and a red edge, the pattern is often described to be similar to a crest on a shield and these plants are also known by the common name of iron leaf begonia. Located in the Green Mountains of Vermont, Mountain Orchids is a primarily mail-order, nursery offering selections for the Orchid, Begonia, and rare plant enthusiast. Aug 10, 2017 - This Pin was discovered by Adriana Carolina. Maybe when a few more leaves come on you might be able to ID it? Begonia venosa. One interesting and beautiful begonia that's often included with the rex begonias is Begonia masoniana commonly called “Iron Cross Begonia.” This beautiful plant was introduced into cultivation in 1952 and has beautifully puckered leaves with a dark cross in the … It is one of our favorite Begonias! Do you want to know more about how to take care of the plant? The Begonia Mountain is a striking plant due to the special drawing on the leaf and the deep red edge of the leaf. In deze video meer over de verschillende soorten Begonia masoniana (Rock, Mountain, Lonely Rock en River), waar deze planten vandaan komen en de verzorging ervan. The other 3 leaves look like neither though. Rhizomatous Distinctive Foliage is a group of rhizomatous begonias that are grown for their unusual and interesting leaves. Begonia Seeds Nonstop Apricot 15 thru 250 Pelleted Seeds tuberous begonia The nonstop series begonia is a great variety that offers many colors in this series. Egységár / per . #begonias hashtag on Instagram • begonia masoniana. The Begonia masoniana Mountain is one of the four masoniana Begonias from the Eden Collection. . De Begonia Mountain is een opvallende plant door de bijzondere tekening op het blad en de dieprode rand random het blad. Begonia masoniana Mountain. Begonia cf. It enjoys a slightly humid environment but take care not to overwater this plant. Email *. Today's Features. Begonia Begonia River Masoniana 99 Add to wishlist More info Begonia masoniana 'Lonely Rock' Out of Stock Quick view £ 24 . . De Begonia masoniana Mountain is één van de vier masoniana Begonia’s uit de Eden Collection. There are hundreds of cultivars of B. rex to choose among, usually classified by leaf size—small (three inches or less), medium (three to six inches), or large (more than six inches). Above: Begonia rex ‘Red Tango’ mixes well with other shade- and humidity-loving plants such as asparagus ferns and geraniums. Your begonia does resemble variegata more than masoniana so I think you are right in your observations.. ASeringer has uploaded 551 photos to Flickr. In temperate regions it must be grown under glass, or in a completely frost-free environment. Akciós Elfogyott. BUG FILES Polyphemus Moth (Antheraea polyphemus) Begonia masoniana was brought to England from Singapore in 1952, though its country of origin may be either China or India. A new species, Begonia myanmarica, was discovered from Myanmar and herein documented. 99 Add to wishlist More info Begonia masoniana 'Mountain' Add to cart In Stock Monopteron (sensu Doorenbos et al. Begonia venosa. Image of greenhouse, floral, ecol - 117514565 According to this trait, Chinese begonias can generally be divided into three types (): type I, species without an aerial stem, including the majority of tuberous species such as Begonia guishanensis S. H. Huang & Y. M. Shui (Fig. The stunning color and texture of the leaves which have a pebble - like texture is complimented by the red colored leaf … Sometimes called painted-leaf begonias or fancy-leaf begonias, these plants are known for their showy, sometimes jaw-dropping leaf coloration. This begonia gets its name from the dark almost purple cross in the centre of its green leaves which is edged in the same purpley colour. This makes the Begonia one of the most etensive genera of botanica. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Begonia blancii Begonia blancii variegata Begonia bowerae Begonia brevirimosa Begonia carolineifolia Begonia chloroneura Begonia crassicaulis Begonia dichotoma Begonia dregei Begonia emeiensis… ... Begonia picta (Painted Leaf Begonia) (Begonias) : Mountain Orchids, Orchids & Plants for discriminating tastes.
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