In addition, they create and test prototypes to make sure that they function according to design. A mining Engineering degree involves studying the extraction of mined resources from the earth in a safe, economical and environmentally responsible manner. The major branches of engineering are civil, chemical, software, mechanical, electrical, and industrial. Sustainable engineering takes into account the three major areas of sustainability: environmental impact, social and economic considerations. A Marine engineer applies knowledge to the development of ocean technologies. From working with circuits and making computers … Available in: Certificate, Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctorate. Nanotechnology is a very specialised discipline that can be applied to a very broad range of industries and fields. You may consider an online program from an accredited university currently accepting applicants: Graduate: Masters, Doctorate As with many engineering fields, the profession is demanding, but the job prospects are good. Photons are a specific type of light. In broad terms, engineering can be divided into four main categories – chemical, civil, electrical and mechanical engineering. The list above represents the many different types of Engineering Degrees available. Although there are not exactly a plethora of choices right now for some branches, more and more colleges and universities are adding online engineering degrees at every level. Most Engineering branches, if pursued from a good college (IIT level), could help one land a high paying job! It is important for structural engineers to understand the construction of buildings and the effects of natural factors such as erosion, corrosion, wind, and water to ensure buildings and structures are safe for a very long period of time. Environmental Engineering, Structural Engineering and Marine Engineering are all specialties of Civil Engineering. The program is ideal for FE’s or PE’s that wish to get into management, or VP/C-level positions in a company. Obviously there are different specializations that cater more towards online engineering degrees, such as Engineering Management, while others are more difficult to learn online. It is also a precursor to graduate studies in either physics or engineering. We develop smaller more convenient electronic devices. You can use the main navigation to find specifics on the different types of engineering degrees, including the emerging online engineering degree. Students will study diverse areas of engineering such as: Material science, manufacturing technology and automation (robotics) along with fluid mechanics and hydraulics. The design, implementation, and maintenance of the plant is one aspect of their duties. These engineering fields are closely related, and deal with the design of ocean vehicles, marine propulsion systems, and marine structures such as harbors, docks, and offshore drilling platforms. Engineering is a broad term that covers a wide range of applications and industries. The primary function of chemical engineers is to design and troubleshoot processes for the production of chemicals, fuels, foods, pharmaceuticals, and biologicals, just to name a few. There are multiple options here: undergraduate options include Associate’s and Bachelor’s degrees in Engineering. They do this to assist in advancements in healthcare treatment technology. ", BLS Says: "Health and safety engineers develop procedures and design systems to protect people from illness and injury and property from damage. Geological Engineers work in the private sector or governmental agencies. Engineers are involved in the mining industry in areas such as: machinery production and design, mine design, mine construction. Successful graduates may find themselves in Telecommunications, Networking, Software Application Development, or Manufacturing, and additional industries are emerging, such as Application Development, Web Development, Network Security / Cybersecurity, and Cloud Computing, among others. Structural engineering is a specific branch of civil engineering, and specializes in the design of different structures, including houses, commercial buildings, art museums, stores, and more. In the past, there were four major engineering branches… One of the most popular kinds of engineering degree. Many other engineering disciplines are derived as an extension of or specialization within one of these major disciplines. Today, the field of engineering offers more career choices than any other discipline! They are most often employed by large-scale manufacturing plants to maximize productivity and product quality while minimizing costs. The engineering knowledge and experience of ceramists, metallurgists, electrical, mechanical and chemical engineers are brought to bear in the application of these properties for a required use. Engineers Get Top Pay. Undergraduate: Certificate, Associates, Bachelors Start studying 4 major disciplines of engineering (2 problems/project that each work on with definition). Geomatics Engineers play an important role in planning future infrastructure and often work with large amounts of data to form digital replications of terrain and develop 3D maps. If you have an interest in electronics a Microelectronic Engineering degree might be of interest. It shares close ties with Biomedical Engineering and Agricultural Engineering, as you might expect. Electrical engineering is one of the industries broadest fields, which means the available jobs can vary widely from one sector to another. They work in a range of industries, including research, manufacturing, telecommunications and more. Available in: Associate’s, Bachelor’s, and Master’s. This type of engineering degree involves technology that utilizes chemical reactions to solve problems. Devices that include EEGs, MRIs, and other imaging machines. Which will improve the efficiency of the company. This is a very broad engineering degree. Employment generally involves working in a consulting capacity or employed in a related industry such as machinery design and production. There are a decent number of Online Masters in Engineering programs, all in different areas of engineering. Nanotechnology is the study of extremely small elements such as molecules and single atoms and the production of extremely small devices. This includes not only the initial construction process but the complete life cycle of the product being developed. Here's an overview of a dozen specific types of engineering. It also often includes … Construction firms hire Geological engineers. Mechanical engineering relates to machines and mechanics in the broadest sense of the term. Another industry that continues to expand is of course the Information Technology (IT) industry.
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