There are two types of scale insects; armored and soft scales. Scale insects are unusual in that the adults secrete a shell-like layer that covers all or most of the entire body. Mature female covers have a dark spot (shed skin) just off center whereas male covers have a spot near the cover edge. Damage includes needles that are off color and may turn brown or die. Stressed plants are more susceptible to scale attack. Armored scales live beneath a waxy cover that is not attached to the adult body. commitment to diversity. Adult Black Vine Weevil. Figure 1. Examples of soft scales insects include lecanium scale, Fletcher scale, cottony maple scale, and magnolia scale. Scale – Armored & Soft Basal Trunk Spray 12 oz/gallon o Spray lower five feet of trunk to runoff 12 grams Safari 20 SG = 5 teaspoons indbh = inches of trunk diameter at breast height Products That Work, From People Who Care® ⏐ ⏐ 800-89-VALENT (898-2536) Read and follow label instructions before using. Figure 7. Armored scales also tend to be smaller than soft scales and have Yellow blotchy damage on the top-side of a camellia leaf from scale feeding below. Some Common Soft and Armored scales Soft scales brown soft scale hemispherical scale tessellated scale Armored scales Boisduval scale Fern scale. They attach themselves to a plant and feed by sucking fluids through straw-like mouthparts. Scales that feed on leaves can cause leaf spotting; spots progressively increase in size as the scales continue to feed. Figure 6. As the names suggest, armored scales produce a hard covering, while soft scale coverings are waxy and soft. During this “crawler stage” (many cases mid-May through July) the insects are vulnerable … Scale insects fall into two main categories: armored or soft. Our goal is to provide you with an experience that delivers the information, resources and services that are helpful to you. Scales, especially armored scales, are difficult to control. Female tea scale covers are brown and boat-shaped. Armored scales typically do not move once they begin to feed and do not produce honeydew. Heavy infestations may cause leaf yellowing, stunting, and dieback. Armored scales have a hard, shield-like cover composed of shed skins and wax that conceals the body but is not attached to the body of the insect. The honeydew is a food source for sooty mold. Cooperative Extension prohibits discrimination and harassment regardless of age, color, disability, family and marital status, gender identity, national origin, political beliefs, race, religion, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation and veteran status. Our professional technicians will ensure your trees are taken care of while getting rid of soft scale insects. At low levels of infestation, scale insects … The orchid pit scale is approximately 1-3 mm long. As adults, many soft scale insects have a convex, dome-like or cottony appearance, which makes them relatively easy to find. In North Carolina there are three generations per year with first crawlers emerging in early May then in 6-8 week intervals. There is one true specialist and that is the wasp Microterys nietnerii. Typical damage symptoms include yellow spots on the upper side of leaves where scales are present beneath and sparse foliage from leaf drop (Figure 5). Yellow spots from euonymus scale feeding. Adult scale covers are circular and white with a yellow center 1-2 mm in diameter. commitment to diversity. June 2, 2004: Scales are common insect pests on ornamental trees and shrubs in landscapes. Maintaining healthy plants will minimize the likelihood of a plant being attacked. This publication printed on: Dec. 03, 2020, Armored Scale Identification and Management on Ornamental Plants, Extension Plant Pathology Publications and Factsheets, North Carolina Agricultural Chemicals Manual, Entomology – Insect Biology and Management, NC By Nate Royalty, Ph. They tend to be gray/brown/black. Due to their size and behavior, scale insects frequently go unnoticed on landscape plants until they reach high numbers. Some soft scales have one generation and others have many; this can vary by temperature and region. How Armored Scales Feed Upper leaf surface Male scale Vascular bundle Lower leaf surface Tracks of scale stylets (red) Striped Pine Scale. Soft Brown Scale - Coccus hesperidum L. The scale body is flat and oval, light brown to yellowish in color with brown stippling, and 2.5 to 4 mm long (Fig. When insecticide applications are necessary, dormant oil applications can be made in winter to kill scales on trunks and branches. If you’re seeing ants in the same plant as the scale bugs, you’ll have to get the ants under control at the same time that you treat the invaders. Heavily-infested plants appear unhealthy and produce little new growth. Cooperative extension Web sites and product labels provide useful information on the efficacy of products against a particular species. While some scales infest a wide variety of plants, others are host-specific. Male and female euonymus scale on the underside of a euonymus leaf. Generally, they are divided into two categories, armored (hard) and soft scale. Scales are broadly categorized as either soft scales or armored scales. However, the wax fractions of soft scale tests are smaller than those of armored scale tests (Ben-Dov and Hodgson, 1997). Instead of focusing on locating the vascular system of host plants, armored scale rupture and destroy the cells they’re feeding on directly. They are convex, gray, and occur in dense patches (Figure 8). Crawlers, the immature mobile life stage, may be monitored for by placing double-stick tape on some branches of the plant. For information on other armored scales search the Extension Resource Catalogue. Cooperative Extension is based at North Carolina's two land-grant institutions, If our Policy changes in the future, we will notify our customers and website users of any such changes by posting an updated policy on our website. Scales (Superfamily Coccoidea) are a diverse group of sucking insects that are common pests of trees and shrubs. The life-stage most susceptible to insecticides is the crawler stage, which typically appears in spring. This can reduce plant growth and vigor. Adult female obscure scale under cover on pin oak branch. Scales can be responsible for chlorosis, branch die-back, and ultimately, plant death. Scale insects feed on leaves or branches of many ornamental plants grown in landscapes and nurseries. Crawlers are active for a variable and extended period in mid-summer. Tea scale – Tea scale is most common on the underside of camellia and holly leaves. Signs of armored scale are more subtle than soft scale, because armored scale don’t produce the sticky substance known as honeydew. Scales – Soft vs. Armored. Many cooperative extension services have excellent references on scales; information on the most commonly occurring scale problems that attack specific ornamentals can be found on their Web sites. This Privacy Policy sets forth the privacy practices with respect to your information when you use our software, mobile applications and services (“Services”) . Several other closely related (and difficult to distinguish) Aphytis species attack various armored scales in California. Fern Scale. We want you to know that we respect the privacy and security of our users. Also see Armored (h ard scales) for additional scale insects. NC State University and NC Greedy Scale vs Brown Soft Scale Cassie Bouska OSU Extension Service January 5, 2016 •Brown Soft Scale • Soft Scale •Greedy Scale • Armored scale April 20, 2016 1 Soft body No outer shell Protective cover = armor Entire insect peels off Shell peels back to reveal soft insect underneath •Brown Soft Scale • Usually found on leaves Armored scales range in size, shape, and color. They tend to be brown to yellowish-tan in color. Soft scale insects do not produce such a thick protective barrier. A&T State University. Heavy infestations might kill a tree or shrub. Be aware of the most commonly occurring scale problems in your area. Many armored scales are serious pests of ornamental shrubs, trees, groundcovers and turfgrasses in South Carolina. This Policy will be referenced by all such mobile applications or mobile optimized websites. Receive Email Notifications for New Publications. Destroying soft scale is a relatively easy process, except for those ants. Photo credit J. Davidson, U of MD Also look at Soft scale. After application, test for efficacy by scraping the shell off the plant and looking for the soft, pulpy insect underneath. Scale insects hatch from eggs and typically develop through 2 nymphal instar growth stages known as “crawlers”. Unlike armored scales, soft scales are not covered by non-living waxy armor. They vary a lot in size (from 1/16 to 3/8 inch across) and appearance, but they all grow beneath a waxy covering that resembles a fish scale… Find related pest control products, articles and questions on armored and soft scales Ask A Pro: 866-581-7378 Mon-Fri 9am-5pm ET Live Chat Contact Us Fast Free Shipping On Your Entire Order * Brown Soft Scales and Crawlers. They have one generation per year with crawlers active for 6-8 weeks in early and mid-summer. The provisions of this Policy apply to all such mobile access and use of mobile devices. Crawlers can easily be controlled by oils and contact insecticides, but successful control depends on precise application timing. Although many scale species from many families can be pests of ornamental plants the primary families are armored scales (Diaspididae), soft scales (Coccidae), and felt scales (Eriococcidae). Scale – Armored & Soft Foliar Spray 4 - 8 oz/100 gallons Soil Drench or Soil Injection Container: 12 - 24 oz/100 gallons Apply 4 fl oz of finished solution/6” pot Landscape: 3 - 12 grams/indbh (trees) or 3 - 6 grams/foot of height (shrubs) Basal Trunk Spray 12 oz/gallon Spray lower five feet of trunk to runoff A&T State University, in all 100 counties and with the Eastern Band of Cherokee While they may produce waxy secretions, the wax is granular and does not serve as a protective barrier as do the armored scale secretions. All armored scale bugs are round or oval in shape, no more than a centimeter in diameter, and usually have dark coloration. Soft scales, like aphids and whiteflies, secrete honeydew; when infestations are heavy, infested plants will be covered with large amounts of this sticky substance. Thus the cover can be removed to reveal the scale insect hidden below. If an infestation is detected, treat before the infestation becomes too severe, and monitor the progress of the treatment in the weeks and months after application. This is because they consume plant juices differently. This covering protects the insect from predators, parasites, and adverse environmental conditions. Both types of scales damage plants, from lawn grasses to shrubs and fruits. This Policy also describes the choices you can make about how we collect, use and disclose your information when you provide it to us on any EPG Media & Specialty Information properties will not collect, use or disclose your personal information other than in compliance with this Policy. N.C. Scale insects vary considerably in color – they can be black, brown, green, grey, orange, yellow, red, purple or white. The sooty mold that develops on the honeydew produced by soft scales inhibits the plant’s ability to harvest light energy, reducing photosynthesis and further weakening the host plant. Cottony camellia scale. Soft scales also excrete sugary honeydew and may move from branches to leaves during their life cycle. Armored scales, oak pit scales, and sycamore scale do not excrete honeydew. This privacy policy (this “Policy”) describes the personal information we may collect from you, the purposes for which we collect it, how we use it and when we may share it with third parties. but also pachysandra, hollies, and camellias. Figure 4. 11). The goal of this page is to present information common to many scale species and help identify common scales. Following the posting of such non-material changes, your continued use of any EPG’s websites will constitute your acceptance of these changes and you will be bound by such changes. We discuss our information collection practices below. Generally, they are divided into two categories, armored (hard) and soft scale. D. Scales (Superfamily Coccoidea) are a diverse group of sucking insects that are common pests of trees and shrubs.
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